Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


1. There are other builds that put out more condition pressure.
2. This builds literally dies in one condi-bomb.

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: TheArtOfMouts.7468


Which Build ?


Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


Condi engi is not a good build at all. It is actually very very weak. Of course, you can deal some insane condi damage, but against opponents with any condi clear, blocks or ability to dodge, you won’t be able to do much. As a condi engi, you have very little sustain and absolutely melt when focused. In ranked (most of the time with and against top tier players), we usually focus the condi engi before even the necro, because it is such an easy kill in team fights. All you have to do to beat it 1v1 is to dodge the burn from that skill that gives you burn on your next 5 attacks (forgot its name) and from pistol 4 or even just tank them then cleanse and you win because of no sustain on the engi.

I accept that condi engi can destroy inexperienced players much more than meta engi can, but that goes for any glass cannon build like fresh air ele, p/p theif or full zerker ranger, and not one of these are even close to viable.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


condi builds are barely viable simply because smite condition exists

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: shion.2084


I’ve only really played one very good condi engi. The rest were quite easy to manage with my power engi. There is a lot of projectile hate out there…. and condi engis tend to go down quite quickly, or have to scamper off thus conceding point.

The one very good one would bait reflects, worked with another condi giver to see when you’d used your cleanses and was invisible for portions of time. Essentially he/she played a theif’s +1 role very well.

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: shion.2084


You know two of them might work well in tandem as a ganking team….

What build by the way? Using Balthazar, FT, EG, and S?

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.1683


You know two of them might work well in tandem as a ganking team….

What build by the way? Using Balthazar, FT, EG, and S?

Standard build:
P/P, FT, TK, S

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Koru.8574


I have no idea how this spec could possibly be overlooked. Its not even questionable, condi engi is the most unbalanced spec i’ve ever seen in a game. I’ve been playing one for the past month or so, doing over 1 mill condition damage per game quite often, something i was unable to do on mes and thief.

After a few weeks of melting people with this spec, i went back to classes that are a little more engaging than just loading up your pistol with napalm and mashing 1-5. Its Just way way to easy to one shot just about any target. Other than some specs that have tremendous condi clear this spec will inflict massively overpowered conditions in a split second with VERY minimal effort.

There is many power specs that cant even come close to the amount of condi burst this spec can dish out. There is absolutely no logical explanation for the ridiculous amount of damage condi engi can do. Its not even glass cannon, you can build condi engi up like a tank, especially if you take scapper. Some classes just dont have enough condi clear to manage the frequency and strength of this extremely potent damage type.

Im just kinda mad that my ele takes so much effort to pump out its little fresh air damage, yet this beast can just DoT and drop any target effortlessly. I hope this is addressed in some fashion.

reminds me of a friend i had, he played condi engi…then he made the mistake of taking on my smokescale …OHHHHH WHHYYYY…..HE WASN’T REEEADDYYY!!!!!!

Jesus...Condi Engi is ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


They can be very overwhelming if you use a spec that’s already vulnerable to condis but condi wars, guardians running medi and cleanse on block, condi transfer necros and perhaps eles with earth specced don’t have a lot of trouble managing condi engis. I wouldn’t call something broken if it has multiple counters.