So i found one old WOW vid. about balance… (vannila one) Not sure if i can post its link tho… but here it is anyway:
And thought about GW2 in that vid…
Scissors – Thiefs
Hammer – mesmers
Rock – Guardians
Paper – warriors , engineers , elementalists, necros
Mushrooms – necros , rangers, warriors (in our current so called meta)
(note that necros and warriors are in 2 sections , they can do either not bad or terrible)
Scissors beats paper and CAN kill rock, but cant stand against hammer , so they have to run from it…
Rock can beat paper , but cant catch scissors couse of theyr escape moves, also if he loses his guard he dies to scissors and cant realy beat hammer.
Paper cant beat rock , so they just avoid it , also paper dies to scissors , but papers can beat hammer and rock when united.
And mushrooms are mushrooms.
Thats how i feel about our current balance ^,^
Peace out.