Instead of bringing down 7

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


What if brought up the elementalist from the bottom?

I believe the class in on the brink of being viable, only needing some relatively minor fixes to the arcane tree, allocation of traits so that it doesnt cut into our build, 40-60 points having to go into water/arcana is not exactly my definition of versatility. Given the latest AoE nerfs and how staff is still on such a horrible state I think that we can remove the learning wheels on AoE and give them a little more power, less telegraphed and more responsiveness and reliability. Lastly maybe you might want to reconsider the whole survivability of eles at the moment, we arent exactly very variable in our build if everyone has to resort to 2-3 cantrips and tnaky stats in order to perform on “decent” or at least equal level to other glass cannon builds who can forsake any kind of defense by simply having aegis/stealth/stealth&clones.

Sure you can say that we are getting our gimmick mechanic “conjures” buffed, but that doiesnt address our core issues, also, everyone is gettting buffed too, making it a powerlevel. This is a visual representation of whats happening;

n(<—ele) NNNNNNNN (everyone else)

After buff

N(<—ele) ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ (everyone else)

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

(edited by Fortus.6175)

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


Everytime you post, I irks me that areneNet still didn’t address elem concerns on one of your thread.

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Everytime you post, I hirks (Not sure if right spelling lol) me that areneNet still didn’t address elem concerns on one of your thread.

yeah its sad, Im a “hardcore” ele lover so it irks me too when I see the class stomped all over. Hopefully this kind of positive feedback will be heard eventually. My hope is that at some point we will get so many nerfs that there will be no choice but to address them, as a wise forum goer said in another thread

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Celtus.8456


Hello sir, please tell how you are managing to allocate 40-60 trait points into water magic. You must truly be a master of hydromancy, and I would like to learn from you.

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Hello sir, please tell how you are managing to allocate 40-60 trait points into water magic. You must truly be a master of hydromancy, and I would like to learn from you.

Easy, first you start by being in an iceberg, at that point you should have air unlocked. All you have to do is talk to an female NPC that does water spells, she is ussually accompanied by a totally useless ad that has less hit points than a critter. Once you escort her to the other town in Frostforge you will be given a skill point challenge that lets you unlock the water.

hahaha, thanks, fixed that, meant to say arcana water

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


But the 7 (generally) play really boring. Overpowered passives left right and centre. I’d rather we go back to a more reactive game.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

actually no, the best burst is still held for thieves agaisnt moving targets and warriors for CC’ed targets. And before you say that “eles burst is AoE” I remind you that 2 of the main hitting point of that build are single targetted, lighting and arcane missile. Damage aside, the fact that to be able to land all that you need incredible amount of setting up could be offset if it wasnt that you have to sacrifice 2 utilities in order to attain the damage that every other profession is already given in their weapon, leaving no room for defense nor utility for the team. Something that neither thieves, mesmers, warriors or necros have to think about given how their survavility is not tied to kamikaze tactics and how they bring several buffs as well as utility skills on top of their weapon skills.

And yes, I agree that staff need faster auto attack, but first the unresponsiveness of the weapon has to be addressed. As well as the lack of damage outside fire attunement, the inherent problem with gust which failed even against almost standing targets, long CDs and the fact that you have to be constantly switching attunements instead of just when actually needed in order to attain something all “mindless professions” (as many say) do without giving it much thought or even trying.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

actually no, the best burst is still held for thieves agaisnt moving targets and warriors for CC’ed targets. And before you say that “eles burst is AoE” I remind you that 2 of the main hitting point of that build are single targetted, lighting and arcane missile. Damage aside, the fact that to be able to land all that you need incredible amount of setting up could be offset if it wasnt that you have to sacrifice 2 utilities in order to attain the damage that every other profession is already given in their weapon, leaving no room for defense nor utility for the team. Something that neither thieves, mesmers, warriors or necros have to think about given how their survavility is not tied to kamikaze tactics and how they bring several buffs as well as utility skills on top of their weapon skills.

And yes, I agree that staff need faster auto attack, but first the unresponsiveness of the weapon has to be addressed. As well as the lack of damage outside fire attunement, the inherent problem with gust which failed even against almost standing targets, long CDs and the fact that you have to be constantly switching attunements instead of just when actually needed in order to attain something all “mindless professions” (as many say) do without giving it much thought or even trying.

hahahahhaa. No thieves and stun warriors do not match the burst of a s/d ele. Trust me on this. The only set up it needs is good positioning. I may be biased because i play with an extremely good ele. I can understand if its hard for you.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


We should have less mindless, not more. Lets look at fresh air. ‘lack of dmg outside fire’ ‘too dependent on attune cooldowns’ ‘my spells takes ages to hit-nvm it didnt hit at all’.
Fresh air helps all that yet its seen as mindless. I think its actually quite a smart buff but i would not want many more of these changes for the eles or they will end up just as boring as the rest. Its good that your kitten misses or that you cant use your kitten because you chose to use that other kitten the other time.

I wish Anet would try upping ele hp though.

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Reevz.2617


i think nerfing everything at this point is a good idea, everyone has a little bit too much as is.

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

actually no, the best burst is still held for thieves agaisnt moving targets and warriors for CC’ed targets. And before you say that “eles burst is AoE” I remind you that 2 of the main hitting point of that build are single targetted, lighting and arcane missile. Damage aside, the fact that to be able to land all that you need incredible amount of setting up could be offset if it wasnt that you have to sacrifice 2 utilities in order to attain the damage that every other profession is already given in their weapon, leaving no room for defense nor utility for the team. Something that neither thieves, mesmers, warriors or necros have to think about given how their survavility is not tied to kamikaze tactics and how they bring several buffs as well as utility skills on top of their weapon skills.

And yes, I agree that staff need faster auto attack, but first the unresponsiveness of the weapon has to be addressed. As well as the lack of damage outside fire attunement, the inherent problem with gust which failed even against almost standing targets, long CDs and the fact that you have to be constantly switching attunements instead of just when actually needed in order to attain something all “mindless professions” (as many say) do without giving it much thought or even trying.

hahahahhaa. No thieves and stun warriors do not match the burst of a s/d ele. Trust me on this. The only set up it needs is good positioning. I may be biased because i play with an extremely good ele. I can understand if its hard for you.

So you don’t play ele…that’s explain everything..
Your friend plays with a team it seems, he’s a got a whole team to cover for him once he blows all his dps skills including his 2 arcane utilties , as he’ll use lightning flash at 100%, your friend goes around with 0 stun breakers.

Having somebody to peel off for you it’s not something everybody playing ele enjoy atm, that s/d burst build is extremely team dependant..that’s why it doesn’t compare to CC warrior and s/d thief, these two don’t need a whole team to cover their backs.

Again @Fortus is 100% correct, s/d ele burst is far from being the best in the game, your friend can come at me while using a medium toughness build ( 1.5k toughness ) and all his rotation including double arcane will maybe eat 30% of my HP, with the same level of toughness I can receive over 7k dmg from a single backstab or 12k dmg Izerker-duellist done at 1200-900 range and positioning required…no complicated combo….just a couple of buttons against the macro worthy s/d ele burst.

You @Derp have never seen a s/d ele against a shatter mesmer, you should go and watch the CC vs TP match, @Mogwow get flattened by @Helseth in 0.5-1s, he get destroyed by the s/d thief..all @Mogwow does is receive stealth from @Lady nag nag and earthquake-lightning flash- double arcane..and then “reposition” himself

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


I may be biased because i play with an extremely good ele. I can understand if its hard for you.

Well this explains everything, as the guy above me said, you are seeing it from outside therefore you assume it is better than it actually is.

And was the condescending tone really necessary? Did your lack of argumentation made you fall that low that you had to throw the “skill” bomb in order to “support” your point?

I have watched some other threads of yours, I wont generalize but I will say that given your latest thread “classes and what they do” (paraphrasing here) that you have a deep lack of understanding of what classes really do. You sir do not deserve to be in my thread if you do not give positive feedback and all you bring is “u SUck N0obz” arguments.

If you think a S/D kamikaze is a balanced build, with no utilities, no stunbreakers, no defense, easily avoidable damage by anyone with a dodge and 2 brain cells and way better than a mindless thief which well played is uncatchable and can drop you from 100-0 without been seen, or better than a warrior who landed one root and followed with a frenzy 100b, or a mesmer who casts izerker at 1200 range followed by 4 shatters, then you sir, are delusional or ignorant.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Lol ele isn’t for you two i see.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Lol ele isn’t for you two i see.

Definetely I didn’t sign to be a poor man substitute of the d/d thief , by having no stealth, no meaningful escapes and no cheesy easy burst combo.
I made the ele thinking I’d play a similar version of the GW1, an improved version that’s it..after all warrior-thieves-necros-mesmers get to enjoy an improved version of their favourite profession from GW1…only in the ele case we get a worst version.

Then yes you’re correct, the GW2 ele as it stands now it’s not for me, people like your friend may enjoy the whole the “all or nothing” playstyle..but the majority of us doesn’t like the current ele.

I play videogames for fun ..not for personal approval from an unknown person over the internet, I don’t care about being considered pro , noob or whatever , I only want to play a 4 elements based profession like I did in GW1 and not get frustated over that too much to ask?

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Lol ele isn’t for you two i see.

Definetely I didn’t sign to be a poor man substitute of the d/d thief , by having no stealth, no meaningful escapes and no cheesy easy burst combo.
I made the ele thinking I’d play a similar version of the GW1, an improved version that’s it..after all warrior-thieves-necros-mesmers get to enjoy an improved version of their favourite profession from GW1…only in the ele case we get a worst version.

Then yes you’re correct, the GW2 ele as it stands now it’s not for me, people like your friend may enjoy the whole the “all or nothing” playstyle..but the majority of us doesn’t like the current ele.

I play videogames for fun ..not for personal approval from an unknown person over the internet, I don’t care about being considered pro , noob or whatever , I only want to play a 4 elements based profession like I did in GW1 and not get frustated over that too much to ask?

Ele has a high skill ceiling. You can tell a very good ele from a bad one. A best eles are also pianists. The only buff ele needs is to staff and focus and maybe changing arcane trait line. Thats really all. The rest of the class is all positioning and waiting for the meta to be more favorable.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


Lol ele isn’t for you two i see.

Definetely I didn’t sign to be a poor man substitute of the d/d thief , by having no stealth, no meaningful escapes and no cheesy easy burst combo.
I made the ele thinking I’d play a similar version of the GW1, an improved version that’s it..after all warrior-thieves-necros-mesmers get to enjoy an improved version of their favourite profession from GW1…only in the ele case we get a worst version.

Then yes you’re correct, the GW2 ele as it stands now it’s not for me, people like your friend may enjoy the whole the “all or nothing” playstyle..but the majority of us doesn’t like the current ele.

I play videogames for fun ..not for personal approval from an unknown person over the internet, I don’t care about being considered pro , noob or whatever , I only want to play a 4 elements based profession like I did in GW1 and not get frustated over that too much to ask?

Ele has a high skill ceiling. You can tell a very good ele from a bad one. A best eles are also pianists. The only buff ele needs is to staff and focus and maybe changing arcane trait line. Thats really all. The rest of the class is all positioning and waiting for the meta to be more favorable.

funny thing, I play piano, and quite well (more than 12 years of experience), I do relatively well in game with about any profession including ele, despite all its flaws, but just like I also can tell when a profession is high ceiling and when I profession uses the “high ceiling” excuse to justify its ineffectiveness.

I keep hearing the “high skill ceiling” excuse, but even almost perfectly played eles cant stand toe to toe to an equally matched skill-wise players playing any other profession, as proved by the few ele “pros” remaining after the unnecessary nerfs to the class coupled with never-stopping buffs to other classes. Please do not elude yourself into thinking you are of a higher cast, most of us have mastered the class quite fine, me having played for over 90% of my time as an ele can say I know what Im doing.

Get off your high horse and stop justifying stuff, if the only counter argument you have is “your friend” can kil people with ele then I advice to roll and ele and play it out for yourself to see their flaws, only then will you have the right to dispute us and the “pros” on the state of a very deteriorated class.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Lol ele isn’t for you two i see.

Definetely I didn’t sign to be a poor man substitute of the d/d thief , by having no stealth, no meaningful escapes and no cheesy easy burst combo.
I made the ele thinking I’d play a similar version of the GW1, an improved version that’s it..after all warrior-thieves-necros-mesmers get to enjoy an improved version of their favourite profession from GW1…only in the ele case we get a worst version.

Then yes you’re correct, the GW2 ele as it stands now it’s not for me, people like your friend may enjoy the whole the “all or nothing” playstyle..but the majority of us doesn’t like the current ele.

I play videogames for fun ..not for personal approval from an unknown person over the internet, I don’t care about being considered pro , noob or whatever , I only want to play a 4 elements based profession like I did in GW1 and not get frustated over that too much to ask?

Ele has a high skill ceiling. You can tell a very good ele from a bad one. A best eles are also pianists. The only buff ele needs is to staff and focus and maybe changing arcane trait line. Thats really all. The rest of the class is all positioning and waiting for the meta to be more favorable.

funny thing, I play piano, and quite well (more than 12 years of experience), I do relatively well in game with about any profession including ele, despite all its flaws, but just like I also can tell when a profession is high ceiling and when I profession uses the “high ceiling” excuse to justify its ineffectiveness.

I keep hearing the “high skill ceiling” excuse, but even almost perfectly played eles cant stand toe to toe to an equally matched skill-wise players playing any other profession, as proved by the few ele “pros” remaining after the unnecessary nerfs to the class coupled with never-stopping buffs to other classes. Please do not elude yourself into thinking you are of a higher cast, most of us have mastered the class quite fine, me having played for over 90% of my time as an ele can say I know what Im doing.

Get off your high horse and stop justifying stuff, if the only counter argument you have is “your friend” can kil people with ele then I advice to roll and ele and play it out for yourself to see their flaws, only then will you have the right to dispute us and the “pros” on the state of a very deteriorated class.

I do play one. Not at his level but i know why he plays it so well. Ele isnt an easy class at all. Its a very rewarding class. You have good positioning and you can actually play the class you will be rewarded well. IF you cannot do those two things then you will go to the forums and whine about why this class should be easier to play for you.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


i think nerfing everything at this point is a good idea, everyone has a little bit too much as is.

agreed, perhaps that might help the situation, still wouldnt address the core issues with ele survavility but could definitely put a patch on the wound for a bit. Maybe later on down on the road we will see the risk/reward being balanced and eles having some reliable damage

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

Fresh Air damage from Electric Discharge and Lightning Strike is one of the cheesy kind of bursts that should be removed from the game. It’s instant, unpredictable, and only counterable by luck.

They should’ve improved the fire department if they wanted a damage oriented ele instead of this gimmicky build that, as you’ve mentioned, requires constant swapping to capitalize on the GM trait.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


s/d fresh air ele does the best burst in the game. The only issue with ele is how you have to constantly swap attunes/ no stay in attune build diversity and the attacks on focus and staff. Thats really it. Eles aren’t in that bad of the place its just how the meta is.

Fresh Air damage from Electric Discharge and Lightning Strike is one of the cheesy kind of bursts that should be removed from the game. It’s instant, unpredictable, and only counterable by luck.

They should’ve improved the fire department if they wanted a damage oriented ele instead of this gimmicky build that, as you’ve mentioned, requires constant swapping to capitalize on the GM trait.

See thats only half the damage from it. You start in earth. Then Earth 2 air attune air 2 3 1 then swap then phoniex then swap back to air. S/D isnt cheesy burst its reliable and makes a fast pace fun ele. A cheesy burst would be using a stun then taking advantage of 50% crt on stun.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


ele is in fact viable but it’s just that s/he is currently the only class that has risk. If you misplace your key strikes, you pay

on the contrary, the other 7 classes are becoming easy to play and, quote:

, the ele can’t win through spamming low-risk “passive” damage.

whereas “the 7” all can~

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


What if brought up the elementalist from the bottom?

I believe the class in on the brink of being viable, only needing some relatively minor fixes to the arcane tree, allocation of traits so that it doesnt cut into our build, 40-60 points having to go into water/arcana is not exactly my definition of versatility. Given the latest AoE nerfs and how staff is still on such a horrible state I think that we can remove the learning wheels on AoE and give them a little more power, less telegraphed and more responsiveness and reliability. Lastly maybe you might want to reconsider the whole survivability of eles at the moment, we arent exactly very variable in our build if everyone has to resort to 2-3 cantrips and tnaky stats in order to perform on “decent” or at least equal level to other glass cannon builds who can forsake any kind of defense by simply having aegis/stealth/stealth&clones.

Sure you can say that we are getting our gimmick mechanic “conjures” buffed, but that doiesnt address our core issues, also, everyone is gettting buffed too, making it a powerlevel. This is a visual representation of whats happening;

n(<—ele) NNNNNNNN (everyone else)

After buff

N(<—ele) ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ (everyone else)

buffing 1 class each patch to “bring it on par with the others” just increases the power creep.
It’s way better to balance by nerfing other OP things

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Instead of bringing down 7

in PvP

Posted by: Fortus.6175


buffing 1 class each patch to “bring it on par with the others” just increases the power creep.
It’s way better to balance by nerfing other OP things

Lets be honest here, do you actually think, given how poorly managed have been the resources for PvP, that they would actually go through the trouble to nerf 7 classes when they could just do a bandaid fix instead? I can guarantee you, they will either leave it as it is, no ele representation for another 1-2 years, then at some point eles will be sooo far behind that they might as well mae us into another april fool class

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ