Is this World of Thiefcraft?

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


It’s insanely overpowered. Thieves can literally start and stop a fight 10 times in a row. You give them condition removals, increased run speed, initiative regeneration and healing while stealthed.

It’s absolutely insane. We’ve seen videos of thieves fighting 10 people at once in wvw. There’s absolutely 0 opportunity cost for going into and out of stealth. Thieves can deal damage while still invisible to the player. If they start losing they can immediately restealth and reset the fight. And there is no way to force a thief out of stealth.
It’s a blatantly overpowered mechanic.

In other MMO’s stealth is counterbalanced by reducing runspeed, restricted ability use (i.e. no healing), a long cooldown (not 3 seconds). In no other MMO can you hop in and out of stealth with reckless abandon and not incur any penalty for it.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Pickmansmodel.1298


Which class do you play?

If you don’t already use a thief, try playing the class for a while. You’ll figure out their weaknesses.

If you’re already playing thief, and regularly winning against the odds, respect.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


Though I personally have little trouble with Thieves anymore, I do think that stealth mechanics in general are annoying in any game.

GW2 has some particularly annoying ones with all forms of stealth being available in combat, at least in some other games I played – normal stealth wasn’t available while in combat, you needed a special traited stealth for that and it had a long timer.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


This isn’t WvW. People are generally more skilled.
9 times / 10 a thief will lose a 1v2.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


It’s insanely overpowered.

No, they are not. However they are a skill curve class. They are usually the first thing that people struggle with beating.

I play an engy, i beat 95% of the thiefs i run into. Good thiefs can get me, but good anything can get me.

If you want advice on beating thiefs, tell us what class you are.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Dhunis.9072


Well, Anet wanted to experiment with stealth so it wouldn’t be like in other games but unfortunately it turned out to be a fail. Even worse there are more mechanics in the game that are not thought through. But what else can you expect from a free game.. Keep in mind that WvW isn not ‘real’ pvp. There are low levels playing, PVE players and players with unequal eq.

Ranked Arenas a.k.a. the New Hotjoin

(edited by Dhunis.9072)

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

A thief without stealth would be like a worse warrior: Never ever played. It’s allrdy hard for thieves in tPvP with all this unkillable bunkers. It’s pretty difficult to know when the right time is to pop out of stealth and press your combo.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Reflexmonkey.1943


Which class do you play?

If you don’t already use a thief, try playing the class for a while. You’ll figure out their weaknesses.

If you’re already playing thief, and regularly winning against the odds, respect.

I made a thief to see how much of a versatility advantage they have over the other classes. never played a thief before. and for two hours of hotjoins i died three or four times with probably over 100 kills. and your saying their not op? stfu

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Jackums.3496


sPvP is an entirely different environment, and I don’t find stealth too extreme there.

WvW, however? Ridiculous. And it’s not because WvW players are just “less skilled” than all of those “BAMF sPvP pros”. It’s a whole different dynamic and play-style in WvW, and Thieves can abuse stealth to gain an obvious unfair advantage. Therefore I agree, though only in regard to WvW, and not so much sPvP.

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


Which class do you play?

If you don’t already use a thief, try playing the class for a while. You’ll figure out their weaknesses.

If you’re already playing thief, and regularly winning against the odds, respect.

I made a thief to see how much of a versatility advantage they have over the other classes. never played a thief before. and for two hours of hotjoins i died three or four times with probably over 100 kills. and your saying their not op? stfu

Hotjoin isn’t the bar people measure by on these boards. Hotjoin’s a place where newbies bash eachothers face in with little to no semblence of strategy and almost completely ignore they’re in a conquest game mode.
At the higher levels, thieves drift down to around the middle of the road in terms of effectiveness.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Is this World of Thiefcraft?

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator.3964


Hello Thedenofsin.7340,

as we have a dedicated thread for thief feedback, we would like you to use the following thread to articulate your concerns.

The thread I’m talking about here can be found here:

Thanks for your understanding.