Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


Just like the topic says … and I’m almost certain someone, somewhere, has had this thought also. But considering how atrocious rally feels in PvP … I felt a strong enough desire to post this here, anyway.

If this game is going to continue on with such a stale setup of build diversity where instant gib / pure damage builds pretty much rule the SPvP Meta … (or at least it definitely feels that way, as it seems DPS Guardians are more common than bunker as an example. I could, however, be wrong as this is just personal experiences talking.)

Could we maybe force players to choose between either reviving a fallen ally or letting them die out in the middle of battle because ceasing combat would be a poor choice otherwise, and vice versa? Rather than giving players the option to choose to ignore a fallen ally because a foe on the opposing team is also down, and killing them would instantly revive your ally?

Does that make sense at all in PvP? I see it kind of like this … “Oh kittenwhiskers … I seem to have fallen down from being beat up and I’m slowly bleeding out … my morale is down. I think I’m going to lie here and be emo until … oh, someone on the other team died? WE CAN WIN THIS GUIZ, LOL, I’M BACK UP AND DONE WITH MY EMO PHASE!! (Also I’m no longer dying for some reason, lets go!)”

^ ?

Seriously … I would have no complaints with downstate in PvP (well, other than poorly balanced downstate abilities between classes) if rally were simply taken out of PvP. To me, it seems like classes with knockback, team stealth, stability, and ways of protecting a fallen ally would feel a lot more meaningful than it does now, at least in regards to saving a fallen ally. Otherwise it just seems to add one more layer to the staleness of this game’s current state of PvP.

Or is that part of the “problem” itself? Does it go against the “philosophy” of Arenanet not wanting any particular class to feel required in any team composition in any part of the game? If that’s seriously the case … I would simply tally this onto the list of problems that have arisen simply because Arenanet developers want to feel like they did something original when almost every aspect of anything conceivable has already been covered in some game, somewhere else. Yet they’re SO busy tryharding at being unique, that they lost sight of something truly important … quality, and more importantly, actual balance.

I know I have a negative bias that’s grown against Arenanet … but some of the aspects and nuances of PvP are nothing more than frustratingly stupid. Rally / reviving because someone else died, definitely seems to be one of them.

Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: fakeblood.2576


I don’t agree with removing the rally feature from pvp. However I do think 1 death should only rally 1 person in pvp.

Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Rally could be tweaked, just like downed states, but complete removal of them sounds like a terrible idea that would add to the staleness of the game, not help it.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Or you could keep improving yourself, achieve r20, learn to pvp and re-think these things.

We have no healers, a good burst can kill anyone in 1 sec. This way, we can bring him back, and survive the spike. Otherwise, people would rush in, place down aoe, and see who has more damage in the next 4 secs. Other team wipes, game ends..

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

Keep rally in PvE and out of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Alissah.9281


i think finishing an enemy to revive an ally is… too risky. but im a shattercat with berserker’s amulet, so reviving and finishing in general is really dnageorus for me.

a thief could be finishing your ally before you cna finish the enemy etc, or they can stealth the enemy… several times ive died or watch people die because they finished instead of revived.

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