Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


So i main ele (10.8k base hp) and after the conditions uprise lately im trying hard to adapt.
Have an engi on my own and know every skill it has and have played against necros aswell and know their spells in fotm build
The thing is that as hard as im thinking about it i cant see how im supposed to avoid/dodge an unavoidable proc.The necro ,engi just has to autoattack me and he has potentially eaten half my hp while cond removal ,as limited as it is in 1 traitline, it also seems random rng and its nowhere near enough.
Only option is to burst them hard and hope its over soon enough.But that is not a good option even though it can work occasionally..
So my point is.Can anyone help L2P against these things i mention in the title? Stacking cond removal just to make up for their passive burn proc if you want a sustain fight with them doesnt seem to work.You just get overwhelmed a bit later..

(edited by Avead.5760)

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


For Necros,
-Dodge repeatedly when they use Staff (this is where they use skills like Mark of Blood and Chillblains so dodging these will reduce the damage they start out with.)
-Blind them when they use Scepter (Scepter is where they stack the bleeds and they usually use Warhorn with it so blinding them will definitely reduce the damage you receive from this end).
- CC them when they use staff or try to heal(when they are at around half health, they either try to transfer condis or heal so CCing them is a must)
-Burst them when they use Sceptre (Sceptre has very little defence unlike Staff which has fears and chill so bursting them when they pull out a Sceptre is the best thing you can do).
- Bring two stun breakers, preferably a stun breaker with stability. (A Necro will try to chain CC you, the best thing you can do is bring two stun breakers and if you can manage it, make sure one of them has stability. This will prevent them from chain fearing you to death.)

For Engineers,
- Dodge when you see them firing poison darts
- When they start dropping bombs, get off the point. Don’t kill yourself because you’re try to hold a point against an Engi.
- Burst them when their Bombs are on cooldown.
- If they place Big Ol Bomb down, count to 3 then dodge.
- CC them when they are on low health so they can’t use Elixir R
- Blind them when they switch to flamethrower. (When they switch the flamethrower it means they want to knock you back or blind you).

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


So im dodging repeatedly when they use staff?How many times do i do that cause as far as i know i can only do it 2 in a row :P
Anyway I know what they use ..and what they do.But my point is that their burning proc is enough to give a massive edge against me.And thats unavoidable
Im not the guy asking for nerfs but i would feel better knowing that after i lost to that necro,it was cause i didnt avoid his kitten.Not because i was at 5 k hp and he got a burning proc

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Get energy sigil and dodge moar. :p

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Get energy sigil and dodge moar. :p

Omg how did i not think of this!! Ty

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Seriously, you have to be trolling right? You play an ele. You can remove 6 conditions from yourself and 3 from allies near you every 10 seconds without even touching your bar.

If you want to complain about being forced into arcane I’m totally with you. If you want to complain about having to bring condition removal to remove conditions, not so much.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


VS engis, don’t kill yourself with confusion

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Oh wow!those things didnt even cross my mind..Too bad there are all in different weapons,require 30 points in water and 30 in arcana and utilities that are plainly bad..signet of water?? :S
And honestly if i run with ether renewal against an engi im asking to die
Point still stands.Is it healthy gameplay having the strongest condition in the game on an unavoidable proc?In case of the engi only requiring 10 points investment?
Do you feel good knowing that you will eat something as strong as that and that theres nothing you can do? Theres a reason bombs engi and necro are so strong 1vs1 atm and i dont think its l2p issue.How do you l2p against a proc !!?
How do you dodge 4 marks all looking the same?? How to dodge instant knockback/fear? Come on ..dont tell me i have to get every cond removal option i have to stand against those classes.This is not about adapting..this is madness :P

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: nakoda.4213


so your spec is bad for how you want to approach a fight?

this isn’t madness, this is sPvParta!

stop being average.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Manijin.3428


You’re complaining about burn damage. Not tons of conditions getting stacked (which can be easily cleansed), not about getting a huge stack of bleeds which just wrecks you: Burn damage.

Sorry. Either get a bit tankier, or avoid more hits. I mean, you’re an ele. The only class harder to pin down with this stuff is Thief. Mesmer, sometimes. I’m a warrior, and I don’t mind the burn damage. >_>

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Well this has to be the first , im wondering have anyone made a QQ thread about rangers having pets…now thats blasphemy

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


You’re complaining about burn damage. Not tons of conditions getting stacked (which can be easily cleansed), not about getting a huge stack of bleeds which just wrecks you: Burn damage.

Sorry. Either get a bit tankier, or avoid more hits. I mean, you’re an ele. The only class harder to pin down with this stuff is Thief. Mesmer, sometimes. I’m a warrior, and I don’t mind the burn damage. >_>

As you know bunker ele is dead.Far point pressure is done 10 times better by bombs engi.Thats the why every ele now runs dps cause its the only strong option for the benefit of the team.This build has 1 cond removal on water switch,1 from dodging in water and 1 from cleasning water with 40 sec cd.Phoenix also removes but you never use it this way its just a bonus.
I dont know what you are used to playing but i’d like to overcome the drawbacks of my build by skill.I can stand the massive terror cond bombs of necro,or the bombs and pistol condition of engi.
What really stucks in my head and makes me sorry for this game.. is kitten like unavoidable 5 k passive damage through burning covered by poison sigil,instant knockbacks/fears and mechanics like selfrezzes that while counterable require too much more work for my end in relation to the users end.
Thats all..

edit:Of course the same applies to passive cond removal and effects in general.
I also hope there was some normality in removing the condies..
I ve tried timing my cond removal after they proc burning or used ft toolbelt only to see it removing some random crap like 2 stack of bleeds or vulnerability and im left with massive burn and nothing to do about it..

(edited by Avead.5760)

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Well this has to be the first , im wondering have anyone made a QQ thread about rangers having pets…now thats blasphemy

Burning is not the mechanic of encro or engi…are u ok?
Btw there have been a LOT of threads about rangers pets ingeneral if that counts:P

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Marduh.4603


I take off all the conditions almost immediately. But the necromancer casts Epidemic and I die in 2 seconds.

Arenanet balance

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Neare.9703


So OP, remove burn from ele too?

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Manijin.3428


I dont know what you are used to playing but i’d like to overcome the drawbacks of my build by skill.I can stand the massive terror cond bombs of necro,or the bombs and pistol condition of engi.
What really stucks in my head and makes me sorry for this game.. is kitten like unavoidable 5 k passive damage through burning covered by poison sigil,instant knockbacks/fears and mechanics like selfrezzes that while counterable require too much more work for my end in relation to the users end.
Thats all..

Well, there’s the kicker, isn’t it: The idea that skill should make up for any deficiencies in a build. I’m not arguing that it’s a bad idea, but it would mean that the best players could succeed with any build, which I’m afraid isn’t true. Builds all have different strengths and weaknesses, and skill can help cover those weaknesses, but they’re still there. If I build a warrior with no condi-removal and no stun breakers, I’m going to get owned by people with condi’s and stuns (unless I have support there to back me up, but that’s another topic entirely). I can be a great player, but I’m going to go down. Skill doesn’t make your weaknesses irrelevant: It means you can succeed at the role you’ve taken in the group in spite of those weaknesses.

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


Most of you are tryng to play vs Necro by deffence. I disagree with it, if you are playng against Necro (same skill base as you) this way, you will mostly lose the fight. As ele you can almost 1 shot necro by combo. Try to force necro to use dodges and then burst him ( as necro has no vigor and mostly dont have Stability). I would not recommend to use condi vs necro )
Cant speak about engi.

Incediary ammo/powder ,dhuumfire etc

in PvP

Posted by: Elshagan.6342


I take off all the conditions almost immediately. But the necromancer casts Epidemic and I die in 2 seconds.

Arenanet balance

Lol, what? Epidemic kills you in 2 seconds? Utter blasphemy that is, no skill should kill you in 2 seconds… Oh, wait Epidemic doesn’t do damage? Epidemic copies conditions from target to those nearby? Ehm… Yeah… Right… Sorry I’ll just take my leave.

Ezrael Curzeblood: 80 Necro
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.