Is players themselves, not Anet.

Is players themselves, not Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


This topic has been on my mind for months. I always wondered why the community at large couldn’t just say “No one play Necromancers with Dhuumfire or Terror or Warriors with Paralyzation till they fix them”. I believe the LoL community bans certain heroes for tournaments so why can’t we ban certain specs?

Because this game doesn’t currently have the spec diversity to ban anything at the moment.

Not that I agree with the overall sentiment per say, but it isn’t even worth discussing when classes have so few options as it is.

I really do not agree with your thought that there aren’t enough viable ways to specc for tournament play when the reality is you guys are the ones limiting yourselves. Necros used to go for bleed stacking way before Dhuumfire, why isn’t that spec viable now? There are fear specs, power specs, deathshroud specs.

To say there is no variety is you being blind to what is there. Ban the trait and see what happens. The changes to Necro didn’t just add burning, it added more cover condis which means even without burning, Necros are still formidable.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Is players themselves, not Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307



Yeah if anything it’s better if people run the strongest builds available, so that, like you say, the devs can see that they have built an objective advantage that excludes variety rather than what we have right now, where it is a subjective advantage that can be argued away with counterexamples.

Either way, it’s the developers’ problem not the players’ to sort that out.

It’s not my responsibility to contribute my opinion to how to balance the game it’s to win and look for ways to further widen the margin of how much I win.

Is players themselves, not Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: Loco.4561


This game is not designed for people who want to win through skill or playstyle, it’s designed for casual players who don’t care for skill and just want to win with the least amount of effort possible. It’s the direction that aNet wanted to take this game and they have lost and are still losing the core sPvP community.

Do aNet care not really. The fact that every match is riddled with the current FOTM least effort required specs and professions is testament to that fact. Warriors are not even being balanced in the next patch, aNet are BUFFING their shout mechanic. They have no issue that the Healing Signet is quite frankly over-powered. If I spec my Necro for MM and spec for Heals from my minions, which does not scale with healing power and only provides healing on attack, with four minions attacking and siphoning health (remember I have SPECCED for this, not just slotted a signet…) I still don’t get anywhere near as much healing as that healing signet and that heals PER SECOND, yet aNet seem to think it’s balanced? On a profession that has the highest base toughness, vitality and easy access to defence, CC and stability.

In ever single warzone, there are at least 2-3 warriors per side, all running Hammer/Longbow or Mace,Shield/Hammer/GS. The last match had FOUR Hammer/Longbow warriors on the opposing team, how much fun do you think that was for the poor souls on the receiving end? Do you think they re-queued for PvP or logged off…..?

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

(edited by Loco.4561)

Is players themselves, not Anet.

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


If you can’t beat them join them until you determine a way you can reliably beat them. /shrug