Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Warriors are getting a more defensive buff via more healing and cooldown reductions.
To the Limit had its healing increased by 40%. Other heals similarity had their heal increased by a certain margin. Signet had its HP increased by 20 HP per second. Adrenal Health also has about a 15% increase.
Some damage increases and some aftercasts removed so you can activate skills quicker.
Cyclone Axe was previously split between PvP/PvE with it dealing less damage in PvE. We unsplit it now so it deals more damage in PvE.
Rifle rework: Crackshot no longer grants piercing by default. It will instead apply additional adrenaline per shot. Piercing is now default on a few select skills like Volley, Killshot, Forceful Shot and Repeating Shot. Brutal Shot (rifle #4) will now evade you back by 400 range and immobilize for 1.5s.
Aimed Shot will now applies 5 stacks of Vulnerability for 8s. Damage increased by 20s.
Berserker – King of Fires – Changed to give a fire shield on critical hits with a cooldown of 15s. Using a berserker skill will detonate any fire aura on you, giving 3 stacks of burning on nearby enemies for 3s.

And i Loled….

All combined Signet and Adrenal we get a grand total of about 50 extra hps sustain. Now we will certainly own the place.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Maybe warriors will stop using the outragious passive signet for an active healing skill.

Still sad the buffs re not enough to bring the warriors back to spvp, but really happy about “to the limit” buff.

Hope it will be the new warrior spvp heal.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


To the limit needs shout trait to be any good.. which means support build.

Where is a proper buff to blood reckoning/mending?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Maybe warriors will stop using the outragious passive signet for an active healing skill.

Still sad the buffs re not enough to bring the warriors back to spvp, but really happy about “to the limit” buff.

Hope it will be the new warrior spvp heal.

Hope not, this game needs a more lineal damage model and burst skills either healing or damage dont help with that, what we actually need is less spiky numbers in either direction, more sustained DPS, AND more passive linear healing.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


I totally disagree.

All classes have to use their cd on the right time.
Stacking passive heals ( regen, signet, adrenaline, sigil of blood, etc ) it’s disgusting for everyone who likes pvp.

But it’s not all about healings, random proc sigils ( 50% chance to ) and some passive traits ( Like thief improvvisation, signet of inspiration, etc ) should be fixed too cause randomic.

Also static passive traits should be removed ( when you reach 50% gain XX ).
They are not RNG, but still a passive skill which could save the player because yes.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Juba.8406


I totally disagree.

All classes have to use their cd on the right time.
Stacking passive heals ( regen, signet, adrenaline, sigil of blood, etc ) it’s disgusting for everyone who likes pvp.

Dude go talk to the other professions, Warrior does not need your rant.

For god sake Warrior now is least passive profession.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


You are talking about balancing a class.
And you can do it without passive stackings.

Did i say i want to defend other professions or anything like this?
Nope. I just want warriors into spvp but without sustain passive traits.

To me it seems that you want not the warrior back to the meta, but specific buffs to the warrior which allow the player to have stronger passive instead.

edit: check where i am stuck now and see that we are bond together this season.

(edited by Shirlias.8104)

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


You are talking about balancing a class.
And you can do it without passive stackings.

The balancing patches history does not support your argument. Every patch has had as part of its justification adding high impact activated and removing linear passive skills, and the game has not gotten better for it.

I will state thou that i do consider say banners with regen as a passive skill.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


At least warrior can heal for 420 per second. They did mention that these weren’t all the changes. Still got about…..9 days before we can start raging st ANet again.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: kmark.8519


Did i say i want to defend other professions or anything like this?
Nope. I just want warriors into spvp but without sustain passive traits.

How do you want to do that when every single other classes have crapload of passive sustain traits but warrior? I mean, why do you want the warrior to be only class without?

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Actually, Warrior has just as many passive traits of both an offensive and defensive nature as other classes and they were the source of many complaints in the past. It’s just the relative strength of those traits right now which is disputed.


Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Warrior would be viable if Rampage behaved like a weapon kit.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Did i say i want to defend other professions or anything like this?
Nope. I just want warriors into spvp but without sustain passive traits.

How do you want to do that when every single other classes have crapload of passive sustain traits but warrior? I mean, why do you want the warrior to be only class without?

Giving him sustain which is not a strong passive heal.
Giving him sustain as “CD” to use or not, depends the situation.

I want a competitive warrior as part of the meta, but also i want healing signet ( and maybe adrenal healt ) be useless into spvp games. CD heals should be way more better.

I dislike also kitten traits like meditation guardian or rage warrior, which heal you for 2k/2.5k ( and don’t let me talk about the kittenness of dead or alive, lawl ).

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Henry.5713


The removal of all of those hybrid condition amulets is going to do way more for the warrior than any of the small buffs.
There will be a new meta with power builds which focus around negating damage through blocks, blinds, stealth, blinks, aegis, invulnerability and dodges. Actually, it might not even do that much to make warriors viable again.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


Well they are buffing rifle… cuz ye i chosed warrior cuz i want to play ranged, cuz god even an engi is a better melee than warrior. I just think they have no idea on how to make melee classes viable. Actualy, i think in any other game when you close the gap and get in a melee range with a melee class, you are in advantage against ranged opponent… in this game NOT!!!!! It’s the opposite, opponent necro/DH bow/ranger are even happy of the warrior getting close, so that they can kittenbomb aoe on themself.
I’m playing solo warrior on diamond league, and you know what are the most common top player i get in the end of the game? Top healing to self, and TOP CONDITION DAMAGE RECIEVED.
So arenanet, the problem of warrior is not the healing, is the fact that a melee class will recieve double the condi apply than any other class, cuz to land your attacks you will go in melee and no matter what, you will proc some of those aoe spam on a team fight.
So instead of trying to transform us warrior in a CoD sniper thing, try to give us some DECENT CONDI CLEANSE mechanics at least in line with other classes. If you dont want us to be able to cleanse our ally is okay, we wont have that support role to differentiate from others classes, but rlly if you rlly want to increase our self sustain, give us a decent anti condi mechanic.

Also, another thing i totaly disagree, is that class like reaper has more access to stability than warrior -.-, really no sense, you stun a necro? who cares, he has double life, you probably are chilled and weakened, so he can even /laugh at you while beeing stunned.

And to end this, i’ve watched some esl pro league match, what i’ve seen is that players are not using theyr skill with accuracy, meaning that they dont really care if some of their skill will miss, they can just spam them! is a spam fest!!! Most of them are not even caring to hit the target, theyr CD are rotating much better than warrior that it doesnt matter if some attack miss, cuz in fact they can easy reset any fight and try again!!!
With warrior, if you miss some crucial attack, only thing you can do is try to run away!!!
Warrior the easier class of the game? No, warrior is the only class that actualy take skill, every class should have similar mechanic, and punish players for brainless spam.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Berserk too?
works as BS and gives you stab.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shala.8352


Berserk too?
works as BS and gives you stab.

“You stun a necro? who cares, he has double life, you probably are chilled and weakened, so he can even /laugh at you while beeing stunned”

If you want i translate better: reaper doesnt need pulsing stability like berserker.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Juba.8406


Warrior would be viable if Rampage behaved like a weapon kit.

Ya make warrior dependent on just one skill then nerf it next patch.

Oh wait… this actually happened.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Berserk too?
works as BS and gives you stab.

“You stun a necro? who cares, he has double life, you probably are chilled and weakened, so he can even /laugh at you while beeing stunned”

If you want i translate better: reaper doesnt need pulsing stability like berserker.

So you are whining about necros, not claiming that you have less stability.


Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Juba.8406


Did i say i want to defend other professions or anything like this?
Nope. I just want warriors into spvp but without sustain passive traits.

How do you want to do that when every single other classes have crapload of passive sustain traits but warrior? I mean, why do you want the warrior to be only class without?

Giving him sustain which is not a strong passive heal.
Giving him sustain as “CD” to use or not, depends the situation.

I want a competitive warrior as part of the meta, but also i want healing signet ( and maybe adrenal healt ) be useless into spvp games. CD heals should be way more better.

I dislike also kitten traits like meditation guardian or rage warrior, which heal you for 2k/2.5k ( and don’t let me talk about the kittenness of dead or alive, lawl ).


You are like a guy that saw a dying person and instead of saving him, he washed his clothes.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Did i say i want to defend other professions or anything like this?
Nope. I just want warriors into spvp but without sustain passive traits.

How do you want to do that when every single other classes have crapload of passive sustain traits but warrior? I mean, why do you want the warrior to be only class without?

Giving him sustain which is not a strong passive heal.
Giving him sustain as “CD” to use or not, depends the situation.

I want a competitive warrior as part of the meta, but also i want healing signet ( and maybe adrenal healt ) be useless into spvp games. CD heals should be way more better.

I dislike also kitten traits like meditation guardian or rage warrior, which heal you for 2k/2.5k ( and don’t let me talk about the kittenness of dead or alive, lawl ).


You are like a guy that saw a dying person and instead of saving him, he washed his clothes.

I think not but, thank you.

If have no passive healing to relay with scares some of the warriors ( and then have to use an healing skill ), i understand why and i accept it.

Incoming Warrior Sustain Buff

in PvP

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Healing buff is something but I’m more interested in the cooldown reductions. I wonder if what we saw in the preview show also the change to adrenaline decay. This could be huge.

Heiann – NSP