Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: mursie.3681


But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.

Actually no. In high-end tPvP it’s almost impossible for a thief to 1v1 any class (besides warrior).

Thief is literally one of the weakest classes in the high-end spectrum of the ladder and they’re even weaker 1v1.

Pretty much this. Thieves have very little chance in higher tiers against any class 1v1 except other pure glass builds.

Their only role is to quickly finish off damaged and pre-occupied targets with no cooldown’s left in teamfights and using mobility to turn numbers in their team’s favor. They can serve that role very well, but only if the rest of his team can hold their own, which means that solo q tournies can be a very hostile environment for Thieves…

this post is so well written it should be posted everywhere. I believe, more than any other class aside from warrior, a thief is only viable to the extent it is carried by good teammates. without good teammates the thief is useless. It is extremely weak except in the small handful of quality teams that support it to truly have it excel at its role.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Even if it’s only 3 seconds, that is too slow a reaction time for this style game. The ability to recognize a threat and hit your stun-breaker/“oh kitten” button and initiate calculated dodge rolls in mere milliseconds is an entry level requirement to pvp in GW2.


Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Med.6150


Thieves are not among the weakest classes for pvp. Thieves simply can appear to be useless depending on what they are matched up against. At the same time they are really strong in other situations.

1on1 the 25/30/0/0/15 build has a certain time window to kill you. Once that expires, a thief is an easy kill. Given the random nature of this game, a single dodge roll or even a critical/non-critical hit will either mean the thief kills you with close to 100% health or die a horrible death to your hands.

Is that good design? I don’t think so, but I haven’t heard of any efforts being made to change that design and concept.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Yet another baddie asks for a class wide nerf just because he plays like a sankitten.

Also, most competent thieves do not run the instagib because frankly thieves like targeting each other first and you would make for easy pickings.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


This is a screenshot of a 1v1 or should I say 0v1 as I never saw the thief coming. Now I’m a necro with a bit over 2k toughness and 29,600 hp. Never got a chance to hit back, and all this in a matter of about 2-3 seconds. How is this fair is pvp? Should so much burst damage be allowed right after stealth? Not to even mention when they blink out before they spike you.

What a pile of misinformation.

Okay, first off. Let’s say you take:

  • Soldier’s Amulet & Jewel
  • 30 pts in Death Magic & 30 pts in Blood Magic
  • Freaking 5 Dolyak 1 Earth runes

You are at 2,050 toughness, and 28,312 Health from that. How are you claiming to have 29,600 health and over 2k toughness? That’s not even achievable if you sacrifice every possible thing in sPvP.

I am 100% certain that you have around 1200 toughness or less, actually, from those numbers. The guy has 0 might stacks, and had 0 bloodlust when he opened – everyone knows how much damage Glasscannon thieves do. You probably run Carrion, and maybe mistakenly thought your armour value was your toughness value.

You soaked 38,720 damage from that thief, 11,056 was from his burst combo, that’s 28.55% of the damage you took. 71.45% of the damage you took was like.. dodge-able, & counter-able. Heck, if you even turned around and looked intimidating you probably could have forced him to dodge off you.

Like many people in this thread have said already, it took the thief at least 5.75 seconds to do this to you, because the second Flame Blast hit you before he Heartseekers you for the last time and then autos. Even though you’ve insisted it was was 3 seconds max many times, the likelihood of the Thief circumventing internal sigil cooldowns, or using cheats is a lot lower than the chances of you being.. wrong.

Sorry man! You’re going to have to look for improvement within yourself before giving feedback on the forums.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Wow this is a definite l2 kitten ue

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Phone auto correct l2p

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


This is a screenshot of a 1v1 or should I say 0v1 as I never saw the thief coming. Now I’m a necro with a bit over 2k toughness and 29,600 hp. Never got a chance to hit back, and all this in a matter of about 2-3 seconds. How is this fair is pvp? Should so much burst damage be allowed right after stealth? Not to even mention when they blink out before they spike you.

What a pile of misinformation.

Okay, first off. Let’s say you take:

  • Soldier’s Amulet & Jewel
  • 30 pts in Death Magic & 30 pts in Blood Magic
  • Freaking 5 Dolyak 1 Earth runes

You are at 2,050 toughness, and 28,312 Health from that. How are you claiming to have 29,600 health and over 2k toughness? That’s not even achievable if you sacrifice every possible thing in sPvP.

I am 100% certain that you have around 1200 toughness or less, actually, from those numbers. The guy has 0 might stacks, and had 0 bloodlust when he opened – everyone knows how much damage Glasscannon thieves do. You probably run Carrion, and maybe mistakenly thought your armour value was your toughness value.

You soaked 38,720 damage from that thief, 11,056 was from his burst combo, that’s 28.55% of the damage you took. 71.45% of the damage you took was like.. dodge-able, & counter-able. Heck, if you even turned around and looked intimidating you probably could have forced him to dodge off you.

Like many people in this thread have said already, it took the thief at least 5.75 seconds to do this to you, because the second Flame Blast hit you before he Heartseekers you for the last time and then autos. Even though you’ve insisted it was was 3 seconds max many times, the likelihood of the Thief circumventing internal sigil cooldowns, or using cheats is a lot lower than the chances of you being.. wrong.

Sorry man! You’re going to have to look for improvement within yourself before giving feedback on the forums.

now, burn. BURN.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Thieves, just like any other bursts in this game are easy to deal with when you have your cool downs and you know what’s coming your way.

For a new or inexperienced player it’s just incredibly frustrating to die instantly and stealth just makes the feeling worse.

Burst damage and more generally the pace of the game is a core issue of Gw2’s combat. It’s what makes the game so hard to learn and it needs to be fixed so that new players can come into pvp throughout the game’s life without tearing their hair apart.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


Burst damage and more generally the pace of the game is a core issue of Gw2’s combat. It’s what makes the game so hard to learn and it needs to be fixed so that new players can come into pvp throughout the game’s life without tearing their hair apart.

Lol, guess what it is that slows games down and forces tactics on the teams, hint it is the only one of the trinity left out of this game.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaon.7192


This is a screenshot of a 1v1 or should I say 0v1 as I never saw the thief coming. Now I’m a necro with a bit over 2k toughness and 29,600 hp. Never got a chance to hit back, and all this in a matter of about 2-3 seconds. How is this fair is pvp? Should so much burst damage be allowed right after stealth? Not to even mention when they blink out before they spike you.

What a pile of misinformation.

Okay, first off. Let’s say you take:

  • Soldier’s Amulet & Jewel
  • 30 pts in Death Magic & 30 pts in Blood Magic
  • Freaking 5 Dolyak 1 Earth runes

You are at 2,050 toughness, and 28,312 Health from that. How are you claiming to have 29,600 health and over 2k toughness? That’s not even achievable if you sacrifice every possible thing in sPvP.

I am 100% certain that you have around 1200 toughness or less, actually, from those numbers. The guy has 0 might stacks, and had 0 bloodlust when he opened – everyone knows how much damage Glasscannon thieves do. You probably run Carrion, and maybe mistakenly thought your armour value was your toughness value.

You soaked 38,720 damage from that thief, 11,056 was from his burst combo, that’s 28.55% of the damage you took. 71.45% of the damage you took was like.. dodge-able, & counter-able. Heck, if you even turned around and looked intimidating you probably could have forced him to dodge off you.

Like many people in this thread have said already, it took the thief at least 5.75 seconds to do this to you, because the second Flame Blast hit you before he Heartseekers you for the last time and then autos. Even though you’ve insisted it was was 3 seconds max many times, the likelihood of the Thief circumventing internal sigil cooldowns, or using cheats is a lot lower than the chances of you being.. wrong.

Sorry man! You’re going to have to look for improvement within yourself before giving feedback on the forums.

Hahaha this post made my day.

Thank you for demonstrating that the OP’s claimed timing AND stats are impossible to achieve.

This was a glass Necro with >5s response time, people. Nothing to see here.

(edited by Kaon.7192)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


once you understand thiefs its not a big deal. first off you cant cap /hold a point in stealth, so honeslty I don’t find it troublesome.

If anything thiefs are a lil underpowered in spvp-certainly not OP.
So, nope don’t really consider an issue. Now if you gave a self stealth to eles, that would be op

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.

Actually no. In high-end tPvP it’s almost impossible for a thief to 1v1 any class (besides warrior).

Thief is literally one of the weakest classes in the high-end spectrum of the ladder and they’re even weaker 1v1.

Pretty much this. Thieves have very little chance in higher tiers against any class 1v1 except other pure glass builds.

Their only role is to quickly finish off damaged and pre-occupied targets with no cooldown’s left in teamfights and using mobility to turn numbers in their team’s favor. They can serve that role very well, but only if the rest of his team can hold their own, which means that solo q tournies can be a very hostile environment for Thieves…

This is true and I don’t even play a thief. In hotjoins, a pair of thieves can wreck anyone that’s alone and that’s why there are so many complaints about them, but in tournies, it’s a whole different story. The most they can do is either ninja an npc or harass a bunker into leaving the node so that someone else can cap. Other than that, they serve a minimal purpose in tournies. I would rather have a warrior over a thief because warriors have more cc.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


You went afk and died? I don’t see the problem.

if you weren’t afk you need to uninstall. He hit you with opening burst..followed by auto attacks..followed by 3 heartseekers…ran out of initiative and proceeded to do more auto attacks. this only happens if you are literally standing still afk. or … if you have absolutely no clue how to even move your character.

I don’t think you read that right… the person did 30k dmg in roughly 3 seconds.

Whether or not its balanced in competitive play, odds say its not OP there.
The person is talking about casual play though, an instant probably stunned out death spike, that if avoided because the thief is bad, the thief can just waltz away from with stealth… doesn’t tend to be all that enjoyable.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


You went afk and died? I don’t see the problem.

if you weren’t afk you need to uninstall. He hit you with opening burst..followed by auto attacks..followed by 3 heartseekers…ran out of initiative and proceeded to do more auto attacks. this only happens if you are literally standing still afk. or … if you have absolutely no clue how to even move your character.

I don’t think you read that right… the person did 30k dmg in roughly 3 seconds.

We did read it right, we also saw that flame sigil (which has a 5 second cd btw) procced TWICE in that fight. That in and of itself means it was AT LEAST 5 seconds, and anyone incapable of doing SOMETHING to save themselves in that amount of time just needs a bit more practice.


Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


You went afk and died? I don’t see the problem.

if you weren’t afk you need to uninstall. He hit you with opening burst..followed by auto attacks..followed by 3 heartseekers…ran out of initiative and proceeded to do more auto attacks. this only happens if you are literally standing still afk. or … if you have absolutely no clue how to even move your character.

I don’t think you read that right… the person did 30k dmg in roughly 3 seconds.

We did read it right, we also saw that flame sigil (which has a 5 second cd btw) procced TWICE in that fight. That in and of itself means it was AT LEAST 5 seconds, and anyone incapable of doing SOMETHING to save themselves in that amount of time just needs a bit more practice.

Aah, fair enough, misleading main screen deathlog, I figured if the auto attack dmg didn’t break the sigil proc there couldn’t have been more than a scrape or 2 from it.
Yeah, the half dozen auto attacks and no response is kinda sad.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


You went afk and died? I don’t see the problem.

if you weren’t afk you need to uninstall. He hit you with opening burst..followed by auto attacks..followed by 3 heartseekers…ran out of initiative and proceeded to do more auto attacks. this only happens if you are literally standing still afk. or … if you have absolutely no clue how to even move your character.

I don’t think you read that right… the person did 30k dmg in roughly 3 seconds.

Whether or not its balanced in competitive play, odds say its not OP there.
The person is talking about casual play though, an instant stunned out death spike, that if avoided because the thief is bad, the thief can just waltz away from with stealth… doesn’t tend to be all that enjoyable.

instant-stunned out death spike?

Even if the thief was using basilisk venom for the 1.5second stone-stun (lol@wasting elite on a skirmish off-node), then he still had the other 5 seconds to cast -anything-

The OP never complained about basilisk regardless, so there weren’t any stuns, and he stood there for at LEAST 5 seconds letting the thief land heartseeker after heartseeker after heartseeker on him.

Anyone would get torn apart by any class if they literally stood there and didn’t cast anything for 6 seconds—casual play or not.


Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


maybe the thief just got out of a sr and happened to come across you

anyway, the key to killing thieves is to avoid their initial burst, it’s so obvious most of the time

they’ll usually bsk venom-assassins signet – steal -(cnd if they’re d offhand)(black powder and hs if they’re pistol offhand) -bs

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


instant-stunned out death spike?

Even if the thief was using basilisk venom for the 1.5second stone-stun (lol@wasting elite on a skirmish off-node), then he still had the other 5 seconds to cast -anything-

The attacks that did the 30~k dmg could have been done over 2~ seconds with haste.
Yes, that isn’t what happened, I had wrongly assumed OP wouldn’t have stood there for 5+ seconds eating auto attacks and was actually kittening about one of the legitimate joy-killing thief specs roaming SPvP.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


Burst damage and more generally the pace of the game is a core issue of Gw2’s combat. It’s what makes the game so hard to learn and it needs to be fixed so that new players can come into pvp throughout the game’s life without tearing their hair apart.

Lol, guess what it is that slows games down and forces tactics on the teams, hint it is the only one of the trinity left out of this game.

The devs gave themselves a tough task, almost impossible I’d say. Make a fun, accessible and deep combat system that:

- allows people to solo through content, aka no trinity
- while still allowing maximum team play
- and that works in PvE, 5v5 pvp, 100v100v100 pvp.

If you think about it from a purely design perspective, it’s probably one of the most ambitious projects any game designer has ever undertaken for a non-FPS.

And honestly I don’t know if they succeeded or even if such a goal is possible. They’re basically giving themselves so many constraints I don’t know if they can reach the perfect ratio between damage, health and healing.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.

Actually no. In high-end tPvP it’s almost impossible for a thief to 1v1 any class (besides warrior).

Thief is literally one of the weakest classes in the high-end spectrum of the ladder and they’re even weaker 1v1.

Come on. Look at the stream from Ostricheggs or Teldo.

I only play Engineer so I watch only engineer streams. A quote from Teldo is: I am chasing the thief…ohhh… the thief is chasing me…. I am dead.

And on the spirit watch map was ostricheggs killed by a thief 3 times in ~2minutes. It was not a perfect 1on1. But the thief selected the perfect moment and killed ostrichegg.

It does not mean that the thief is winning 10 of 10 times. In a 1on1 situation it is important to have everything up to beat a good thief. I did not watch necro streams but I bet 10 duels between a top necro and a top thief will not end 10:0.

So what ?
Both of them running HGH in the past streams, which wrecks nearly any class out there.
They are offensive specced, and if they dont have Elixir S up they are supposed to eat the dmg of
a thief.

How often do they simply kill anyone ( including thiefs ) by just spamming nades ?

If you don’t have stunbreak up and chase a thief who gets back his big C/D its absolutly fair that you die.
You were just “outplayed”.

Teldos “default” build is also weak agains burst, but agains any type of burst , therefor he has very good
( perhaps the best ) CC abilities.

And he relies heavy on dodge, therefor running Elixir R instead of S , also does not have protection.
Its only fair that he dies if a full zerker thief get the jump.

Everything else would just be stupid !

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


Burst damage and more generally the pace of the game is a core issue of Gw2’s combat. It’s what makes the game so hard to learn and it needs to be fixed so that new players can come into pvp throughout the game’s life without tearing their hair apart.

Lol, guess what it is that slows games down and forces tactics on the teams, hint it is the only one of the trinity left out of this game.

The devs gave themselves a tough task, almost impossible I’d say. Make a fun, accessible and deep combat system that:

- allows people to solo through content, aka no trinity
- while still allowing maximum team play
- and that works in PvE, 5v5 pvp, 100v100v100 pvp.

If you think about it from a purely design perspective, it’s probably one of the most ambitious projects any game designer has ever undertaken for a non-FPS.

And honestly I don’t know if they succeeded or even if such a goal is possible. They’re basically giving themselves so many constraints I don’t know if they can reach the perfect ratio between damage, health and healing.

I had high hopes for the removal of the trinity, but now it seems like it might’ve been a failed experiment. Healing was a part of damage mitigation so that boons weren’t required. In order to maintain the ability to play solo on any profession, every class had to get a heal and various boons in order to mitigate damage. It actually promotes solo play very well, but then people can’t complain if these individual player lack a team mindset either. It homogenizes the classes so that no class feels all that “unique.” Whether that’s a good or bad thing is highly subjective, but it does leave out a group of players who were healers in other mmos. I played a Paladin in wow and now play a guardian. With the guardian, all the support I give feels like it’s just an added bonus rather than being the focal point of the class. There’s no direct healing, and every boon I give is part of the boons I give myself so I really feel like I’m not part of any team. It’s more of a “I’m keeping myself alive and my team is just along for the ride.”

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Seryi.7936


Lol, guess what it is that slows games down and forces tactics on the teams, hint it is the only one of the trinity left out of this game.

Dedicated healers don’t add any tactics which aren’t already present in Guild Wars 2 in some form. But you’re right about them slowing the game down.

But hey, if you think slowing things to a crawl encourages skill…

On topic, I’m pretty sure you’re misreading your armor rating as your toughness to be getting hit by those numbers there. Not to mention any Necro worth his salt would’ve popped Well of Darkness, went into the shroud, or would just spam marks at his feet to load the thief up with conditions and make him run.

Tarnished Coast, Thief main, Asura.

(edited by Seryi.7936)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


If necro is play’ng glass cannon build he is helpless agains most of the thiefs and there is nothing to say more, because this build is good for team that can support necro. In most of the cases necro is first one ,who will be under target ,so for new necro player – glass canon is tabu
In most of other builds ,thiefs are not such a big problem.
But i understand that necro vs thief is hard for most of newbies.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Aleth.9630


If you see a thief and he is steal to approach and clock and dagger for stealth,

clock and dagger
clock and dagger


Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Like many people in this thread have said already, it took the thief at least 5.75 seconds to do this to you, because the second Flame Blast hit you before he Heartseekers you for the last time and then autos. Even though you’ve insisted it was was 3 seconds max many times, the likelihood of the Thief circumventing internal sigil cooldowns, or using cheats is a lot lower than the chances of you being.. wrong.

Sorry man! You’re going to have to look for improvement within yourself before giving feedback on the forums.

Based on this calculation a Thief can kill a <<bunker>> Necro in 5.75 sec
Seems legit :P

And there was 3998 ppl left :P

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


The funny part is that I don’t see a single headshot, shadow shot, or black powder anywhere in there.
A thief not correctly utilizing pistol offhand is at a severe disadvantage against a necro.

Assuming he initiated from refuge with backstab steal (which is what it looks like):
Staff 5, (start strafing away) 3,4(weakness combo),2
Scepter 2, Dagger 5, F1-3 when he tries to heal.
That simple rotation will stomp 99% of these thieves that have no clue what they’re doing.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

(edited by Jumper.9482)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


a bum dies in pvp

a short story

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


If you see a thief and he is steal to approach and clock and dagger for stealth,

clock and dagger
clock and dagger

You funny man

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Lite.3819


A class almost immune to conditions have a weakness to burst damage. What exactly is the problem here…?

One of the rules of good game design is to not have a single class that can do everything and be good at everything.

Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build

(edited by Lite.3819)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


A class almost immune to conditions have a weakness to burst damage. What exactly is the problem here…?

One of the rules of good game design is to not have a single class that can do everything and be good at everything.

Elementalists: problemo??

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


this D/P* thief didn’t even make it out of stealth


(edited by google.3709)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


I think stealth is fair, but a ranger going into stealth every 15 seconds or less is NOT fair

The issue isn’t stealth, its having to retarget someone, so if they change targeting where someone goes stealth, your left without a target, but if you don’t target someone else and the person comes out of stealth you automatically target him again without clicking on him.

That would fix everyone’s issue with stealth.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


The issue isn’t stealth, its having to retarget someone, so if they change targeting where someone goes stealth, your left without a target

Pretty much this. Considering the chaos in some fights, the ability to force you drop targets is the bigger issue by far. Same goes for all classes that have the ability to make you drop target in any way, that’s simply bad game design, all things considered.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Lite.3819


A class almost immune to conditions have a weakness to burst damage. What exactly is the problem here…?

One of the rules of good game design is to not have a single class that can do everything and be good at everything.

Elementalists: problemo??

Although it’s against my better judgement to answer these types of question… I think Mesmer would of posed a better argument… (or one at all) Anyways, anyone who said Elementalist are immune to conditions have never played an Elementalist. I’ve fought some very high leaderboard Elementalist in very high ranking match and I can confirm that the build you are referring to is quite resistant to burst but very vulnerable to conditions.

This is why I usually don’t post here, although this is an official forum, most users here are very close-minded. Unfortunately, developers do read these forums and nerf and buff accordingly, which results in heavy balance curves and certain builds dying off overnight. I have seen worst, but still, just when you think developers have good judgement, they surprise you.

- Lite

Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


A class almost immune to conditions have a weakness to burst damage. What exactly is the problem here…?

One of the rules of good game design is to not have a single class that can do everything and be good at everything.

Elementalists: problemo??

Although it’s against my better judgement to answer these types of question… I think Mesmer would of posed a better argument… (or one at all) Anyways, anyone who said Elementalist are immune to conditions have never played an Elementalist. I’ve fought some very high leaderboard Elementalist in very high ranking match and I can confirm that the build you are referring to is quite resistant to burst but very vulnerable to conditions.

This is why I usually don’t post here, although this is an official forum, most users here are very close-minded. Unfortunately, developers do read these forums and nerf and buff accordingly, which results in heavy balance curves and certain builds dying off overnight. I have seen worst, but still, just when you think developers have good judgement, they surprise you.

- Lite

I usually read forum, because it makes me smile. Most of the people don’t understand own class, but they are always complaining about another.
On the other hand, PvP is could be hard place (at least it was) ,so low skill players have problems like this.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


this S/D thief didn’t even make it out of stealth

But that ain’t S/D :O

Although it’s against my better judgement to answer these types of question… I think Mesmer would of posed a better argument… (or one at all) Anyways, anyone who said Elementalist are immune to conditions have never played an Elementalist. I’ve fought some very high leaderboard Elementalist in very high ranking match and I can confirm that the build you are referring to is quite resistant to burst but very vulnerable to conditions.

Heh, don’t hate on me, I’m just spreading the love (and nobody is immune to conditions, unless you considere that engineer trait…).

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: kurtdg.2370


5s seems like an awfully long time to not react at all. Maybe you checked your phone or something? Even 3s is plenty of time to react. I’ll give the first burst, maybe 1s at tops, but after that, on a necro……almost all the rest of that is avoidable with a couple dodges and some marks.

Unless you had zero endurance and every possible skill on cd, along with the frozen keyboard bug…..I can’t imagine this happening to a necro.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Unless you had zero endurance and every possible skill on cd, along with the frozen keyboard bug…..I can’t imagine this happening to a necro.

If u watch closely the Combat text , after the CnD combo , the Thief deleberty used the 3 main auto attacks , in order to activate the <<Panic Strike>> (4 sec immobilize), and then unload the 3 heartstrikes

If a Thief can do 5.5 crit (Dula Strike+ Wild Strike+ Lotus Strike) in 0.6 sec , + ontop the HeartStreike+ BS, why the rest of the meele classes cant do that kind of damage ? !!!

The future of the game is , is secured with this kind of community !

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Login.5102


Unless you had zero endurance and every possible skill on cd, along with the frozen keyboard bug…..I can’t imagine this happening to a necro.

If u watch closely the Combat text , after the CnD combo , the Thief deleberty used the 3 main auto attacks , in order to activate the <<Panic Strike>> (4 sec immobilize), and then unload the 3 heartstrikes

If a Thief can do 5.5 crit (Dula Strike+ Wild Strike+ Lotus Strike) in 0.6 sec , + ontop the HeartStreike+ BS, why the rest of the meele classes cant do that kind of damage ? !!!

The future of the game is , is secured with this kind of community !

As a power necro d/d thiefs are fn easy. D’s fear after the steal/bs burst. Drop marks/heal/switch to d/x immbolize drop well/auto attack. You can drop a GC thief soooo fast.

Not to mention thiefs can’t fight on points making them not that usrfull in tpvp.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Could u tell me how much damage a Soldier amulet Necro can do ? :P
I dont have any clue about Necros :P

For example the dude creating this post could drop the fear mark >then the Thief would easily use the heartseeeker once and teleport near him
He could do posion + 6 stack of bleed > 80 poison/sec+ 300 bleed /per sec + 450 auto attack per o.5 sec = 1300 dps/sec x 5 sec = 6500 > easily healed + dispelled by Hide in Shadows
He had 30k hp and based on the Deathbreakdown the Thief did 36k > so i assume he used the heal

A powe necro can kill a dd thief > sound resonable between glass cannons
But why a Thief can kill a bunker Necro in such a small time ?
Normaly Bunkers are meant to counter glass and stay alive more than balance specs , while doing pitiful damage ?

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


But even if you have the best build and does not make a mistake it is possible that a thief takes you down. Even top players are dying in seconds from time to time if a thief catch them.

Actually no. In high-end tPvP it’s almost impossible for a thief to 1v1 any class (besides warrior).

Thief is literally one of the weakest classes in the high-end spectrum of the ladder and they’re even weaker 1v1.

Come on. Look at the stream from Ostricheggs or Teldo.

I only play Engineer so I watch only engineer streams. A quote from Teldo is: I am chasing the thief…ohhh… the thief is chasing me…. I am dead.

And on the spirit watch map was ostricheggs killed by a thief 3 times in ~2minutes. It was not a perfect 1on1. But the thief selected the perfect moment and killed ostrichegg.

It does not mean that the thief is winning 10 of 10 times. In a 1on1 situation it is important to have everything up to beat a good thief. I did not watch necro streams but I bet 10 duels between a top necro and a top thief will not end 10:0.

So what ?
Both of them running HGH in the past streams, which wrecks nearly any class out there.
They are offensive specced, and if they dont have Elixir S up they are supposed to eat the dmg of
a thief.

How often do they simply kill anyone ( including thiefs ) by just spamming nades ?

If you don’t have stunbreak up and chase a thief who gets back his big C/D its absolutly fair that you die.
You were just “outplayed”.

Teldos “default” build is also weak agains burst, but agains any type of burst , therefor he has very good
( perhaps the best ) CC abilities.

And he relies heavy on dodge, therefor running Elixir R instead of S , also does not have protection.
Its only fair that he dies if a full zerker thief get the jump.

Everything else would just be stupid !

I agree with you. I did not wrote something else. I just wrote: even if you do not make a mistake and you play a good build it is possible to be killed by a good thief. Nothing else.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


the title should be changed to “HELP: How do i deal with stealthy thief?”

let me give you suggestion, make a thief, get to know about it for 2 days, learn it’s weakness, think how to counter them (use staff #5 below your feet as soon as you take dmg from a invisible theif)

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: kurtdg.2370


I’ve fought a lot of theifs on the necro, and while some have been ridiculous, most generally don’t stick around long enough to play out a result.

Most necro’s will hold out against a theif and force them to squat in stealth, reset, wait for backup, or strike after they healed up.

I don’t want to say i’ve seen that happen a thousand times…..I’d rather see them commit 100%.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


you should try to fight a P/D thief if you like stealth. Beeing kill by a guy who mostly do 11111 5 11111 5 111115 and who is invisible more than 10 times in a fight is really a pain in the kitten
Even the fight against that spec is boring you spend your time to retarget the thief each time he is back and each time he comes back with more life.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


One does not simply get hit by a heartseeker 3 times in a row…

+ after quickness nerf.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Visionary.5681


When I played a power necro (without staff), I used to hate fighting thieves. Wells have such long cooldowns, if they were on cooldown I would generally loose.

With a staff though 2spam thieves aren’t an issue at all. If I press 5-4-3-2 with my staff equipped and terror traited, they are dead.

I think the power of thieves are so much more dependant on who they are fighting than any other class.

Is so much stealth fair in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


Sure when you are a necro you are always fighting thiefs with a 3sec fear, because everybody knows that thiefs have not enough control.