Keyboard VS nostromo

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I’m a console gamer by nature and I find it odd to play any kind of game without my so faithful D-pad, which is the main reason I play with a nostromo.

Now that aside, I hate macros with a passion specially in PVP.

so my question for all of you pvper’s out there is this.

should nostromo users that do not use macros at all be permitted in tourneys ?
I think they should, and Razer should make a nostromo that doesn’t have built in macro software to promote this.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


There is nothing remotely useful in this game that you could Macro in PvP.

In fact the only time i’ve ever bothered with a Macro with my Nostromo pad in any PvP game was DAOC with my Savage (had it use my buffs every 15 to 30 seconds depending on if it was pre nerf or post)
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Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


I play with a Nostromo as well. I love it simply because it gives me a way to map keys out for the different classes I play. That said, people that use macros are simply cheating themselves from ever getting better.

If you can’t develop the skills to hit a certain sequence of buttons then you aren’t good even if you win a fight. Relying on a macro to do something specific is just plain bad and akin to cheating in my book. If you wanna be a top tier player, take the time, learn the skills and combos and be able to react on the fly.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

I bought a Logitech G13 a year ago and I simply can’t imagine playing GW2 without it. But there is no reason at all to use macros, simply because there is nothing to automatize. All skills are situationals, so you can’t make a chain of skills that may be generally useful.
Imho if you try to use macros in SPVP it will be even harder to play.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Rance Webster.2635

Rance Webster.2635

… Huh… first time I heard of a nostromo?

You guys make me feel like a casual gamer

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Rance Webster.2635

Rance Webster.2635

… Huh… first time I heard of a nostromo?

You guys make me feel like a casual gamer

Edit: and can’t you just macro just one skill to a different spot, and to macro a chain?
I don’t know about you, but having to move my hand to reach the 8-10 utility skills can be a bit of a bother, because then only my little finger remains on the movement buttons XD.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: emon.1863


I bought a Logitech G13 a year ago and I simply can’t imagine playing GW2 without it. But there is no reason at all to use macros, simply because there is nothing to automatize. All skills are situationals, so you can’t make a chain of skills that may be generally useful.
Imho if you try to use macros in SPVP it will be even harder to play.

There are some of useful macros in game, that actually could make game bit easier .
But in most cases you wont need any macros.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


I want to get a G13 for GW2. Problem is its Nostromo or nothing in Aus. You can get the G13, though it will cost you double – triple the RRP. Should have got one when Aus still had them :/

I would prefer a G13 over nostromo, its has more buttons

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Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Kryshade.6075


I find I don’t need all the buttons even on the Nostromo. It’s more the ability to alter the button configuration that I like. Rarely have I ever wished I had more buttons.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Stumpzy.8527


I use Nostromo with no macros if I am not playing with my xbox 360 controller. All abilities fit perfectly as long as you put the f keys on the bottom row.

I’ve been complimented on my mobility using both, but I am mostly a point defender so I have to be good at that regardless.

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Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


the thing is nostromo’s are not permitted in tournaments
because of their obvious macro capability, which is a bummer because just like most of you I have it for the easy keybind setup and the D-pad movement, not for macro’s at all. I only have 1 macro and it’s for F interact and T for target called target.

if they were permitted in tourneys I’d be trying to up my game even more so I can play in tourneys.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

and the D-pad movement

Exactly!! I bought G13 for the analog stick (that’s the reason for me to chose G13 over Nostromo) and I can’t go back. I just can’t imagine playing without using my thumb to move.

Keyboard VS nostromo

in PvP

Posted by: Parisalchuk.9230


the thing is nostromo’s are not permitted in tournaments
because of their obvious macro capability, which is a bummer because just like most of you I have it for the easy keybind setup and the D-pad movement, not for macro’s at all. I only have 1 macro and it’s for F interact and T for target called target.

if they were permitted in tourneys I’d be trying to up my game even more so I can play in tourneys.

Nostromo is permitted in tourneys, its a simplified keyboard. Just because something allows the use of macros doesnt mean its banned, just like using any ‘gaming’ mouse is legal while it still allows the use of 3rd party software to overwrite control. Its the use of macros which is the bannable offense. There are plenty of ways to create macros through software regardless of what peripherals you are using and if the software is bundled with the hardware or not. Does this mean all keyboards and mice are banned? No.

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