In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

in PvP

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

I have a few thoughts about the in-match scoreboard. There is a disconnect between the scores and what actually constitutes winning a match. There are a lot of people who play Conquest and think that personal score affects the outcome of the match.

  • We could rework the way the scoring works on the scoreboard in the match to better reflect how a match should be played.
  • My first suggestion though would be to get rid of the scoring in the match entirely to do away with people playing Deathmatch during Conquest in Ranked Queue.
  • My second suggestion is making the points on the scoreboard actually indicative of what it takes to win a match. I have been in many, many matches where my team wins the match and we all have less points on the scoreboard than the losing side. It makes the scoreboard look arbitrary.

People look at that scoreboard as the only metric for how good they personally are doing and Conquest is all about team work. That’s the disconnect. This is one of the reasons the scoring format should be changed or done away with. There are a lot of Kobe Bryants running around Conquest in Ranked Queue. It hurts the game.

There has to be a way to adjust how it works to better convey to players that they are playing Conquest properly.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

in PvP

Posted by: Aztex.4895


That’s one of the things that this game needs in order to help less skilled/new players and teams getting stronger and to create new individual and group objectives.

First of all, we need to know everything about everyone in both teams, because right now we only know individual stats.
We also need the below stats:

  • How many deaths, kills and assists everyone had.
  • How much time untill respawn
  • How much time each player stayed on a point while capped, decapped and capped by enemy team (this stat shows the influence of bunkers in a game)
  • How many caps, decaps and lost caps each player witnessed (standing on it or at least 1200 range of the point) (this stat shows the effectiveness of the team)
  • How much damage, outgoing Heals and CC’s each player did. (this stat shows the effectiveness of each player)

For Match Individual Scores, I would change it in one of 2 ways:
1-Remove them and show the complete numbers of the stats I said above.

2-Balance the numbers, making the stats of all players visible:

  • Kill=5p; Assist=2p; Death=-5p
  • Time on owned point=1p for each 2 secs (does not count when decapped or when outside of the point)
  • Cap=10p; Decap=5p
  • Foefire Boss Kill/Assist=30p
  • Lord Kill/Assist=150p

(edited by Aztex.4895)

In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

in PvP

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


Make defense count. Each point earned by the team while a point is contested should reward the defending player with rank points.

Anvil Rockers Unite!

In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I feel like it’s almost impossible to come up with a meaningful scoreboard that comes close to measuring an individuals contributions accurately. So they shouldn’t try imo. Instead of a scoreboard you should have a listing of everyone’s MMR and the win probabilty of the match for each side. Maybe some simple match related statistics but no personal “score”.

In-Match Scoreboard[Suggestions]

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


and the win probabilty of the match for each side

The win probability should be shown after the match. While the match it could discourage some players and lead to more players standing AFK or to desert.