As expected I have hit an mmr wall where I am matched against similar skilled enemies and my win rate is beginning to drop to 50% and I am no longer climbing. However, I am at a loss as to how I can improve at the game. I try to learn from my mistakes and make decisions but I often am not sure what I am doing wrong or should be doing. I mostly struggle with team fights as it can get hectic and confusing for me as well as learning to rotate effectively depending on my class.
I mainly play druid but I am also looking to play another class which I can learn and hopefully master (possibly mesmer, engi, thief or rev).
Is there any advice people could give on general pvp improvement, specified class improvment as well as the general attitude/method to seeing what I am doing wrong and what I can improve on?
Record your own gameplay and analyze.
Practise dueling in matchups you have trouble, preferably against better players who can give you advice.
Follow some high tier player stream, and get at least the basic idea of how they play.