Just got Svanir down to 1%...

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: RhysSebastian.7651


instead of whining like kittens, why not have your theif/necro/ranger/guardian. (guardian is a bit tricky, have to know the full sprint from enemies base to direct path based on class but totally doable) place down some stalling/detection on the ONLY TWO chokepoints available to the NPC in the start of the match.

As for

but but, I have to change my utilities. Well yes you do, and after game start when your out of combat go back to your strat.

This will solve most NPC whining

(edited by RhysSebastian.7651)

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: CENSOR.6081


Its honestly a bit infuriating to see designers can find the time to post on things like this (not to be rude, but svanir’s always been like this, its nothing new. It even says “awards on last hit” when you highlight the bosses) when the community has some pretty pressing questions concerning the latest patch which are being ignored.

If you do manage to find time (this is a sincere request, not sarcasm), please check this out
(yes, I am the author of this post)

Because isn’t it painfully transparent that ANet flaunted the workload of implementing the tag mechanic into GW’s engine.

This Dev is just throwing up a cringe-worthy cover story that’s got too many holes in it to be plausible.

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


I try not to sound elitist, and to be as understanding as possible in most regards. However, I think is is a perfect example of people wanting something without putting out the effort to earn it. If you are having trouble getting people organized to protect you from the steal, this is the fault of the players around you. This has nothing to do with Anet. This mechanic as depth, and strategy. Just because you want to not have to pay attention and tunnel vision the npc while ignoring chat, doesn’t mean it needs changed. It simply means you need to step up your game and remember you have teammates.
If a quarterback throws an interception, its because he wasn’t watching the defense. It is not because the ability to intercept is broken or needs changed.

You just need to communicate, if you can’t communicate with your pug there has been enough people griping here to form a tPvp team. There, problem solved.

Tl; Dr: it’s not broken, you just don’t want to try.

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Casual teams can’t defend it, and good teams avoid the mechanic completely.

Good teams don’t avoid the mechanic completely, quite the opposite. They understand the mechanic and include it in their planning, playing in a way that makes it much harder to steal the kill. I think you’re confusing ‘good’ with ‘basically competent’ btw. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to get your boss kills while minimising the chance of steals, and it certainly doesn’t take any great skill.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: Tiresias.6473


…only to have a thief on the opposing team run in, use heartseeker one time and get the 25 points.

Please fix this awful game.

In MOBAs, the good teams know not to start in on a Baron/Kongor/etc. try while other members of the team are MIA SPECIFICALLY to avoid this issue.

You didn’t account for the position of an opposing team member. It so happened that they saw your boss kill attempt and set themselves up to steal it from you.

The game doesn’t need to be changed because you got outplayed.

Main character: Winter Harvest (Necromancer)
[BICE] Black Ice / Maguuma Server