and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
TL;DR: Our entire team crashed at the same time, but nobody from the other team did. Foul play suspected but not proven.
I was playing in unranked tonight (9:49 CDT), and my team was winning in Legacy of the Foefire (something in double-digits to 140). Suddenly, my game client crashed to the “Send details to ArenaNet” box (naturally, all I managed to type was “wwww”). At the same time, I heard my wife (also on my team) shout, “Oh, no! I crashed!”
It turned out that everyone on our team crashed simultaneously. Nobody from the opposing team disconnected, and by the time we reconnected, they had captured all three points and were dancing.
So, is this a thing that happens now? I’ve never seen anything like it.
Screenshot attached. For dev/QA use, I did the “/ip” command and got It was at 9:49pm Central Daylight Time on 4/26/2015.
Was your team all from the same region/location? Could explain why only one team cut out and not the other.
I don’t know, we didn’t know anybody else on the team.
The weirdest part was that it didn’t just disconnect. The whole client crashed. I don’t know what would cause that, but I wouldn’t expect a network issue to make it happen like that. If that was the case, and their whole team stayed connected because they were from the same region, I would have expected that to have been more likely if they were a pre-made team. And since we were stomping them prior to that and we were mostly just randoms, I think it’s even less likely.
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
I want to +1 this, cause the exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. My friends and I were playing on a LAN (four of us), along with another random player we got matched with. We had a healthy lead on the other team, when all of a sudden our clients crashed at the same time. We thought maybe it was something on our network, but the random player on our team also crashed, and there was no problem with our internet or connection.
By the time we logged back in, the other team had all points and was about to win. It seemed fishy to me since the crash was completely one-sided, but I didn’t think to take a screenshot or log the IP at the time.
sounds like old glitch from wvw when almost entire zergs would crash when they would try to attack certain keeps on certain maps; got eventually fixed
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