Is Support Guard Gimping
As someone who largely prefers to play a roamer, and back cap I’d have to say no, you aren’t gimping your team simply by playing a bunker guard. You CAN kitten your team if you all are bunkers and no one has the power to take a point back when it is eventually lost. You have to have a certain degree of balance between roaming and bunking in your group. In my ideal group 1 guy is the immortal bunker, 3 guys are constantly roaming making uneven fights and 1 guy is bouncing between home and mid fighting. Usually with the immortal bunker largely in endless fights on mid.
But that’s just what I’ve had the best luck with in my matches.
Bunker guard in soloq can be really frustrating when you get people that don’t know that bunker guard should be doing, let you afk on mid or just run off to teamfight without you. If you have decent people that somewhat know how to rotate and let you do your job you can carry games, especially teamfights even when your team doesn’t have the most mechanicly skilled players.
Also you can hold some 1v2s forever which can be kewl.
Apart from skyhammer where teamfights aren’t really a thing and really low MMR where people have no clue how to play with a bunker guard in your team it’s definetly really useful.
Funny…I find that I have a pretty strong win % while playing a bunker guard in solo Q.
That being said, I run 0/0/2/6/6 in solo Q instead of an AH build and I primarily use Hammer & Sc/Sh (depending on the map) for the knockbacks.
If you can find any videos of Tage I would suggest checking them out.
He is one of the best guardians I have ever seen, and I bet you could learn a few tricks from watching him play.
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
If you can find any videos of Tage I would suggest checking them out.
He is one of the best guardians I have ever seen, and I bet you could learn a few tricks from watching him play.
tbh kinda over rated now that i watch his streams