King of the mists tournament, Elementalists.
Let’s kittening shave the kittening kitten baby.
Ele is viable now, give it a month though sorry
Edit: Anet threw a curveball.. Nn guys
Phaatonn, London UK
(edited by Phaeton.9582)
Ele is viable now, give it a month though sorry
In the last tournament everyone played all kinds of funky new builds with different lvls of success and it was clear that no new meta or such was formed. but STILL there where close too no ele. What is this elementalist that you claim to be viable? if you do not trust the judgement of the top players in the world then surely you most be of extrem mighty-ness and i ask of you too share your wisdom!! post this amazing "viable"build!! (and remember viable in HIGHEST LVL PVP)
Just buffing up Ele ramps up the power creep. We need less ridiculous builds, not more. What they need to do is nerf the things everyone knows are hilariously OP. Once that is done, Ele might find its place.
Like Helseth said, if it weren’t for the fact that the new builds that have risen up since the “Necro Dhuumfire” patch are all stupidly easy to use and completely broken, it’d be Ele who needs shaving in some categories.
We need to decrease the amount of no brainer choices in the game and create a playing field where multiple styles of play are possible. This is much easier to do by playing around with as few variables as possible – namely, builds that are overused and considered more effective than everything else. These builds are the minority, and it means less mucking about. Otherwise you’d have to buff everything else to their level or at the very least to create counters to them. More power creep.
Anet injected the meta with a disgusting pathogen ever since “that” patch. They have to cure the disease, not lessen the symptoms.
Only things that are really obviously worthless should be buffed – things like the old Focused Mind trait.
Stalefish, viable means it will work in pub games. Have you ever played dota?
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards
support was buffed for Ele, but staff Ele was already good at support, and who wants to be pidgeonholed into only playing support on a staff Ele anyway?
conjure skills were buffed (again) yet the problem has always been how clunky they are to use so while conjures might see some novelty use for a while it’s difficult to see them as a serious utility slot choice. Also hard to see trading 20 skills for 5 as a good trade.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
Stalefish, viable means it will work in pub games. Have you ever played dota?
1. capable of becoming actual, useful, etc.; practicable
2. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable
I haven’t played dota no. I used the word not as a “gaming word” but as a english word.. but if it suits you better what i meant (wich i belive everyone understood) was that elementalist are not a as good as the other proffesions.. when using notions such as elementalist and proffesions it means that no matter what builds and roles the elementalist succedes in others will do better, or the roles and builds that elementalist do best wont be as good as the roles of others.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
The design of wait and see is a product of not enough resources are being put into pvp, nothing else. Of course the are gonna have to mask the fact that pvp are being put in second hand. It is a choice that i wouldn’t have done prehaps and most likely do they have good reasons but that doesn’t change anything really. With resources put in PvPP development all the aspects that benefit the Wait and See policy could be accelerated in infinity.
To nudge things back and forth should be done OFTEN and big changes should be done rarely. waiting for everything too be nerfed and not used from 7 proffessions too make 1 proffesion usable in high lvl pvp is not at all a optimal design. If all others needs to be nerfed WAITING rather then changing ele is the cheap choice, not the best.
And a “master plan” of sorts is very opimistical too think exist but if it actually were one, now would be the time too tell abit about its plans for ele..
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
The design of wait and see is a product of not enough resources are being put into pvp, nothing else. Of course the are gonna have to mask the fact that pvp are being put in second hand. It is a choice that i wouldn’t have done prehaps and most likely do they have good reasons but that doesn’t change anything really. With resources put in PvPP development all the aspects that benefit the Wait and See policy could be accelerated in infinity.
To nudge things back and forth should be done OFTEN and big changes should be done rarely. waiting for everything too be nerfed and not used from 7 proffessions too make 1 proffesion usable in high lvl pvp is not at all a optimal design. If all others needs to be nerfed WAITING rather then changing ele is the cheap choice, not the best.
And a “master plan” of sorts is very opimistical too think exist but if it actually were one, now would be the time too tell abit about its plans for ele..
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
The design of wait and see is a product of not enough resources are being put into pvp, nothing else. Of course the are gonna have to mask the fact that pvp are being put in second hand. It is a choice that i wouldn’t have done prehaps and most likely do they have good reasons but that doesn’t change anything really. With resources put in PvPP development all the aspects that benefit the Wait and See policy could be accelerated in infinity.
To nudge things back and forth should be done OFTEN and big changes should be done rarely. waiting for everything too be nerfed and not used from 7 proffessions too make 1 proffesion usable in high lvl pvp is not at all a optimal design. If all others needs to be nerfed WAITING rather then changing ele is the cheap choice, not the best.
And a “master plan” of sorts is very opimistical too think exist but if it actually were one, now would be the time too tell abit about its plans for ele..
aaaah that makes alot more sence! sry…
So any word from developers? any plans too change the elementalist?
It would be nice to know if there is any plan. And i don`t talk about things like "make bad traits better so that there in line with “good” ele traits". Because they’re still bad when compared with other.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
I’ve heard people say this, then are immediately countered when others state that warriors were buffed before people “picked it up”.
I don’t think anyone seriously thinks an elementalist is good or even close to good in pvp right now. When I am on my thief or mesmer and I see an ele at a point or running I think to my self no danger, easy kill. It don’t matter if they are a better player than I, the class is squishy even in their “bunker” build which is half of what a warriors survivability is.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
They where but in this case it is kinda irrelevant. The changes that were buffed were all in places where they were the least wanted. Elementalist want the ability too play with the one handed weapons as dd or similar and not be pigeon holded to support staff wich atm is the only possible outcome if eles were to break through into the meta.
The Conjures aswell REALLY wasn’t requested at all for spvper since the hole mechanic of them is too awkward for pvp (the cannot på used “on demand” or reactivly)…
So even if these changes will have an impact that makes the elementalist have a spot in meta, the problems will remain.
I would really like an acknowledgement from ANET regarding the current state of the elementalist. They have completely ruined the class and it shows in the most recent TPVP events.
LOOK! i made you a handy form, you can reply and just check the box, anet!
[ ] Yes, dear eles, when we kneecapped you, we didn’t realize the impact on mobility!
[ ] Suck it up, losers.
the fact is that its not just Ele itself the problem, is that:
1) if you build him for support…its support wont be good enough to counter the insane dmg that your mates can receive.
2) if u build it glassy, conditions and AoE will eat him so quickly that its not worth its super burst.
3) if u build it balanced …. idk, but usually it doesnt work out really well, cause it doesnt fit any specific role.
I would really like an acknowledgement from ANET regarding the current state of the elementalist. They have completely ruined the class and it shows in the most recent TPVP events.
yeah that’s the actual point of this thread :P Last i heard anything from the developers they said (about 1-2 months ago) : “When we have brought down the fotms abit elementalist will be fine”.
Then they proceeded to not nerf any of the fotm at all, and left the elementalists completely unchanged really apart from support staff. There just have to be one developer out there who are concerned with elementalist and their roll in pvp! the time for information is now, since last things they said was complete bs apparently!
I already gave up on eles, sadly, balance team doesnt play the class at all to know whats wrong with it. I now roll a guardian and everytime I see an ele the one and only thoughts that comes to my mind is; “easy kill” and then I proceed to steamroll said ele or make him run away wit like an inch of health, which allows me to cap the point and make the match an easy 4v5.
WvW is even worse because the only things eles could do vs me as a guardian [run away] can now be countered by Traveler runes, which when I equip it with Hammer/GS 20% 2 handed weapon CD and triple mediation, NOTHING runs me away at any easy pace, specially eles who are tied to necros on lowest mobility in the game.
Legendary SoloQ
I would really like an acknowledgement from ANET regarding the current state of the elementalist. They have completely ruined the class and it shows in the most recent TPVP events.
yeah that’s the actual point of this thread :P Last i heard anything from the developers they said (about 1-2 months ago) : “When we have brought down the fotms abit elementalist will be fine”.
Then they proceeded to not nerf any of the fotm at all, and left the elementalists completely unchanged really apart from support staff. There just have to be one developer out there who are concerned with elementalist and their roll in pvp! the time for information is now, since last things they said was complete bs apparently!
I just don’t like what I’m seeing lately with the changes to staff and conjures and this talk of ele being a “support class”. This game got away from the trinity (tank, healer, dps) and therefore that mentality and philosophy is totally against the games design (and is nothing but a blanket statement to cover up the classes destruction). That ridiculous statement made by the dev regarding his encounter with a “strong staff elementalist” was just more propaganda. Congrats for standing in a meteor shower.
ANET pulled a Blizzard and completely “whacked a mole” which is something they have been pretty outspoken about avoiding. The lack of attention from the Dev’s in the ele forums and these threads regarding the current state is disgusting.
….and yeah, I’m real bootyhurt
(edited by DeckerDontPlay.1639)
yeah lol I was like “what? a support ele kick his booty?! Man how bad can they be?! hahahah” , probably werent playing warriors and thus they didnt feel comfortable, they didnt steam roll that quickly so they assumed they are ok.
I have yet to see a dev themself playing ele in high level playing and do well, or a “pro” for that matter. I do remember a dev plaing ele during one of those streams, he was failing badly at it, if im not mistaken he had to switch to warrior later on to take on harder parts.
Anyways, point is, most devs I have seen in my server and other servers when I guest is; Warriors, almost a staple thing. Like I said, I might as well roll one too, since Im guaranteed a good investment at the expense of personal fun.
Legendary SoloQ
yeah lol I was like “what? a support ele kick his booty?! Man how bad can they be?! hahahah” , probably werent playing warriors and thus they didnt feel comfortable, they didnt steam roll that quickly so they assumed they are ok.
I have yet to see a dev themself playing ele in high level playing and do well, or a “pro” for that matter. I do remember a dev plaing ele during one of those streams, he was failing badly at it, if im not mistaken he had to switch to warrior later on to take on harder parts.
Anyways, point is, most devs I have seen in my server and other servers when I guest is; Warriors, almost a staple thing. Like I said, I might as well roll one too, since Im guaranteed a good investment at the expense of personal fun.
sorry but every devs i met in tpvp are rangers
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
yeah lol I was like “what? a support ele kick his booty?! Man how bad can they be?! hahahah” , probably werent playing warriors and thus they didnt feel comfortable, they didnt steam roll that quickly so they assumed they are ok.
I have yet to see a dev themself playing ele in high level playing and do well, or a “pro” for that matter. I do remember a dev plaing ele during one of those streams, he was failing badly at it, if im not mistaken he had to switch to warrior later on to take on harder parts.
Anyways, point is, most devs I have seen in my server and other servers when I guest is; Warriors, almost a staple thing. Like I said, I might as well roll one too, since Im guaranteed a good investment at the expense of personal fun.
sorry but every devs i met in tpvp are rangers
I guess different server then, I have seen a grand total of 5 devs in between GoM, TC and BG, only remember the name of one (Wide Charr) and 5 of them played Warriors. Like I said, differnet servers, but also remember 14% of the population plays warrior, same for another 14% for rangers, more than 3x% of all classes representation were ranger in the last MLG and 0% eles. Spirit ranger still as OPstrong as always.
Legendary SoloQ
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Mind searching for some proof of that? I’d like to see which.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Mind searching for some proof of that? I’d like to see which.
Ele sustain nerfs, necro burning, warrior condition resistance buffs, warrior sustain buffs, boon hate, off the top of my head. I guess I could look up some of the old threads, but I’m honestly not that dedicated.
Ele is in a good position. People just don’t get it, due to the fact that all other classes are outshining it, due to absurd buffing in the last months. The Elementalist atleast opens a solid field of creativiy. Especially for support and bursts.
GJ for making it unviable and letting the zero risk-reward builds take their positions.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Mind searching for some proof of that? I’d like to see which.
Ele sustain nerfs, necro burning, warrior condition resistance buffs, warrior sustain buffs, boon hate, off the top of my head. I guess I could look up some of the old threads, but I’m honestly not that dedicated.
“Spirits are useless” was a popular one after the spirit nerf near release. That’s a bit longer term though.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Mind searching for some proof of that? I’d like to see which.
Ele sustain nerfs, necro burning, warrior condition resistance buffs, warrior sustain buffs, boon hate, off the top of my head. I guess I could look up some of the old threads, but I’m honestly not that dedicated.
That was changed during these 3-4 months? I thought it was before that.
Guys chill, things are still really up in the air with trait tooltips and slight conjure buffs, it’s gonna take a long time before you guys see Ele’s are actually extremely good now.
Just wait, in time you’ll understand Anet’s masterplan, they’re 10 steps ahead all of you.
To be fair, they were ahead of most players when it came to warriors. I still don’t know why this forum is generally so sure of itself when most people were mocking the Berserker Stance changes as not enough when they first came out.
Because people have short memories. There’s a 3-4 month time span between the forums asking for X, Anet implementing X, and then the forums asking for X to be removed.
Mind searching for some proof of that? I’d like to see which.
Ele sustain nerfs, necro burning, warrior condition resistance buffs, warrior sustain buffs, boon hate, off the top of my head. I guess I could look up some of the old threads, but I’m honestly not that dedicated.
That was changed during these 3-4 months? I thought it was before that.
I can’t remember exact dates. Ele nerfs was a bit longer, something like Dec. 2012-June 2013 to run its full course, so six months or so. Warrior condition resistance and sustain were lobbied for extensively this spring, so something like April 2013-August 2013 for that one to run its full course. Necro burn had extremely fast turnaround due to several buffs included in a single patch—I wasn’t playing at the time but it probably took the forums a couple weeks to 180 on that.