Is this the Warrior Balance ? #trash
We’ve taken a look at the warrior’s baseline abilities, adjusting cooldowns, damage, and in some cases even functionality. Our goal for this iteration is to give you a bit more to play with in a single weapon set so that the cooldowns feel more active and fun to play around with. Rifle has also seen a bit of a rework, gaining a more defensive nature while retaining its overall purpose of kill-shotting every enemy of Tyria. We’ll also be taking another pass at improving the berserker elite specialization, focusing on increasing its usability in various game modes and promoting more active skill use in trait design. Lastly, we’ll improve the warrior’s ability to sustain themselves in combat.
Ya right.
No this is not the full update, they even said that multiple times. I think they even said that they would give another preview next Friday and that they would lower cds, which hasn’t been shown this time
Keep in mind that this was only a preview. We don’t know what else they have coming. Not until we get the full patch notes (and maybe, really, not even then) on the 26th.
You know what
I always hear the same thing “its a preview” “its a Beta” “its whatever” No sorry i wont hold my breath
Just look at thief Unblockable Basilisk Venom it is clear buff presented and we know now that thief is back to the game, But Warrior ??!! the devs are not even thrilled about it no excitement, warrior presention barely lasted 3 mins.
Do they even read Warrior forum ?
Those thf buffs are ridiculous though. Unblockable stuns you can give your whole team? Jesus.
“we’re taking another pass at berserker.”
Created it..didn’t work.
Tried again…still people don’t wanna touch it in PvP.
Try again….
The pool of idea’s for warrior dried up 3 years. The answer is pretty obvious, but it is still not being implemented. Time to hire new consultant creative leads. The idea’s just aren’t getting out of the box, and the box is only getting smaller and smaller.
IMO warrior will be alot better since it wont be such a bunker meta you know.
IMO warrior will be alot better since it wont be such a bunker meta you know.
Funny, this is. People forgot that warrior never had issues with DPS in the first place. The bunker nerf and slight sustain boost sounds like it’d be enough to have warriors at least enjoy non-comp play, but they did say there was more to come.
IMO warrior will be alot better since it wont be such a bunker meta you know.
Funny, this is. People forgot that warrior never had issues with DPS in the first place. The bunker nerf and slight sustain boost sounds like it’d be enough to have warriors at least enjoy non-comp play, but they did say there was more to come.
That’s true. Warrior’s damage accross the board is on the higher end, and one reason why they used to be so good is that they could pair high damage with high CC. But other classes just got better and better and warrior never actually got anything new, to the point where other classes now do what warrior used to do but better. So warrior hasn’t been able to keep up at all.
But, now, warriors can focus on a more aggressive playstyle or, dare I say, fight like a “berserker”. You’ve got the damage, mobility, and sustain to handle fights that you can end in a short enough time. I’m guessing warriors will have a lot of fun 1v1 now, but the issue of conquest fostering annoying bunker builds is still an issue, but at least cele was removed, so that should count for something.
warrior never had issues with DPS
You mean 1.5k Eviscerate is fine in this bunker meta ?
this bunker meta ?
No this is not the full update, they even said that multiple times. I think they even said that they would give another preview next Friday and that they would lower cds, which hasn’t been shown this time
Anet’s previews have always been 99% of the changes.
We dont need more buffs…we need nerfs. We dont want a powercreep u kittens -_-
No this is not the full update, they even said that multiple times. I think they even said that they would give another preview next Friday and that they would lower cds, which hasn’t been shown this time
Anet’s previews have always been 99% of the changes.
Remember in 1 preview when they said Mending was going to be a Physical skill ? lol
Don’t trust Anet’s previews ever
warrior never had issues with DPS
You mean 1.5k Eviscerate is fine in this bunker meta ?
And the bunker meta is changing.
warrior never had issues with DPS
You mean 1.5k Eviscerate is fine in this bunker meta ?
And the bunker meta is changing.
yeah we will be food for thief too soon
rest in pieces again, warrior.
People keep forgetting… Get blinded mid burst skill → Miss → unable to regain hard earned adrenaline, unable to the insane amounts of condi applications from every other class → dead. Seriously, warriors should be king of 1v1 since they offer nothing in team fights, no boons, no condi removal and stuck playing melee hell taking every aoe people spam endlessly and no boon removal/hate.
Warrior at this point is dead weight.
- Some damage increases and some aftercasts removed so you can activate skills quicker.
That can actually be a really nice change. In a lot of ways warrior is lacking fluidity, and this change can help with attacks not connecting.
The only thing that would really make warrior good though is the global nerf of a lot of builds.
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
do you even warrior?
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
Happens everytime. Eles were crying that tempest sucked, guardians were crying about DH having bow, etc. Just glaze over them or jump in for some fun.
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
lol you are funny
did you even watch the stream ?
The more of these threads, the more funny I find it. Every class thinks their class will be the worst. None of you even know the full list of changes. At least know what you are talking about prior to whining.
Does warriors roll over you really that bad? Cant find any other reason why you would say that tbh.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.