As we all know, the game is suffering from many issues. One of the topics that I have pretty much never heard spoken about is the lack of information a player and his teammates have after a game is completed and how this directly affects the ability of players to improve.
Picture this scenario and put yourself in the shoes of this player, who we will call Fred.
Fred is a rank 20 player in spvp. He plays mostly PVE and WWW and dabbles a bit in spvp. He has tried out a few different classes, and engineer is his favorite. Fred doesn’t have many friends or contacts in spvp, so he is very excited about the release of solo queue to get some tournament experience. He has mostly gained his ranks in hotjoins.
Fred plays 5 games and has the following result:
500-100 His team wins
500-480 His team wins
420-500 His team loses
180-500 His team loses
90-500 His team loses
Here is the twist: Fred scored 50 points in every single game. So, from his perspective, he may feel he did consistent, proper plays and rotations in each game because that is what his score is displaying. Yet, the team score shows otherwise.At the end of each of these games, Fred is shown a scoreboard that displays the total score of a team and individual points that a player scored.
Arenanet, I ask you this:
How does Fred analyze his play? How does Fred know what he did correctly in the games they won (or even lost) and reinforce this type of behavior? How does Fred identify bad plays he made and make efforts to stop this? How can he properly learn when to push a point and when to disengage from a fight? Where to position himself? How to make optimal decisions in scenarios where you have a teammate downed of a certain class type with 40% health and an enemy downed of another class type who has 70%? Do you stomp, rez, or dps?
Now, let me step away from Fred and give you a perspective from myself. I have a lot of tournament experience. I played exclusively in spvp (with the overwhelming majority of that time in tournaments) for the first 8 months of this game being released. I learned to play this game by playing a lot of games with a lot of the same people using voice communication. We learned TOGETHER while discussing and learning the game, and adapting as metas changed.
When I play with a group of players and we lose a game, it almost impossible to identify why we lost. We start asking questions “Were you there? Why didn’t you come? Why was that point capped? What happened over there?” There is no transparency or communication of information about what happened after a game is over. The scores on the scoreboard communicate NOTHING to the players at the end about whether or not they were actually effective and responsible for that outcome. If I can’t identify what went wrong, how can I possibly fix it on the individual level and on the group level? If it’s hard for me to figure it out, imagine what it must feel like to Fred.
Now, it takes many games of practice and feedback from other players to learn these skills, so it is very tough for this type of information to come firsthand from Arenanet about how to play conquest. But, what Arenanet CAN do is the following.
Please release a proper post-game scoreboard that displays the following things:
A) How many seconds was each point held by Red, Blue, or neutral?
B) How many neutralizes or caps by each player
C) Total damage and received done by each player
D) Damage done to downstate players
E) Total healing done and received by each player
F) Conditions applied/removed/cleansed
G) Boons applied/removed
H) How many stomps, revives, and deaths by each player
I) Special map mechanics: Treb shots fired, orbs ran, npc kills, etc.
J) Whatever else you can think of or other players can
This alone won’t make Fred a top notch player, but at least it will give him some insight into what actually went on in the game and get him thinking about the effectiveness of his build and play. Furthermore, It can allow actual groups of players to actually have some metrics to better figure out what went wrong in losses.
Thank you.
(edited by Zzod.5791)