It has begun...

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: DoYourBestBear.6810


…the community is catching up to that special place that made a voluminous number of players leave the game since even pre-release.

Just as an aside – the only way this game could eventually be balanced in tpvp, was if every player stopped playing right now and didn’t play for the next nine months. I think that’s a reasonable amount of time to let the company catch up to the people who know the game inside and out. Almost forgot, sorry, most of those people are gone (maybe one or two remain).

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Leeto.1570


The funny thing will happen when 18th hits and theres no balance update. (ofcourse i dont know this cause after million times asking we just know that instead of mysterious feature build its gonna be the mysterious maintance build w/e that means)
Ok active forums readers know this cause its getting spammed all day long but casual gw2 pvper who just follows what devs say is completely sure that there will be balance improvements XD

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Dustin.2793


Nah i think theres like six or seven people left.

Magic Toker // Thief // The Abjured

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Aeroxe.8140


I’m pretty sure there is no one left, and everyone is just playing super casually. That might just be my perspective though.

Thief (main), ele, guard
Past member of most teams NA. Retired proleague season 1+2.

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Godly Black Ownage.4902

Godly Black Ownage.4902

lol i cant believe people are still believing anet will turn this pvp around. I gave up on them 6 months in…

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


lol i cant believe people are still believing anet will turn this pvp around. I gave up on them 6 months in…

6 months ago? You missed the boat by quite a while.


It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

yea gw and gw2 were never hardcore but more casual games. But I do hope you’ll still be able to enjoy the game regardless of the balance issues.

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


The funny thing will happen when 18th hits and theres no balance update. (ofcourse i dont know this cause after million times asking we just know that instead of mysterious feature build its gonna be the mysterious maintance build w/e that means)
Ok active forums readers know this cause its getting spammed all day long but casual gw2 pvper who just follows what devs say is completely sure that there will be balance improvements XD


There’s a small but nice crowd on eu playing competitively (55hpm etc). Are there any active teams on NA right now?

(edited by Perdix.8641)

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


OP needs a change of title to ‘It has already ended’ for accuracy.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


All the ‘pro’ teams on NA just pug stomp and avoid each other in queue.


It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Perdix.8641


wow.. think I may have got top 10 from duo q yesterday..

dat mmr system..

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


woops wrong account…. and fyi

The funny thing will happen when 18th hits and theres no balance update. (ofcourse i dont know this cause after million times asking we just know that instead of mysterious feature build its gonna be the mysterious maintance build w/e that means)
Ok active forums readers know this cause its getting spammed all day long but casual gw2 pvper who just follows what devs say is completely sure that there will be balance improvements XD

AM sticky:

“Yes, players will eventually be able to take their looks across game modes; however, this will not be happening as a part of the maintenance build on March 18th”

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: aleks.5473


Who gives a kitten about pvp looks in pve. People began to play pvp for pvp itself not for dumb looks.
Anet is simply throwing dust in players eyes. When I join in pvp I play vs same peole over and over.
The forum is more active then game it’s self, trolls mostly but still.
GW2 pvp is dead. It’s dead from mounts and you must be full to think otherwise.

Shadowsong Bg, Zagorka bg – r61
Champ mesmer, engy, rangar, necro, guardian, warrior

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


All the ‘pro’ teams on NA just pug stomp and avoid each other in queue.

And all the casual teams just queue dodge anyone competent enough to beat them.


“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


All the ‘pro’ teams on NA just pug stomp and avoid each other in queue.

And all the casual teams just queue dodge anyone competent enough to beat them.


“ALL”… so you represent the pro teams in this game? Well sorry for being too casual for you. I doge the queue all day when someone good plays (wth is queue dodge anyway) so yeah, such competition, much esports, wow.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Rubik.7192


All the ‘pro’ teams on NA just pug stomp and avoid each other in queue.

And all the casual teams just queue dodge anyone competent enough to beat them.


“ALL”… so you represent the pro teams in this game? Well sorry for being too casual for you. I doge the queue all day when someone good plays (wth is queue dodge anyway) so yeah, such competition, much esports, wow.

Oh no no, I am a casual player so don’t get your jimmies rustled.

“I’m so hard right now” – Ozie, in solo queue.

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


In that case I am confused… how do you dodge the queue?

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


In that case I am confused… how do you dodge the queue?

You wait for the team(s) you don’t want to face to get a game, then you queue up

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: DanyK.3842


In that case I am confused… how do you dodge the queue?

You wait for the team(s) you don’t want to face to get a game, then you queue up

That wouldn’t work cuz I’d just have to wait out til they leave their game cuz noone else plays this game.
Also why would casuals do that? Yesterday I queued with my WvW guildies for some funzies and we got the team I used to PvP with, knew we’d get stomped when I told the guy on close before the game started that he’ll have thief + warr inc and he ignored it and went afk before capping the point. We did better than I expected (175 – 500) and I was satisfied even tho we played avg 80% vs top50.

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Vuh.1328


In that case I am confused… how do you dodge the queue?

You wait for the team(s) you don’t want to face to get a game, then you queue up

That wouldn’t work cuz I’d just have to wait out til they leave their game cuz noone else plays this game.
Also why would casuals do that? Yesterday I queued with my WvW guildies for some funzies and we got the team I used to PvP with, knew we’d get stomped when I told the guy on close before the game started that he’ll have thief + warr inc and he ignored it and went afk before capping the point. We did better than I expected (175 – 500) and I was satisfied even tho we played avg 80% vs top50.

You would be surprised how many people try to avoid getting facerolled by stronger teams and faceroll random people themselves >_>

Take your time to learn proper keybinding, it’s worth the struggle

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: UnrequitedHope.6172


The end is nigh! All is in vain! Time to uninstall.

On a serious note, Anet builds up all this hype about an upcoming amazing release. It then falls flat, leaving all of us disillusioned. Anet tantalized us with their feature build since end of December. Now come end of February, we find out it won’t arrive until “late spring/early summer” (quoting Colin Johanson). So every 6 months for an update to PvP? That’s how long it took the previous one (if not longer)!

You must be thinking that getting a revamped pvp reward system will be our saving grace. Since glory is being removed and gold being the primary currency, PvE gamers will get a leg up because they can accumulate it astronomically faster. Let’s not even mention that they get to bring over all their legendary weapons and cooler PvE exclusive skins (e.g. spirit and elementalist weapons)

I’m really kitten furious of being treated as a second rate citizen. Makes me want to uninstall. By now I should give up having great expectations of PvP as it would only be faltered. GW2 should’ve came with a disclaimer “Abandon all hope ye who installs.” /tirade

Web Developer IRL, GW2 guilty pleasure by night

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


Maybe it is their master plan to weed out all the older pvp players so the will stop complaining. While the new crop of pvp player will just happily accept the current state of things to come.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

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in PvP

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


What a lot of people (i think) are missing is the following :
Remember how they said they wanted to add more runes and sigils?
But they would require some work?

Now think of this : Glory is being removed, and Gold introduced, you can acquire gold by buying gems with Real Life Cash.

Would it be possible they will make these runes/sigils cost a few gold in the hopes people will use their credit card to get a leg up on the competition, or have to keep up with the competition?
Guess what, Pay 2 Win, here we come!

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Come on guys do you really…REALLY think next patch is going to change something? I mean…every single patch from release was presented as “Omygawdpvpreworkingpatchof awesomeness” ending up with nothing better than before…sometimes even worse…

Just lose all hopes already ppl…believe me, devs just don’t get (Or don’t want to get) what real problems are…and they’re going nowhere, so chill down and just wait for the next crap patch, at the end of the day noone cares anymore..

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

OP needs a change of title to ‘It has already ended’ for accuracy.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


OP needs a change of title to ‘It has already ended’ for accuracy.


It has begun...

in PvP

Posted by: Allie Murdock

Allie Murdock

Community Coordinator

Since there isn’t much in the way of constructive discussion in this thread, I am going to go ahead and lock it.