Just Wondering if I Could Have One Fair Tournament
That sucks, the only time I’ve ended up 4v5 was because one of our guys DC’d a little while into the final (he had been DC’ing on and off the entire tournament, and in the final his net just gave out for half an hour :/ ). Sucks, cause we only lost like 500-430 and would’ve safely won had his connection held out another 5 min.
The only real advice I can give you is to try and form your team before entering instead of joining solo.
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)
Arenanet did not put any matchmaking whatsoever in this game, it was a really poor move on their part. Its simply a game of premades rolling pugs etc. They spent so much time yet totally failed to implement any sort of rankings. Until they do don’t expect a fair game.
I would understand if this problem was in Spvp. But Tpvp, you know what you’re getting into, you pick your 4people and roll with them. Not Anet’s fault one of your guys bounced.