Kill/downed avoiders

Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: CMF.5461


While it satisfies me to know that I caused someone to ninja log or quit out of a match simply because they didn’t want to be downed or killed, it is slightly frustrating when trying to keep decent matches going in sPvP. I guess in the long run it doesn’t matter as much since it isn’t tourney, but still.

I have noticed an up trend in people avoiding being killed by leaving the match. Often this is preempted by smack talking for a bit till they get downed.

I think we all need to man up and accept our wins as well as our losses and just enjoy the game. This will make it a better environment for everyone.

~slightly annoyed but overall triumphant player~

Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


While it satisfies me to know that I caused someone to ninja log or quit out of a match simply because they didn’t want to be downed or killed, it is slightly frustrating when trying to keep decent matches going in sPvP. I guess in the long run it doesn’t matter as much since it isn’t tourney, but still.

I have noticed an up trend in people avoiding being killed by leaving the match. Often this is preempted by smack talking for a bit till they get downed.

I think we all need to man up and accept our wins as well as our losses and just enjoy the game. This will make it a better environment for everyone.

~slightly annoyed but overall triumphant player~

Haha yeah it can be annoying when they do that especially if you’re a warrior that wasted a vengeance. They’ll never man up because that’s how they roll.


Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


Sometimes this happens ( at least for me) when i’m waiting a tournament to start. Apart of that, i don’t really find a good reason to leave the match to avoid dying..

Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I do this sometimes when my tournament pops up, but that is the only time I will hop out, otherwise, I’ll just take it since… for the most part, I got outplayed.

Kill/downed avoiders

in PvP

Posted by: TEKnowledgy.1760


hehe had a guardian rage quit on my bomber engi yesterday in a 1v1 Didn’t bother me to bad free win lmao though was boring fighting him anyways.