Is there anyone still playing warrior?

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


I still see some R40-50 warriors around. Can’t remember their names. I once joked that we were getting an easy win vs a group that had two warriors.. we lost, it was sad.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


I am pretty sure there are still some warriors out there. Not too many though since it is pretty difficult to find a strong team comp with warriors in it (sadly).

(There are quite a lot in any other part of the game except for tPvP though so it is not as bad. )

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Class has almost disappeared. Where you really rarely see them is on premade teams, or the higher end of the ladder.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: SuperHaze.4210


I tried a CC warrior build with hammer and axe/shield that does pretty well when I have support. It can keep someone locked down for a while, but I always need a dps to support me. Other than that, I haven’t found another viable build for tPvP so the warrior is in storage until the next update.

p.s. Banners are useless

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Recently have tried an axe heavy build putting up 10k eviscerates and there is a stun lock by Schwahrheit that looks really promising. Just waiting for update to see what they have to offer.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


just curious lol only see Anastasis, Longbow Hero, and Kpop around now.

anyone still playing warrior??

Yes I only play warrior because I get bored with my other alts most of the time. I do not play the glass cannon type and I am also not a high tier Tpvp warrior either not that I do not see many warriors in general particpating playing Tpvp which is a rare sight.

I tried a CC warrior build with hammer and axe/shield that does pretty well when I have support. It can keep someone locked down for a while, but I always need a dps to support me. Other than that, I haven’t found another viable build for tPvP so the warrior is in storage until the next update.

p.s. Banners are useless

I happen to play a banner build and it isn’t useless to me except when someone takes them when I need them for a node I’m trying to hold not that warriors make good bunkers anyway due to compassionate banner bug. I can also add Adrenal Health not stacking with Heal Power and Healing Signet sucks with the regen doesn’t keep me up much with the limited condition removers warriors have.

Here is a advice to warriors that play with banner builds. You don’t need more than 1 banner on your skill slot bar. If you happen to have more than one banner then you’re limited yourself on other useful skills to use. Only use a banner that focuses more on your build and think that can benefit your teammates.


Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: jsu.4370


Zone is a beast warrior, I’ve played with him and against him before. Hman is also still running warrior occasional he is also a beast. Only two good warriors I’ve seen currently though.

Jsu – joO Binder

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Brigg.6189


Still running GS/LB in solo queues and staying ranked.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


I play warrior but unfortunately, I tend to be the lone wolf. Nobody, almost literally, plays warrior on my teams or against my teams.

As for builds, I’m still using an experimental one, but it’s one that no one has ever used before in competitive play (revolves around might stacking, and an off-hand sword…). It’s very weird, that’s probably why. But it’s fun! And somehow it works.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


(Also Jsu is a beast ele. He uses a seemingly standard ele build but with his own spin on it, focusing on a lot of condition removal.)

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


There are some good tanky support-builds on War that play very similarly to Azshenes Support-Guardian, so I think that we might see a bit more of them.

Here’s the build:;1VKkN0_47LVQ0;9;69TT;40;008B39B7oG6;2ZF18ZF183Jf

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Dolan.3071


I consider it training with weights. Once the weights come off I’ll be UNSTOPPABLE

…. Y’know… Hopefully….

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Battosai.5620


this build is actually pretty beast and i run it occassionally – heal depends on opposing teams setup, so do some utilities – you could go with a 3rd banner and run the regeneration trait or use another shout ( and use soldier runes with it )
your damage is still pretty decent and you can support your team pretty good.
if you run against heavy condition teams you might want to consider the warhorn – which is a really strong offhand weapon imo, if they’d add regeneration to one of the warhorn skills i’d run it in pretty much every build.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Swim.6830


I played mine last night. I can still kill any class I’ve come across in tPvP, but I’ll admit it takes 10x the effort compared to my Ele or Engineer.

Zwim Elementalist
The Dragoon Brotherhood

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I leveling on atm.
For some reason i got the feeling that they will be very strong, very soon…

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


present. Figured out a GS/axe burst build that’s stronger than the cookie cutter pre frenzy nerf (~3500 matches played as war) . I’ll make a vid next week (after they buff us moar!).


Phaatonn, London UK

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I leveling on atm.
For some reason i got the feeling that they will be very strong, very soon…


Even if they just make pvp have more teamfights with bigger teams or other Modes, Support-Wars could be insanely stong without any balance-changes at all.

In the current Meta with 1v1’s and 2v2’s being way too important, War’s aren’t that great, because everything they excell at nowadays only gets really useful in bigger Teamfights and everything they lack is punished severely in the current Meta. But if it’s not simply about 1v1’s or either being extremely tanky or dealing enormous damage, but about actual teamfights, Wars are so strong:

1) Teamsupport: Shouts (that can heal and/or remove Conditions), Warhorn and even Banners are great offensive and defensive Team-Support.
2) CC: The amount of CC the Warrior can dish out is incredible and no other class can reach that potential by a very very long shot. The CC is also very versatile in Teamfights: It can be used to Lineback and defensively CC’ing Damage-Dealers or it can be used offensively to reduce kiting or to stun/immobilize to ensure kills.
3) Rezzing: Faster rezzing and more Armor during it aside, they have a great Softrezz which is the Elite Banner.
4) AoE-Fury: One of the best offensive boons and there are tons of builds out there that will profit from AoE-Fury but only very little builds that can give it to teammates, the War can for one easily get perma-fury itself and even give it to Teammates with shouts and Banners.

Atm. there are playable and solid builds, but your Team pretty much has to be geared towards teamfights and focus on only 2 Points, but if you can manage to force Teamfights with 3+ Players on each side, the Warrior is insanely useful.

I understand all the whining about Warriors in the current Meta and how GW2 is played atm, which is mostly small engagenemts and brute force or rockhard-tankyness, but coming from GW1, where Support was incredibly important and where it was possible to have multiple Chars in a Team that didn’t really do DMG, were not tanky and were by no means comparable in healing to main-healers, but were just there to support the Team:

- Offensive and defensive CC (Blinding, Manadrain, Interrupts, Impair Movement in some way).
- Healing and condition/hex-control to eliviate a bit of pressure from the Monks (often 1 Ele had “Draw Conditions” which transfered the conditions of another player to you and it was only used to get rid of blinding on Warriors before they spiked or during the spike – the monks simply had no time and mana for that).

Sth. even slightly similar to what the Warrior in GW2 can do would’ve blown my mind back in GW1. Yes, the DMG isn’t too great and even if you build very very tany, it’s not as tanky as a Ele or Guardian, but in almost everything else, the Warrior is incredibly useful.

Trust me: W8 till Custom Arena’s come out and play a few for-fun games deathmatch-style on the middle Node on Foefire with teams of 4, 5, 6 and maybe even 8 and let sm1 play this build:

Your Mind will be blown on how useful this build is once we get actual Teamfight-scenarios.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


So true.

Wars give it their all in coordinated groups that focus on 2v2 and larger scale battles.

The reason they’re under fire at the moment is that the gameplay of a war is incredibly punishing if you don’t have the right team and the right strat.

The questions for the viability of warriors are:
- Is there a reason to bring a war over another class? The poster above me seems to think so, but I still have to see it to be honest:p
- How can the devs make wars more solo-friendly?

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


- How can the devs make wars more solo-friendly?

Do they need to?

Why not make the game more focused towards teamfights instead?

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


It’s the part of the debate: what should be the focus of balance?

- low skilled players? high skilled players?
- solo players? team players?

If I were a dev, I would go for a mix of everything while having high level teams as the end goal:p

Doesn’t mean I’m discarding low levels solo’ers – that would be suicidal- but the end balance should be high level teamplay for any ambitious dev.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


It’s the part of the debate: what should be the focus of balance?

- low skilled players? high skilled players?
- solo players? team players?

If I were a dev, I would go for a mix of everything while having high level teams as the end goal:p

Doesn’t mean I’m discarding low levels solo’ers – that would be suicidal- but the end balance should be high level teamplay for any ambitious dev.

I think I misunderstood you, did you mean more solo-q-friendly or more solo (1v1) friendly?

I definitely disagree with the Ladder one, not every Char should be good in 1v1’s and not every Char should be as good as others in Teamfights and Warrior is definitely one that is better in Teamfights.

Making the War more friendly towards newer players is another thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean making it better in 1v1’s, because there are so many Teamfights in solo-q’s with ppl mindlessly Zerging at one node for Minutes and even if it requires skill to chain-stun and to actually make your stun worth it with others attacking, the other teamfight-based skills like shouts, banners etc. don’t really require you to work together with your Team, they’ll benefit from it if they are in the same fight, no matter what they do.

Atm. the War needs small buffs so the competetive Community plays him again and ppl see the builds used and get more familiarized with potential roles of the Warrior – this alone will help newer players a lot IMHO.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


- How can the devs make wars more solo-friendly?

Do they need to?

Why not make the game more focused towards teamfights instead?

“So you want to be able to defend yourself? Tell me your class and i tell you your build and tips… Oh, you warrior? Too bad, you suck, run away to someone who can defend you. This is balance4team, fella.”

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


At the moment, wars are very punishing for a solo player, regardless if the pug he’s in zergs or not.

And I’m pretty sure that even for teams that are not fully coordinated and whose strat don’t actively imply teamfights with according builds, wars die fast without achieving much before they go down or retreat – for your typical inexperienced/slightly experienced player that is.

The general idea is to make wars as viable as say a mesmer, an engi or an ele for regular players and soloQ’ers.

I don’t think they are in a dire state at the top of the competition, the only real question for the top teams is: is it worth bringing a warrior over any other class?

(edited by Hugs.1856)

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: NordicNinja.5476


I finally gave up on Warrior last night (been playing it exclusively since release) and everyone in my regular play group went up ~20% on their leaderboard rankings in 1 play session. Now that I’ve seen the light, until they get a worthwhile buff, I don’t think I’m gonna be going back.

DPS Event Coordinator & Tools Developer
- Bear Cav

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


It’s the part of the debate: what should be the focus of balance?

- low skilled players? high skilled players?
- solo players? team players?

If I were a dev, I would go for a mix of everything while having high level teams as the end goal:p

Doesn’t mean I’m discarding low levels solo’ers – that would be suicidal- but the end balance should be high level teamplay for any ambitious dev.

If they work on build diversity so that each profession has several viable options I think this will come naturally. Each profession will have solo and teamplay viable builds they can use depending on what they want to do. I’m sure it’s easier said tahn done but I would hope that would be the strategy as opposed to these big changes (KR nerf, haste nerf) that nuke whole build options without introducing any new options.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


warrior is fine

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Only warrior I know in competitive scene is ROM. The rest disappeared completely.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


I’m still around in hotjoins! I lead things most of the time in WvW.
700+ hours and warrior is still my only char.
I can’t do competitive and I’m still low ranked however..

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: NordicNinja.5476


I would just like to say I wholeheartedly agree with PowerBottom, Warriors have massive support potential, but the Conquest play style doesn’t allow for such things on 5 man teams.

DPS Event Coordinator & Tools Developer
- Bear Cav

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Rednik.3809


warrior is fine

Sure. I own CoF p1 like a boss.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


nope warrior is shelved theyre way below par

[WM]give us in game ladder

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I stopped playing mine in spvp because my burst has suffered a lot and I die to conditions way to easily. I hate dieing to conditions…

Warriors blow, IMO.

Just another noob thief…

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I’m waiting to see what the new patch brings.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


I stopped playing mine in spvp because my burst has suffered a lot and I die to conditions way to easily. I hate dieing to conditions…

Warriors blow, IMO.

Ever heard of shouts + soldier-runes and Warhorn + Quick breathing?

And burst simply isn’t the War’s role anymore – it’s now Support and CC, which is actually quite fun to do and the War is godlike at it.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Hammer smash is cool but as an alternative to the war you could just Venom Share :o.

The great forum duppy.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: NordicNinja.5476


Ever heard of shouts + soldier-runes and Warhorn + Quick breathing?

And burst simply isn’t the War’s role anymore – it’s now Support and CC, which is actually quite fun to do and the War is godlike at it.

But as the game stands, why would to take that on a 5 man team in a Conquest map? I’d personally rather have someone who could easily break off and stand a chance in a 1v1.

I agree with your earlier comments however, once custom arenas are out I think new life will be breathed into the Warrior class.

DPS Event Coordinator & Tools Developer
- Bear Cav

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I stopped playing mine in spvp because my burst has suffered a lot and I die to conditions way to easily. I hate dieing to conditions…

Warriors blow, IMO.

Ever heard of shouts + soldier-runes and Warhorn + Quick breathing?

And burst simply isn’t the War’s role anymore – it’s now Support and CC, which is actually quite fun to do and the War is godlike at it.

That build makes you less efficient in pvp because conditions can be reapplied quick while waiting on cool downs. If you really want to be supportive and also stay alive a bit longer then focus on Runes of Melandru. It not only reduces your conditions , but also being stunned is reduce too. You can still be burst, but you need more defense to stay alive. That’s why don’t limit yourself to just shout runes when we can be having these traits passively like other professions with the help of our weapon traits / skills.

This still won’t make warriors competitive, but it makes feel a bit better than being some fill in slot with handicaps.


Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


Ever heard of shouts + soldier-runes and Warhorn + Quick breathing?

And burst simply isn’t the War’s role anymore – it’s now Support and CC, which is actually quite fun to do and the War is godlike at it.

But as the game stands, why would to take that on a 5 man team in a Conquest map? I’d personally rather have someone who could easily break off and stand a chance in a 1v1.

I agree with your earlier comments however, once custom arenas are out I think new life will be breathed into the Warrior class.

Depends on playstyle IMHO…. In most Team-setups, the Support/Tank/Roamer-War won’t be as useful as other builds that are more common, but maybe if ppl figure out a team-comp that is designed to focus on two points and force the other Team into Teamfights, it could be a very strong build.

I’m Theorycrafting about a Team-comp with 1 Ele-Tank, 1 Support-Guard Offtank, 1 Support-War Offtank and two balanced DMG-Dealers with good Teamfight and decent survival (like a Valk-Amu Ele, a Necro or sth.)

Common Teamcomps would have no chance at all against a Team like that if you can force Teamfights, because you have no Glasscannons and the Support is so high, that the Chars can keep themselves alive indefinitely. The DMG would also be enough to kill anything besides the toughest Tanks – it would take a long time, but if you have the Points, you’re simply never gonna loose them again with a Team with that much sustain.

Problems: Probably the really tanky builds like Ele….

But I think forcing Teamfights and winning them could be a viable strategy instead of just either being incredibly tanky or roaming to a point and burst sth. down with a glasscannon.

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


ya we’ve heard of shout builds about 8 months ago

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


Playing warrior is hardmode pvp, not for the faint of heart.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Is there anyone still playing warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Ever heard of shouts + soldier-runes and Warhorn + Quick breathing?

And burst simply isn’t the War’s role anymore – it’s now Support and CC, which is actually quite fun to do and the War is godlike at it.

But as the game stands, why would to take that on a 5 man team in a Conquest map? I’d personally rather have someone who could easily break off and stand a chance in a 1v1.

I agree with your earlier comments however, once custom arenas are out I think new life will be breathed into the Warrior class.

Depends on playstyle IMHO…. In most Team-setups, the Support/Tank/Roamer-War won’t be as useful as other builds that are more common, but maybe if ppl figure out a team-comp that is designed to focus on two points and force the other Team into Teamfights, it could be a very strong build.

I’m Theorycrafting about a Team-comp with 1 Ele-Tank, 1 Support-Guard Offtank, 1 Support-War Offtank and two balanced DMG-Dealers with good Teamfight and decent survival (like a Valk-Amu Ele, a Necro or sth.)

Common Teamcomps would have no chance at all against a Team like that if you can force Teamfights, because you have no Glasscannons and the Support is so high, that the Chars can keep themselves alive indefinitely. The DMG would also be enough to kill anything besides the toughest Tanks – it would take a long time, but if you have the Points, you’re simply never gonna loose them again with a Team with that much sustain.

Problems: Probably the really tanky builds like Ele….

But I think forcing Teamfights and winning them could be a viable strategy instead of just either being incredibly tanky or roaming to a point and burst sth. down with a glasscannon.

I have been waiting for the day of cross play like gw1. As it stands teams build independent characters, but the cross play off each others skills potential is amazing.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur