It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I complained after the patch about how strong everyone was and then I got the advice to go something other than Zerker, so I did. That made a change and it actually made the game much more enjoyable and I decided to wait a while before I started writing a rant.

It has been a while now so here is my rant.

I like how fights are faster now and it feels like we are more usefull even when we are newbies. I like how it now gives more stats a reason to be used, but there is a problem.

Some classes are “broken” with traits, skills and a combination of them. I am not good with what some builds are called but…

Warriors Rampage is way out of line, sure it has a long CD and is an alite skill but with this massive power increase we all have got a Rampager warrior more or less has atleast one free KB on a full HP PVT heavy when activating rampage and topping that almost oneshot mechanic with quickness on the stomp is totaly wierd. And about that when Quickness was Haste wasn’t haste nerfed so that stomps didn’t speed up? If so I think you should nerf that “again”.

Elementalists that can cleanse conditions pretty much all the time and heal up and do massive fire based damage all in the same build.

Mesmers that can keep you locked down long enough to hit you with a massive amount of damage while you are stuck in one place. It is a nice build but as the damage out put over all is so high now this is one of the best free kill builds out there.

And there are a lot more but these are the ones I notice the most… And what is more booring is that almost everyone is playing these builds so when I play a match I always end up fighting these builds and I guess that is becouse these build are over the top. The sad thing is that it starts to feel like this new diversity I dreamed about is not there, play the meta builds or don’t play.

It’s not fun getting from full HP to downed in less than a second becouse I didn’t see that enemy coming in behind me. I wan’t some room fore mistakes, if I got attacked from behind my enemy should ofc have the advantage but I should not get downed just like that. I have also noticed that many players aim for one shots, if they fail they retreat and wait for CD and tries again.

So in my opinion I hope Anet swings around a big Nerf hammer on almost all classes becouse PvP is not fun at all anymore and there is no Diversity, play meta or die.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
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It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

Well maby rampager is well balanced but it isn’t when you combine it with the specialization Heightened Focus wich gives the Warrior quickness for 4s while in rampage wich hits so hard and fast that you can not dodge or block enough to survive and if you go down to fast you will get stomped before you even can se your own downed skills.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

Yea 5k auto #2=5k #3=6k #4=5k #6=6k = 27k dmg
Its ok and well balanced.


It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

Well maby rampager is well balanced but it isn’t when you combine it with the specialization Heightened Focus wich gives the Warrior quickness for 4s while in rampage wich hits so hard and fast that you can not dodge or block enough to survive and if you go down to fast you will get stomped before you even can se your own downed skills.

well, that combination is working as intended as well.

anyway, many counter plays exist for rampage or rampage plus heightened focus.
in that example you mentioned, the victim got unlucky and outplayed.

rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

Yea 5k auto #2=5k #3=6k #4=5k #6=6k = 27k dmg
Its ok and well balanced.


do you have screen shots to prove those damage?
even if those numbers are true, it is working as intended because the victim has low armor and health due to using marauder or other offensive amulets which does not offer toughness and vitality.

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


This is the best update they’ve done in this game in a long time.

The old cheese meta of Celestial everything was gutted and now we have legitimate berseker builds that deal massive damage and don’t get the sustained survivability (minus eles). Playing berserker is now a high risk high reward style.

Rampage is extremely balanced and now worth taking for Warriors. It has so many counters that people fail to realize and just sit there and soak up the hits.

As stated in another thread, this is just a pure learn to play issue from the negative posts here and people need to learn to adapt. People want their broken celestial damaging/bunker build(s) back but that was the worst thing to have ever happened to the game that literally took no skill.

Now what we have here is a well balanced game that offers more different play styles than ever before… which are all viable.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: silentnight warrior.2714

silentnight warrior.2714

rampage is well balanced and is in a very good spot at the moment, it is best to leave it alone, for another six months at least, before making any further unnecessary adjustments.

Yea 5k auto #2=5k #3=6k #4=5k #6=6k = 27k dmg
Its ok and well balanced.


Zerker against zerker.
There are zerker builds that downs people in ~2 sec without notice. Rampage cannot do that. Its even harder against anyone who dodge, evade, port, blind.
At least with rampage you have to land easy to avoid skills. If they are easy to avoid they should be rewarding on hit.

(edited by silentnight warrior.2714)

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I came across my first rampage warrior when I came to +1 my ally.

The Warrior was at 20% health so I though it was going to be a brain dead easy fight. What I didn’t expect, was a burst of damage. I some how went to half health instantly, It was so fast that I panicly used my medi stunbreak heals and turned my camera angle around to look for a Thief… until I realized it was the Warrior. I thought it was op until I realized he was zerkers himself.

There are OP builds that are not easily counterable, then there are power builds with weaknesses of their own. Warriors fall in that last category.

aka FalseLights
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It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


This is the best update they’ve done in this game in a long time.

The old cheese meta of Celestial everything was gutted and now we have legitimate berseker builds that deal massive damage and don’t get the sustained survivability (minus eles). Playing berserker is now a high risk high reward style.

Rampage is extremely balanced and now worth taking for Warriors. It has so many counters that people fail to realize and just sit there and soak up the hits.

As stated in another thread, this is just a pure learn to play issue from the negative posts here and people need to learn to adapt. People want their broken celestial damaging/bunker build(s) back but that was the worst thing to have ever happened to the game that literally took no skill.

Now what we have here is a well balanced game that offers more different play styles than ever before… which are all viable.

I thought I was the only one, oh joy to find someone who thinks alike after all these comments <3

Then again, I think I got the benefit from actually trying to play all professions – to me the flaws that the professions had did not change – what changed is that now you need to pay attention rather than relying on automated sustain to survive. It is not golden yet, but to me a big improvement over last patch(es)

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It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Silverthorn.8576


the problem with rampage is not the damage but the dmg + CC + 3 stacks of stability + free stomp + be under berserker stance.
It is like a necromancer could with lich form do dmg + fear you 2 times + have 3 stack of stab + stomp + be in DS.

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


I came across my first rampage warrior when I came to +1 my ally.

The Warrior was at 20% health so I though it was going to be a brain dead easy fight. What I didn’t expect, was a burst of damage. I some how went to half health instantly, It was so fast that I panicly used my medi stunbreak heals and turned my camera angle around to look for a Thief… until I realized it was the Warrior. I thought it was op until I realized he was zerkers himself.

There are OP builds that are not easily counterable, then there are power builds with weaknesses of their own. Warriors fall in that last category.


Ignore Pain and similar skills completely counter rampage and warriors can’t stealth/blink so they can’t do much about it especially if it’s 1v1 unlike thieves that just stealth and come back 10sec later with their full burst always ready not a 120 cooldown wasted. What really makes it scary is the stability and damage reduction.
I’d rather have a good necro lich form in my team tbh.

Even good Elementalist will go down with an unexpected burst, just don’t let them run away with even 10hp. Down them right there

Mesmer are hard to 1v1, most use power block so you gotta be very careful when you heal not be in his line of sight. If he plays sword/torch and stealth wait for him to do something and when he does just dodge. Keep an eye on his number of clones and the shatter cooldown. At that point you can attack. Basically same way than elementalist ( and thief ) a big burst from which they cant recover if they stealth strike the air around they’ll go down if they’re using zerker amulet.

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


stances shouldn’t carry on into rampage, but the 25% endure pain trait should still activate. apart from that and perhaps a small cd increase the skill is fine. i wrote a post on how to fight it another thread, link is bellow. the short version is it’s very telegraphed and easy to kite if the gap closers are avoided.

i wasn’t enjoying pvp for a while, but i feel that was more due to having no builds. i’ve got a great engi build and a nice warrior build now and pvp is good times again. toughness needs a buff, and pu and burning need shaves but that’s it really.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Rampage isn’t a problem.
And it’s weak compared to PU Mesmer or so alike.

Why would we nerf Rampage while PU problem is untouched for so long?

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It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I came across my first rampage warrior when I came to +1 my ally.

The Warrior was at 20% health so I though it was going to be a brain dead easy fight. What I didn’t expect, was a burst of damage. I some how went to half health instantly, It was so fast that I panicly used my medi stunbreak heals and turned my camera angle around to look for a Thief… until I realized it was the Warrior. I thought it was op until I realized he was zerkers himself.

There are OP builds that are not easily counterable, then there are power builds with weaknesses of their own. Warriors fall in that last category.


Ignore Pain and similar skills completely counter rampage and warriors can’t stealth/blink so they can’t do much about it especially if it’s 1v1 unlike thieves that just stealth and come back 10sec later with their full burst always ready not a 120 cooldown wasted.
I’d rather have a good necro lich form in my team tbh

I quote this but this will also be a response to a few more posts here.

Just what I was trying to say with my OP that the new Patch is nice and I like how good more stat variations is more viable now but we have to tone down a few traits(Specializations) and skills for most classes as they make the game favor one-shot mechanics. Burning is a little too good, Rampage is more or less a free kill since you will kill another player who happens to be unaware. I do want that a player that is suprice attacked will be in disadvantage but I do not favor the ‘you fail once, you die’. I want to have room for a mistake. if we don’t care for things like that why don’t we start a game where the first player reach a cap point wins? Thats fast game.

So this is not only about warriors Rampage, it is about all freakin kill in less than a second skill combos.

Another thing about this ‘You can soak up a rampage warrior’, no I can’t if I didn’t trait to soak up instakill skills (Wich again I am against for all classes). Also these are popular builds so mostly every player one-shots, so lets say if I play a Warrior and do not trait like the others, then I will die and I can’t kill them.

If I where to play a Zerker and be up against a Zerker then I can accept that I get one-shotted but lets say that I go up against a Maruader with a Cleric set then I should not get one shotted. As it is now you do get “one-shotted” (Killed from full health to 0 in less than a second).

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


do you have screen shots to prove those damage?
even if those numbers are true, it is working as intended because the victim has low armor and health due to using marauder or other offensive amulets which does not offer toughness and vitality.

Ok you want proof…this is only from 2 screens from yesterday…And you don’t need proof, proof are all those ppl demanding OP elite to be nerfed to the ground. Perma stability perma 30% dmg redzuction and condi reduction plus insane amount of dmg plus can stomp while it’s active= need nerfhammer.


It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Darksteel.8412


ele and rampage are fine, just mesmer problem and tbh signet of rage is still a joke (still pick it over rampage)

(edited by Darksteel.8412)

It's been a while, what I think of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: choovanski.5462


do you have screen shots to prove those damage?
even if those numbers are true, it is working as intended because the victim has low armor and health due to using marauder or other offensive amulets which does not offer toughness and vitality.

Ok you want proof…this is only from 2 screens from yesterday…And you don’t need proof, proof are all those ppl demanding OP elite to be nerfed to the ground. Perma stability perma 30% dmg redzuction and condi reduction plus insane amount of dmg plus can stomp while it’s active= need nerfhammer.

my zerk warriors great sword rush hits 4-5k. these numbers seem fine. rampage should do more damage than you do outside of it. actually that 5600 rush you have in there is from outside of rampage, so Dash only does 1k more damage than Rush for this warrior. that’s not a lot more damage, so i cant see why rampage is an issue damage wise considering its only marginally more than the warrior does regularly, and that it is an elite skill.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)