Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: OneOhOne.6083


Ever since the first HoT patch condis have begun to instagib and serker or rather “marauder” builds now die in a single skill from certain classes, grenade barrage I’m looking at you (and that’s coming from an engineer player).

The game feels like WoW did going from Burning Crusade (slower, methodical, more balanced and skillful PvP) to Wraith of the Lich King (spam buttons and one shot someone before they one shot you). You know, when WoW was instantly dropped from MLG for balance issues.

Is this ever going to be fixed? Or is there somewhere I can get a refund on HoT, because PvP feels like trash now.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


The title lol…. was it ever balanced to begin with?
Is any game with more than 1 class ever balanced?

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


5 CeleDDeles is teh goal!
5 Eles!

After that, end of the world.

P.S. – Make Burning Ashes baseline.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: OneOhOne.6083


The title lol…. was it ever balanced to begin with?
Is any game with more than 1 class ever balanced?

You should probably read posts before you respond to them.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

The title lol…. was it ever balanced to begin with?
Is any game with more than 1 class ever balanced?

You should probably read posts before you respond to them.

- Your title assumes it was balanced pre-patch.
- There has been no “HoT patch.”

Most people are expecting no balance changes until HoT comes out. It’s best to either grab an Ele or grab a pitchfork until then.

Alright meow, where were we?

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Sweetbread.4701


Honestly just go play a moba. The GW2 pvp devs have been hopelessly tone deaf for basically the game’s entire existence except for maybe nerfing quickness back in the day. Just look at the elite specs, they’re adding more 0 counterplay gimmicks that are wacky to play, but impossibly annoying to actually fight.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


You need to understand the balance team’s philosophy. Balancing is hard. It also takes away from other activities like foosball or ping pong. So, here is the best approach.

1. Make one class really OP
2. Continue to buff that really OP class
3. If everyone starts to play that OP class, then the game is balanced by default
4. If someone doesn’t play the OP class, then that is there fault and they deserve to lose

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: HiddenFlames.7258


Balancing shouldn’t be hard and isnt hard if you just do the number crunching and testing. Especially for a company that wants their game to enter e-sport. At the current rate, not even close they haven’t made a single progress since release for pvp balance.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Sommazzatore.8367


This is a L2P issue. Nothing one shots. Just learn to build and dodge. Not trying to be rude, but its true.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Kicker.8203


Balancing shouldn’t be hard and isnt hard if you just do the number crunching and testing. Especially for a company that wants their game to enter e-sport. At the current rate, not even close they haven’t made a single progress since release for pvp balance.

Even if they don’t listen to that, they should at least listen to ppl(with proper pvp experience) or learn from tournaments.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


5 CeleDDeles is teh goal!
5 Eles!

After that, end of the world.

P.S. – Make Burning Ashes baseline.

Change all the wording and make it reference Revenant and repost after October 23…any game with more than one class will have it’s ebbs and flows for each class…allowing that class to be OP at sometime…do ppl that play GW2 really not realize this? Eles have been getting rolled for months up until sometime last year. Get over it everyone.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: OneOhOne.6083


Would love some feedback from a dev otherwise I’m simply going to refund immediately. Game simply isn’t fun.

All I want to know is if damage is going to go back down to how it was before the patch that reworked masteries.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


This is a L2P issue. Nothing one shots. Just learn to build and dodge. Not trying to be rude, but its true.

Absolutely. ANET can make anything as OP as they want as long as you learn to build and dodge. lolol. Thanks for the laugh.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

This is a L2P issue. Nothing one shots. Just learn to build and dodge. Not trying to be rude, but its true.

Absolutely. ANET can make anything as OP as they want as long as you learn to build and dodge. lolol. Thanks for the laugh.

Mesmer magically disappears and then magically one shot you, L2P issue.
If you want tip, go ask Professor X to teach you how to read Mesmer’s mind.

All is vain.