Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283



I would like to open a conversation regarding advanced gameplay skills.

For my contribution I would like to bring up ‘Juking’.

Term: Juking
Definition: To trick/deceive an enemy into using specific skills/abilities at an incorrect time.

How to ‘Juke’:

Many important attacks (such as CC’s) have cast times / animations that an enemy can see coming. That enemy then will use an ability such as Stability or a Dodge roll in order to mitigate the incoming attack.

By binding your Sheath Weapon to an easy to find button you can do the following:
Begin you casted attack, half way through your attack click your Sheath Weapon button. The attack is canceled and you’re given a 3 second CD on the attack (instead of its 20+ sec CD).

Hopefully, the enemy will attempt to dodge or use an important skill in order to mitigate your attack. In doing so they use up their skill, and you can recast it a mere 2-3 seconds later for full effect.

Examples of skills that could benefit from Juking:
Warrior – Hammer #2 #4 #5 – all casted with long cd’s (10-20sec cd).
Mesmer – Moa

What other useful ADVANCED techniques are out there?

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: BigTeeHunter.4913


When I see attacks coming and if I remember I dodge sometimes

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


When I see attacks coming and if I remember I dodge sometimes

I appreciate your contribution!

However I’m looking more for comments in ADVANCED techniques oppose to things you learn between the levels of 1 and 2.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: BigTeeHunter.4913


Oh right ok, well if you ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Right Click’ on a certain skill, you can make it your auto-attack skill, so you can use 100 blades as soon as its off cooldown without even looking. I find that helps because I don’t need to look.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Oh right ok, well if you ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Right Click’ on a certain skill, you can make it your auto-attack skill, so you can use 100 blades as soon as its off cooldown without even looking. I find that helps because I don’t need to look.

You must be a very successful pvper.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: BigTeeHunter.4913


Yes I win in battles against almost every enemy

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Too bad all my skills are insta cast.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video


Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


I find if I’m playing shortbow ranger I can stop using #1 for a moment and use #4, then go right back to spamming #1. I find this to be a very advance tactic for ranger play.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Sovereign.4038


Well, I play a lot of ele in spvp with a scepter/dagger build…Often find it handy to bait dodges etc with Earth 5 (Churning Earth), has to be done pretty quick for it to not get the long cd though ! Also good to do it with the earthquake (#4), although the cancel-cast reaction time has to be faster than #5, great for spvp when you’re in a teamfight over a node ^^

‘We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training.’

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Rukia.4802


I find if I’m playing shortbow ranger I can stop using #1 for a moment and use #4, then go right back to spamming #1. I find this to be a very advance tactic for ranger play.

Very tactical indeed. Sometimes I even use my elite but that detracts me from my 1 so idk if it’s worth it tbh.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I keep forgetting you can use instant abilities while casting other abilities since its not allowed in most other games. It makes for some creative gameplay.

For example, blinding someone while you are stomping an enemy to keep from getting interrupted.

You can start casting churning earth away from enemies and then teleport to them right before it finishes.

I’ve seen a thief stomping another thief, and and when the downed thief used his teleport, so did the other thief without interrupting the stomp.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


The churning earth + teleport is a great addition to this thread!

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


I don’t think that interrupting your own skills should give them a 3 second cooldown. If there was no penalty for it, you could fake-cast your healing spell (since the glowy animation is pretty obvious), and then when your enemy tries to interrupt you it won’t give you the interrupt cooldown. Definitely would add to the skill elements of the game, imo.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

To the above poster.

if player A casts an ability and player B gets hit, player B is punished for failing to dodge it.

If player A casts an ability and player B dodges it, player B is rewared for countering player A.

If player A starts to cast an ability, player B dodges, then player A cancels it. Player B is punished for dodging an ability that was never casted and player A is punished with a 3 second cooldown. This is balanced.

If you take away the 3 second cooldown people would just fake cast every ability and only actually cast it when they know their opponent couldn’t or wouldn’t dodge it.

Your idea would destroy the balance in this game and make it more like that other game which you stole that idea from and failed to give any credit. We all know your post is just another make this game more like world of warcraft post.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


Oh right ok, well if you ‘Ctrl’ + ‘Right Click’ on a certain skill, you can make it your auto-attack skill, so you can use 100 blades as soon as its off cooldown without even looking. I find that helps because I don’t need to look.

You must be a very successful pvper.

Yes I win in battles against almost every enemy

Lol wtf? Sarcasm chain?

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


Mirror > Ether Feast

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


“Lol wtf? Sarcasm chain?”
You betcha.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


or you just press escape instead of switching to a weapon set you don’t want to switch to

and the cd on interrupt is 4sec not 3

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Sheath weapon doesn’t change weapon set. It just puts your weapon away.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Mikali.9651


- While starting animation of Pistol Whip is going, you can use steal to teleport and stun enemy, that way it’s certain to hit.
Also, if you trait for steal doing dmg, it will proc immobilize from Devourer Venom, then you are certain to do your Pistol Whip 2 times in a row.

- You can swap weapons from your inventory by double clicking on weapon in inventory. You can do it only outside the combat, but you can do it very fast and it’s great when you need speed boost or teleport from other weapon set you are not using.
(example warrior’s warhorn)

- If you are able to use blind, use it on downed foe, he will not be able to interrupt you.

- Don’t stay in your place fighting enemy, move around him. I see a lot of melee just stands in place or is chasing enemy hitting him from back.
Move around with your target.
Circle around it, you will be suprised how many attacks you will “dodge” that way, couple that with dodge and you will reduce their dmg output by much more.
Also, try to be in front of a target that wants escape, instead of hitting it from back.

In options, 2 things should be changed from optional:
1. Double-Tap to Evade on
2. Autotargeting off

Also, Fast-Cast Ground Targeting is a great thing to have

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Halseybr.9403


as a ranger i stun with my shortbow making classes use their break cc CD’s then i use my pets special ability which is a stun twice as long to follow up with it immediatly that way they cant counter it regardless, then i follow up with my second pets stun and repeat the process. although for the jukes your talking about people always always dodge my roots ability (unless they fail) so i’ve learned when they see my jumping in the air emote i dodge break it when they dodge and repeat till it finally hits.

another thing i do is i stack my short bow bleeds trap bleeds onto classes that can strip/send conditions alot of people freak when they see my short bow/trap bleeds short bow poisons and flame trap conditions all stack onto them instantly and usually blow their heavy cooldowns ( alot of the time during this i also land their heals from panics). When they do I use my pet/axe bleeds & roots along with my heavy burns from torch and pet poisons all which do WAAAY more dmge and are a much longer/heavier condition. By then I can just switch right back to my short bow and use my traps to sustain the conditions for longer periods of time as well as using the techniques i mentioned above in stunning/ juking them to prevent any other forms of movement and viabilities to counter at this point of the fight they have already used their defensive skills and I have not used mine because I am always sure to open heavy first so all I have to do is take slow time and play defensive while my applied conditions do the rest and just stay alive while maintaining them.

I have noticed if I fight skilled people or very tanking people this technique forces them into a cycle to where their cd’s my have come back (Bunker Gaurdians) and by the time my heavy conditions have fallen off and only my trap/shortbow are applied they have to remove them again to not die and my torch/pet conditions are off CD to be re applied again. /repeat

A seperate approach to those still reading is using the short bow stuns to break the CC cd’s at the start and save the 2 pet stuns for when you have poped their cleanse/send conditions abilities (usually on more squishier targets via necros) so the stun holds them till they are dead that way most panic necro save death shroud for the oh crap moments before death and this counters it to were the heavy applied conditions kill them while CC’ed indefinately.

Dirge Grim- Ranger, Jzu- Thief
Brotherhood of Blackgate [BBG]

(edited by Halseybr.9403)

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


Escape cancels your skill you’re currently using, no need to sheath.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Escape cancels your skill you’re currently using, no need to sheath.

True but for some people Esc isn’t that reachable. I personally have small girly hands so Esc is out of reach. You can’t bind Esc (I believe) but you CAN bind Sheath. So I do. To a button thats easy to reach for my little itty bitty fingers.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]