Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
(edited by Random Weird Guy.3528)
So I was nearing the end of the ruby division 2 days ago, but since then I seem to have been constantly teamed up with players who die within 2 seconds of a fight and now I’m back to tier 2. I don’t think I’m going to set foot in soloq again any time soon…
(edited by Random Weird Guy.3528)
I have been stuck on Ruby Div 2 for 10 days now. I strictly soloQ and have come very close to throwing my monitor against the wall. Just saying.
Btw, I’ve filled Div 1 and 2 about 30 times…and emptied it about 30 times.
ouch… that last loss….
my condolences :X
I honestly think there’s a bug in pip loss. Everytime I go against a full 5 man premade that is on the top 10 guild list, I always lose 2 pips. According to the chart posted on Reddit, the losers should only lose 1 pip at most.
I got to Ruby 6 in SoloQ then started getting people that were stuck in Ruby on my team. Being stuck for obvious reasons.
So… No, you can get to high Ruby in SoloQ, the issue is then being grouped with people who’ll never make it to diamond. I got a friend and we got to diamond together.
I have soloQ’d through ruby (the first, and most of the second tier was gotten via a 3-4 man group, but the rest solo). It’s insanely frustrating though. The depression you’ll get from getting 1-3 away and then losing 5-7 times in a row is devastating.
Been getting win and loss streaks in ruby, seems to vary on a daily basis. When I loose it’s always down to teams with terrible rotations/melt in team fights. When we win I get comments ‘gg teef’ ‘finally good thief’. When we loose I get comments ‘kitten thief’ ‘I always loose with thief’. So ye, life of a solo quer is like a rollercoaster
Got to tier 5 ruby a few days ago, and since then it’s several losses, one rough win, several loses etc. Constantly getting either complete clueless team mates, 1-2 bads that insta die when they reach a point or suicide 1vX, or 3 alright team mates vs a good team, but one pug is so awful it’s like he’s playing for the other team. Being constantly put in the team with the imbeciles or bads is starting to make my blood boil. You can’t tell who is decent or bad from a forum post so there really is no point to an angry post like this, but for God’s sake, I just don’t know what to do. It really is lost on me how anyone can be so bad.
The comps too. Stop giving me bloody warriors and 2x DH.
Its possible. Im 11 pips away (was on 7) to legendary mostly solo/duo q and sometimes 3x if a guildie wants to be carried. Its hard tho.
Got to tier 5 ruby a few days ago, and since then it’s several losses, one rough win, several loses etc. Constantly getting either complete clueless team mates, 1-2 bads that insta die when they reach a point or suicide 1vX, or 3 alright team mates vs a good team, but one pug is so awful it’s like he’s playing for the other team. Being constantly put in the team with the imbeciles or bads is starting to make my blood boil. You can’t tell who is decent or bad from a forum post so there really is no point to an angry post like this, but for God’s sake, I just don’t know what to do. It really is lost on me how anyone can be so bad.
The comps too. Stop giving me bloody warriors and 2x DH.
J/c, are the scrubs also Ruby?
Got to tier 5 ruby a few days ago, and since then it’s several losses, one rough win, several loses etc. Constantly getting either complete clueless team mates, 1-2 bads that insta die when they reach a point or suicide 1vX, or 3 alright team mates vs a good team, but one pug is so awful it’s like he’s playing for the other team. Being constantly put in the team with the imbeciles or bads is starting to make my blood boil. You can’t tell who is decent or bad from a forum post so there really is no point to an angry post like this, but for God’s sake, I just don’t know what to do. It really is lost on me how anyone can be so bad.
The comps too. Stop giving me bloody warriors and 2x DH.
J/c, are the scrubs also Ruby?
Most if not all. I’ve seen a few sapphire and diamond in my teams but I can’t match the badge with the name, class or match.
ofc if you exploit mmr.
Oh I have a theory. Games seemed to get a lot better after bunker mesmer nerf. Then, the next day it got worse, and now it’s abysmal. The bunker mesmers stopped playing the mindless bunker mesmer and went back to being trash, only now they are in ruby and diamond division. Very well bloody done again ANet. Finish the fix by throwing them back down to amber.
Is it possible to get past ruby in soloq?
Yes, if you play Revenant.
It’s possible, I made it to Diamond soloq a majority of my games. It did take me the longest of the divisions so far; took me a week and a few days to get through it.
Oh I have a theory. Games seemed to get a lot better after bunker mesmer nerf. Then, the next day it got worse, and now it’s abysmal. The bunker mesmers stopped playing the mindless bunker mesmer and went back to being trash, only now they are in ruby and diamond division. Very well bloody done again ANet. Finish the fix by throwing them back down to amber.
Man, I had the exact same experience, but didn’t think of it this way. This is very possible.
Anyways, I had the same. I kept going from tier 4 to tier 2 and vice versa. I got horrible losing streaks and felt like matchmaking just wants me to carry all these people. It was impossible and I quit twice for a week. Maybe if I had more energy to go through that, I would get through it. To this point I only soloqed. Today, I grabbed a friend and we duoqed for a few hours. Result? 22 pips gain and got in diamond. SO much less painful. I wasn’t getting CC premades every other game, I wasn’t getting horrible teammates anymore. And no, my friend wasn’t in Amber/Emerald.
Maybe if you are really good. I’m not it seems but I have lost to a few players consistent enough to make me think it’s possible. Also once more and more grinders enter ruby it should be easier imo.
I’m 5 pips away from diamond right now, full solo queue since hitting ruby, hoping to make it there today. I’ll report back later with how badly it goes.
6 pips away and I keep winnind and losing. I think my w/l ratio is around 50% . It’s really rough as solo-queuer.
maybe I need to take a sapphire/emerald player. or playing stronghold instead0.
(edited by gin.6915)
I honestly think there’s a bug in pip loss. Everytime I go against a full 5 man premade that is on the top 10 guild list, I always lose 2 pips. According to the chart posted on Reddit, the losers should only lose 1 pip at most.
Yea, it’s not only this, i had a game where a rev stayed afk 90% of the time and eventually disconnected, i lost two kitten pips.
Iknew i was going to get stucked in ruby, but losing 2 entire tiers in consecutive loss plus having to deal with that kind of punishment is a bit too much of an emotional rollercoaster for me.
I was getting there slowly but surely, and then I went 1-15 for some reason. This game sometimes put you through the weirdest losing streaks.
I was getting there slowly but surely, and then I went 1-15 for some reason. This game sometimes put you through the weirdest losing streaks.
I was getting there slowly but surely, and then I went 1-15 for some reason. This game sometimes put you through the weirdest losing streaks.
I think at some point you just hit higher MMR and then the game forces you to carry worse people. Why? No clue, but they should know by now it’s impossible.
The bads that tanked their MMR further for easy chair progress are now in Ruby and you are getting teamed up with them.
There are still a lot of good players in sapphire maybe even emerald who didnt tank their MMR and got held back by a bit. They should reach Ruby within a week or so.
It’s possible but incredibly frustrating. I’m Ruby tier 5 at the moment having played 100% solo up to this point. I spent two days in Ruby tier 1 just going up and down (win one, lose two, win two, lose one etc.) and I have now hit a similar patch in tier 4-5, where I can’t seem to make real progress.
I’ll do this season’s climb solo but I don’t think I will be doing it again in future seasons. Not worth the aggravation at all, not even close.
So far so good in ruby, whent to tier 3 without losses. Lost and won one since. Pfft fingers crossed if i hear these stories. Havent been on big losing streaks since hot.
Its weekend now tho…
What should happen is that ppl who lost streaks of games on purpose to drop their MMR get a division reset. I have screenshots of guys that claim they purposely lost huge streaks of games to drop their MMR. They havent been reset yet.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
I honestly think there’s a bug in pip loss. Everytime I go against a full 5 man premade that is on the top 10 guild list, I always lose 2 pips. According to the chart posted on Reddit, the losers should only lose 1 pip at most.
The worse you lose, the better chance that you will lose 2 pips
If I could toss a coin instead of playing a match, I’ll do that. After all, imo, it has more to do with luck than anything else. Fair games are rare in my experience, you either get to play in the good team and win relatively easy or get to play in the bad team and lose.
Honestly I’m getting tired of spending hours every day doing my best to win and still losing because the game decided so.
I see no point in playing with this system.
I’m 5 pips away from diamond right now, full solo queue since hitting ruby, hoping to make it there today. I’ll report back later with how badly it goes.
Did make it to diamond after 12 games, pip changes were +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +2 +1. The only games that weren’t +1 wins or -1 losses were the +2 win against a 4man premade near the end, and the first game which was a close game but a +1 loss. Partially thanks to Tarcis and Trackful for a couple carries in the middle there.
I’ve done 100% soloQ up till now, and I just find it impossible. I’ve been in between 5-10 pips for a week now simply because it doesn’t matter if YOU are better than the other players, it matters if your team is and that is purely regulated by chance and luck.
One match you get teamed with clueless people who spend half the match on an enemy capped node fighting 1-2 bunkers (they are unable to kill or decap even), leaving the other outnumbered on other nodes etc., the other match the other team has those people doing that etc.
Conclusion: people with Diamond or higher are (A) very lucky in the matchmaking, or; (B) teaming up with people they know aren’t (very) bad
I simply don’t know any other (good) pvp’ers so I’m left with trying option A Q__Q
Perhaps Anet should cut down on how much pips you can lose (daily or smth) or put some threshold within Ruby and Diamond. Like previous u couldn’t lose tiers, in Ruby you can’t go down after getting 1/3rd (every 2 tiers), and in Diamond like a halfway-point.
(edited by Vandeveld.5069)
reached diamond yesterday and I was soloquing 99% till that.
I’ve done 100% soloQ up till now, and I just find it impossible. I’ve been in between 5-10 pips for a week now simply because it doesn’t matter if YOU are better than the other players, it matters if your team is and that is purely regulated by chance and luck.
One match you get teamed with clueless people who spend half the match on an enemy capped node fighting 1-2 bunkers (they are unable to kill or decap even), leaving the other outnumbered on other nodes etc., the other match the other team has those people doing that etc.
Conclusion: people with Diamond or higher are (A) very lucky in the matchmaking, or; (B) teaming up with people they know aren’t (very) bad
I simply don’t know any other (good) pvp’ers so I’m left with trying option A Q__Q
Perhaps Anet should cut down on how much pips you can lose (daily or smth) or put some threshold within Ruby and Diamond. Like previous u couldn’t lose tiers, in Ruby you can’t go down after getting 1/3rd (every 2 tiers), and in Diamond like a halfway-point.
There is no such thing as luck over a longer run. You get lucky one day and unlucky the next. But in the long run it even outs and you only have yourswlf to blame.
Maybe youre not good enough to get past ruby?
I just got diamond too. Full solo queue. the last 2 tier is the hardest. At tier 4 ruby I kept winning and losing multiple times.
I’ve done 100% soloQ up till now, and I just find it impossible. I’ve been in between 5-10 pips for a week now simply because it doesn’t matter if YOU are better than the other players, it matters if your team is and that is purely regulated by chance and luck.
One match you get teamed with clueless people who spend half the match on an enemy capped node fighting 1-2 bunkers (they are unable to kill or decap even), leaving the other outnumbered on other nodes etc., the other match the other team has those people doing that etc.
Conclusion: people with Diamond or higher are (A) very lucky in the matchmaking, or; (B) teaming up with people they know aren’t (very) bad
I simply don’t know any other (good) pvp’ers so I’m left with trying option A Q__Q
Perhaps Anet should cut down on how much pips you can lose (daily or smth) or put some threshold within Ruby and Diamond. Like previous u couldn’t lose tiers, in Ruby you can’t go down after getting 1/3rd (every 2 tiers), and in Diamond like a halfway-point.
There is no such thing as luck over a longer run. You get lucky one day and unlucky the next. But in the long run it even outs and you only have yourswlf to blame.
Maybe youre not good enough to get past ruby?
You actually support my claim.. Indeed, as you say, the one evens the other out: Lucky day you get some pips , unlucky days you get some pips – . Endresult = 0 progression, unless you have 2 lucky days in matchmakingland :P
I have soloQ’d through ruby (the first, and most of the second tier was gotten via a 3-4 man group, but the rest solo). It’s insanely frustrating though. The depression you’ll get from getting 1-3 away and then losing 5-7 times in a row is devastating.
I’m having this exact problem. Was 3 away twice then lost 4 games in a row twice. It’s ridiculous. Is T6 legitimately making it harder to progress or is it just coincidence? Can I not see absurd levels of bullkitten for just one day?
It’s possible, but will be very difficult. Think about it. Luck will have to be on your side so that the pug teams you’re paired with on the journey execute better team coordination, have more skill and are running relevant builds to be effective. Even if you didn’t have to face this imbalanced meta and full premade teams with strategy, even if you didn’t have that you would still need to get lucky on top of being a very good player.
But since there is no separation of premade and solo queue and the meta is kittened, you will face everything from duos to full premade guild teams on voice comms. Some will be horrible, some will be great. Again, it’s going to take a lot of hours and a lot of luck to make it though Ruby just solo queuing.
If you are experienced and really want to make it to Diamond solo queuing, you’re best bet is to buy an additional Heart of Thorns license (second/alt account) and start on that account. You’ll have base level MMR and will cruise your way into Ruby.
To my knowing, ArenaNet has no policy against a player having multiple accounts and simply working your way though the divisions on both accounts.
I’m having similar problems in ruby… have like 5 wins left for diamond and most of the times, I stay above 80% wins, but by whatever reason, I sometimes have those horrible loss-streaks that set me back like 5-10 pips in one bad day.
Often it’s just a combination of bad luck, a bad matchmaking system and getting really annoyed and angry which causes bad play, even if I myself often don’t really notice it (or don’t want to notice it, cuz you know, blaming others is easier).
It’s just really sad to see ppl with lower MMR or that somehow abuse the system, getting into ruby and even diamond much easier and it really is enfuriating sometimes.
Was actually close to deinstalling the game out of rage after one of those loosing streaks. -.-°
I honestly think there’s a bug in pip loss. Everytime I go against a full 5 man premade that is on the top 10 guild list, I always lose 2 pips. According to the chart posted on Reddit, the losers should only lose 1 pip at most.
A dev posted saying that the reddit chart is not accurate. And he would be updating the official wiki. Its somehwere on the pvp forums here. Im just to lazy to look for you
I made it to diamond by playing soloqueue as a reaper.
Just by trying to win all your 1v1s and trying to make most of the calls.
Also just tryharding + drawing everything on the minimap.
Never had more than 4 losses in a row I guess. The last 7 pips took like 25+ games I guess which was a pain..
I made it to diamond by playing soloqueue as a reaper.
Just by trying to win all your 1v1s and trying to make most of the calls.
Also just tryharding + drawing everything on the minimap.Never had more than 4 losses in a row I guess. The last 7 pips took like 25+ games I guess which was a pain..
Yeah around the last 10 pips was the hardest. Win lose win lose like a loop
I made it to diamond by playing soloqueue as a reaper.
Just by trying to win all your 1v1s and trying to make most of the calls.
Also just tryharding + drawing everything on the minimap.Never had more than 4 losses in a row I guess. The last 7 pips took like 25+ games I guess which was a pain..
Yeah around the last 10 pips was the hardest
. Win lose win lose like a loop
Matchamking always trying to kitten you up towards the end. Thats my experience from all divisions pretty much and what i experience now. Was 7 pips away from legendary and now im 15 away.. it pairs me with such trash kittenter mesmers or hammer rev.. Legit.
I made it to diamond by playing soloqueue as a reaper.
Just by trying to win all your 1v1s and trying to make most of the calls.
Also just tryharding + drawing everything on the minimap.Never had more than 4 losses in a row I guess. The last 7 pips took like 25+ games I guess which was a pain..
Yeah around the last 10 pips was the hardest
. Win lose win lose like a loop
Matchamking always trying to kitten you up towards the end. Thats my experience from all divisions pretty much and what i experience now. Was 7 pips away from legendary and now im 15 away.. it pairs me with such trash kittenter mesmers or hammer rev.. Legit.
Yeah I can relate. The last two tiers is the hardest in every division in my experience. Kitten matchmaking.
Yes, tick the stronghold icon also where tactics actually matter.
With this meta conquest is a joke.
Yes. I was able to get out of ruby and into diamond on what is largely considered one of the worst ranger builds possible. The last few pips are the biggest PITA though.
Trick ive noticed is playing in a way that causes you to have as much of an impact as possible. I swapped to a much glassier setup and started winning matches much more often (when from bottom of ruby to diamond in one 6-8 hour stretch…my head hurt like hell afterwords) because the impact I had on individual fights was much higher. This let my skill level have more of an impact on the course of the fight instead of waiting for key moments to try to nail something.
So if your build has a strength or a specific role. Altering it or moving your focus into a direction that is much more direct may help. (like a chronomancer focusing super heavily on the control aspect of the spec instead of just the bunker nature.)
Yes. I was able to get out of ruby and into diamond on what is largely considered one of the worst ranger builds possible. The last few pips are the biggest PITA though.
Trick ive noticed is playing in a way that causes you to have as much of an impact as possible. I swapped to a much glassier setup and started winning matches much more often (when from bottom of ruby to diamond in one 6-8 hour stretch…my head hurt like hell afterwords) because the impact I had on individual fights was much higher. This let my skill level have more of an impact on the course of the fight instead of waiting for key moments to try to nail something.
So if your build has a strength or a specific role. Altering it or moving your focus into a direction that is much more direct may help. (like a chronomancer focusing super heavily on the control aspect of the spec instead of just the bunker nature.)
Which ranger build did you play?
Yes. I was able to get out of ruby and into diamond on what is largely considered one of the worst ranger builds possible. The last few pips are the biggest PITA though.
Trick ive noticed is playing in a way that causes you to have as much of an impact as possible. I swapped to a much glassier setup and started winning matches much more often (when from bottom of ruby to diamond in one 6-8 hour stretch…my head hurt like hell afterwords) because the impact I had on individual fights was much higher. This let my skill level have more of an impact on the course of the fight instead of waiting for key moments to try to nail something.
So if your build has a strength or a specific role. Altering it or moving your focus into a direction that is much more direct may help. (like a chronomancer focusing super heavily on the control aspect of the spec instead of just the bunker nature.)
Which ranger build did you play?
Full shout zerk ranger. Zerk amulet Trooper runes. MM NM BM. longbow GS. Alot of people don’t know just how many tricks you can pull off with shouts :P went to my advantage.
Alot of people don’t know just how many tricks you can pull off with shouts :P went to my advantage.
It’s true enough. I’m also using a non-meta ranger build, though different from yours, with great success. The sadistic side of me gets deep satisfaction from destroying players that are using meta builds and seem to have forgotten how to play against non-metas.
Alot of people don’t know just how many tricks you can pull off with shouts :P went to my advantage.
It’s true enough. I’m also using a non-meta ranger build, though different from yours, with great success. The sadistic side of me gets deep satisfaction from destroying players that are using meta builds and seem to have forgotten how to play against non-metas.
Hahaha aint that the truth. That moment when you 100-0 a dragonhunter or a druid in around 2 seconds. is just amazing. As he probably has no idea what actually went into making it happen. So he can’t stop it.
I’d probably be in ruby (luck be with me) by now but I took a break for awhile.. Back at it since yesterday half through sapphire now.. Full soloq since amber.
I doubt I will even bother trying to go past ruby, just do not have the patience.
(edited by dank.3680)
The answer to the question is no, you can’t pas ruby with solo queue, I’ve tried, got to 8 pips, after that I had to team up, I made it to 15 pips, after that I lost I won, now I’m at 12 pips again…. There are out hungry guilds who will eat you up while soloing… and there is a meta team already… I don’t want to say it, because everybody will run that, it is so effective… and yes, this is sad, solo queue should be for solo people only! This is messed up!
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