It feels a bit punishing at times.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


Why does the skill that’s interrupted while being CC’d get an additional CD?Am i being punished for trying to use it and not hiding myself better,or something?Should i watch when i do it while others watch me watching them to see when i am going to actually do it…i feel like the game is laughing at me every time that happens.

Can i please win a 1v2?I just did extremely well against 2 Warriors,all skills perfect timing and all,used my skill to the max which i rarely do tbh.I had to burn my 1 stun breaker because…you can imagine.Then had no stability to finish the one,got knocked back twice in a row,he got a res and finished me.Can we please get a brief 3/4 sec immunity to CC after being CC’d to be able to finish someone on the second go?Isn’t a one chance enough anyway?My toon tends to spend a lot of time on the ground in an awkward position and doctors say it is not good for his back.

While i am at it,can we please have criticals on the combat log,HP bars over allies always when hurt without having to click on them and the ability to move the party UI as well as our HP bar (also can we get the option for a simple character bar like we do for the party).

Thanks for giving us this awesome game,good luck with sorting bits and bobs out

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: DJPenguin.6945


not being able to win 1v2’s mostly due to the downed mechanic is a huge complaint of mine as well. as long as it’s in game, i really don’t see much change happening regarding that though.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Malakree.5912


If players are getting revives off then its them playing properly. If 2 players play it properly then 1 player should never beat them in a 1v2. I actually really like the downed mechanic for stopping cheep glass cannon builds from picked up cheep kills.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: yawnnnn.7429


1. Yes, you are being punished for being interrupted and the other player is being rewarded for interrupting you.

2. You can win a 1v2 if you play well (or if your opponents are terrible) but you need to set yourself up for it. You need to hold a CC/Stability/Invis/Invulnerability/Quickness for the second guy after you down the first guy so that you can get off a clean stomp (Stability and Invuln are the most reliable here). This is all part of playing well. If you get your stomp stopped, then you really just didn’t play well enough (or you got outplayed) or your build needs to be modified to account for this scenario.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


1. Yes, you are being punished for being interrupted and the other player is being rewarded for interrupting you.

2. You can win a 1v2 if you play well (or if your opponents are terrible) but you need to set yourself up for it. You need to hold a CC/Stability/Invis/Invulnerability/Quickness for the second guy after you down the first guy so that you can get off a clean stomp (Stability and Invuln are the most reliable here). This is all part of playing well. If you get your stomp stopped, then you really just didn’t play well enough (or you got outplayed) or your build needs to be modified to account for this scenario.

TLDR: you need to outplay them and then save a bunch of your abilities to deal with a dumb mechanic that involves zero skill on either players end. zomg i uzed my 2 down ability and stopped from being downed i so gud

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


1. Wait,isn’t the other player rewarded for interrupting by having my skill not casted when i need it as well as applying some random CC on me for a sort duration?Does he have to be rewarded with an additional CD on my (normally healing) skill as well?Or rather,do i have to be punished for it additionally?I don’t know if you undestood what i’m saying here,that skill gets an additional CD meaning that when all skills recover from the CD the CC applied that skills takes another go to be released,that’s 2x the CD for an ability that was just interrupted and usually suffered a CC CD.

2. I’ve got a stun breaker with me,i was fighting 2 Warriors and the way they spec at the moment you have to use a stun breaker to avoid being bursted down in milliseconds by HB,therefore i had nothing left.Don’t tell me it wasn’t well played,it is not my fault HB is a win win situation for Warriors.

edit: gah just use “edit” and “quote” on the bottom right links than small icons,i keep messing up :x

(edited by Kykeon.8572)

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Pinder.5261


1. It isn’t meant to punish you, it’s just a choice to make well timed interrupts more useful. Preventing an action for only half a second (like some dazes do) doesn’t really help the daze user at all. Why even bother giving a skill a 0.5 second daze in that case? So in one way, it helps reduce the collective time of all CCs by not forcing them all to last 2-3 seconds or more to be useful.

2. Stomping is not always the best answer. Sometimes it’s better just to force the downed players to bleed out. That said, another part of this equation is that you let his teammate revive him. Were you packing ample Control effects to prevent the revive? If you cannot be absolutely certain that you’ll get the stomp (stability), then it’s far better to keep attacking: you’ll still be taking down the downed player, and the reviving buddy is taking damage with no defensive action. People can go down quick if they sit around to revive while getting attacked.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: Javious.4912


Why does the skill that’s interrupted while being CC’d get an additional CD?Am i being punished for trying to use it and not hiding myself better,or something?Should i watch when i do it while others watch me watching them to see when i am going to actually do it…i feel like the game is laughing at me every time that happens.

Can i please win a 1v2?I just did extremely well against 2 Warriors,all skills perfect timing and all,used my skill to the max which i rarely do tbh.I had to burn my 1 stun breaker because…you can imagine.Then had no stability to finish the one,got knocked back twice in a row,he got a res and finished me.Can we please get a brief 3/4 sec immunity to CC after being CC’d to be able to finish someone on the second go?Isn’t a one chance enough anyway?My toon tends to spend a lot of time on the ground in an awkward position and doctors say it is not good for his back.

While i am at it,can we please have criticals on the combat log,HP bars over allies always when hurt without having to click on them and the ability to move the party UI as well as our HP bar (also can we get the option for a simple character bar like we do for the party).

Thanks for giving us this awesome game,good luck with sorting bits and bobs out

1) after being interrupted it will have a longer cd implemented as first its to reward those who actually interrupted your spell which is honestly NOT EASY to do and second if in clutch matches an interrupt gets in as again i add on the fact that interrupts are not easy to do and of course a decent one like interrupting a heal, if the extra 3.5 seconds cooldown wasnt implemented than whats the point of interrupting and that would bring down the skill cap of the game.
2) the down state i believe is to implement some sort of teamplay in the game i know how u feel cause as a mesmer i win alot of 2v1s but some random third guy or thier whole team just comes in and kill me + revive them but you jsut have to accept it.

And yea i agree with what yawn said too.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: eSsXiV.9423


You’re never going to win a 2v1, because everything is “equal” in sPvP.

There’s no way 2 decent players are going to lose to 1 player, no matter what profession.
Which iskitten Gear SHOULD matter in PvP for this reason, and many others.

It feels a bit punishing at times.

in PvP

Posted by: uMad.5719


You’re never going to win a 2v1, because everything is “equal” in sPvP.

There’s no way 2 decent players are going to lose to 1 player, no matter what profession.
Which iskitten Gear SHOULD matter in PvP for this reason, and many others.

Thats a terrible reason for gear to matter in pvp.

The down mechanic is balanced around 5v5 and pve. At first I found the downed mechanic infuriating, but as I did more tournies I saw its purpose became pretty clear.