Best guardian universe (:
Best guardian universe (:
Agreed, I have no idea why I should log in tomorrow.
What is sad is that you wont get a response from the Devs on this, yet this is the biggest thing holding pvp back for GW2 both in the long term and the short term. People need a reason to play. Yet we’ve gone another month without any form of tangible ranking system.
So Vonethil is 100% right.
Why should the competive gamer (who spends significantly more time in GW2 than anyone else) actually sign in tommorow? Why should the top teams put countless hours into the game each week if their efforts wont actually pay off?
It’s now almost March. The game released in August. “Be patient, Its coming” really doesnt fly anymore…
“Agreed, I have no idea why I should log in tomorrow.”
i agree 100%
i’ve come back to Wow 1 mounth ago because Anet .. you failed.
I’m also quite sure Jon dev or Tyler dev said that it would be somehow visible.
I learned to take words from the devs with a grain of salt.
EDIT: Found it, I stuggle to see…
(edited by leman.7682)
The devs think that matching solo queue players vs premades is fair so any rating system is irrelevent anyway.
Jon Peters said at SOTG something like if your a good player you should be able to take over a game and dominate even vs a premade.
This is such a fundamental lack of understanding about how gw2 works that its mind boggling. GW2 is all about having good communication, a coherent team build, and good downed state management as a team. Players individual skill is a distant second in comparison. Yet they dont realise this. And the matchmaking system doesnt realise this. As a result this game is dying now super fast. The last patch saved it. This patch has killed it again.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
Ladder was not for the patch, its a post patch addition that will come before the March patch.
Considering the MMR reset, they are like compounding data to make sure the ladder system works before they release it in-game.
The devs think that matching solo queue players vs premades is fair so any rating system is irrelevent anyway.
Are you just going to spam this in every thread? Even the unrelated ones?
[Eon] – Blackgate
why dont you all have a cry and hug each other? then go and play wow and everyones happy. the whingers are gone, while the rest of us enjoy playing an excellent game which will consistently improve patch to patch.
this game is still in its infancy and from what i can see, the devs are consistently working on improving the game. Paid tournies didnt really work due to long q times etc, so they changed it. If ratings being invisible becomes an issue, they will change it. it is day ONE of the ratings and matchmaking system, a new interesting map and a better solo q function.
why dont you all have a cry and hug each other? then go and play wow and everyones happy. the whingers are gone, while the rest of us enjoy playing an excellent game which will consistently improve patch to patch.
this game is still in its infancy and from what i can see, the devs are consistently working on improving the game. Paid tournies didnt really work due to long q times etc, so they changed it. If ratings being invisible becomes an issue, they will change it. it is day ONE of the ratings and matchmaking system, a new interesting map and a better solo q function.
I’ll make you a deal, we’ll all just leave and you and everyone else that is left can hug each other. I hope you won’t be embarrassed when you are hugging yourself, but then again, it shouldn’t matter because nobody else will witness it.
why dont you all have a cry and hug each other? then go and play wow and everyones happy.
WoW seems like the better option right now dude (yep, I said it). The reason people are frustrated is because they’re not seeing what ArenaNet promised. It’s horse kitten.
why dont you all have a cry and hug each other? then go and play wow and everyones happy. the whingers are gone, while the rest of us enjoy playing an excellent game which will consistently improve patch to patch.
this game is still in its infancy and from what i can see, the devs are consistently working on improving the game. Paid tournies didnt really work due to long q times etc, so they changed it. If ratings being invisible becomes an issue, they will change it. it is day ONE of the ratings and matchmaking system, a new interesting map and a better solo q function.
Is this some sort of troll? You’re just another super casual player who doesn’t care about it as long as he can join hotjoin and play his cookie cutter build and get top of the scoreboard most likely. Please note this is not aimed as a insult but more just a fact that casual players don’t care about the real issues with pvp while alot of us who aimed at playing the game at a competitive level have been let down by false promises.
They did almost nothing this patch except add another random map which wasn’t needed to progress the game pvp wise. This game is getting the blizz treatment (Pve first PvP way way way way way later) I also like how you used going to play wow as a insult when in reality wow is 20x the competitive game Gw2 is atm which is a really sad in reality.
At least on WoW i can log on and play a team to glad and know i’m decent unlike in Gw2 i have nothing to log on for no real way to even compare myself to anyone.
Best guardian universe (:
(edited by Ayraswag.3761)
What is sad is that you wont get a response from the Devs on this, yet this is the biggest thing holding pvp back for GW2 both in the long term and the short term. People need a reason to play. Yet we’ve gone another month without any form of tangible ranking system.
So Vonethil is 100% right.
Why should the competive gamer (who spends significantly more time in GW2 than anyone else) actually sign in tommorow? Why should the top teams put countless hours into the game each week if their efforts wont actually pay off?
It’s now almost March. The game released in August. “Be patient, Its coming” really doesnt fly anymore…
Pretty much this, you have hit the nail on the head.
Best guardian universe (:
You added a sort of matchmaking system why not show it. I don’t understand, if you would just add proper rating and ladders (which don’t take that long lets be honest) you wouldn’t be losing people the dedicated people who played 8 hours a day for months and months.
You’re game is dieing because there is NO POINT in playing it, NO COMPETITION NO LADDER NO WAY TO SEE YOU WHERE YOU STAND.
Game is pretty much dead no matter how many “Pve” players you bring in to test out your new map, what is funny is that games with no real interest in esports have ladders (Tera :S) while for some reason the devs at Anet can’t seem to grasp the basic fact that people need something to aim for not some kittenty QP system. Just add in a ladder and visible rating so people can actually play and aim for something.
It’s sad because i invested alot of time (just like a ton of others) into the game and Anet have pretty much screwed their chance of a popular pvp game up. Whats hilarious is i know a few of the top QP players who are either quitting or are trying to sell their accounts because even they after idk 4k+tournaments have realized this game won’t go no where if the devs can’t even add a ladder in but can create a pretty new map.
Removing your horrible joke of a QP ladder/System and adding in nothing at all is not a step forward you do understand that right?
GG Anet you have successfully killed your own game which is sad because it actually had a chance to be something special.
/Rant over /Infract /No chance of getting any reply or transparency from Devs
They know that they have the largest MMO on earth right now so they have no reason to listen to any players no matter how real their issues are.
Money over content.
Why not shown our score, elo, gecko or whatever in our info pvp panel?
Not the ladder, said they would implement it ‘soon’, ok, although I seem late, but have a matchmaking system and not be able to check if your team or group have the same level, gecko, elo, etc.
Give a chance to see our level, at least, please
They have made it very clear to us how we, as players, should be feeling and not how we actually feel. Be happy fighting (relatively) similar skilled players without knowing how good you are in relation to everyone else, whether you are improving or getting worse and just enjoying spvp for the enjoyment of the game rather than any actual progression, because similar to pve and wvw that should be enough according to how we are supposed to feel and act. Who needs a competitive environment, every consecutive patch just solidifies this as a casual game both in the eyes of the players and the development team itself. Which is a shame because I genuinely enjoy the combat of the game, just not everything else.
Not quite Wispy.
What they said was that rank mattered more than rating. They have plans on displaying ranks (when it’s ready:p :p :p :p) but not rating. The idea is then to climb up the ladder rather than improving the rating.
I have absolutely no clue though as to why they would make such a distinction as the rank sounds like a direct outcome derived from the rating.
I start playing PvP 2 months ago with my guildies. Because PvE has nothing to offer anymore. You can get the best gear in 2 weeks and I’ve done all the instances. So the combat-system is great and you can really have cool tactics and all that but as many of you are pointing out, there’s no goal, nothing tells you how good you are etc.
You can just go in a tournament and win and get a chest like 10000 times before and salvage the stuff in there cause you already have the coolest armor/weaponskin.
Its a shame really and I have to agree with Maze, I rather play WoW over this atm. Because I have no reason to log in and bash some heads in the Tournament anymore
Agree Ayra.
Also Lord is right, mixing solos in with premades makes any sort of ranking or MMR pointless.
Sure 5 high rated solo players might have a similar combined rating to a full premade, but if they get 3 engineers and 2 warriors and are not using VOIP it cannot be considered a competitive match.
The same few 5 man hardcore premades that for some reason still play will run the broken comps and roll over everyone most of the time.
I could even see the system being abused in that there is little incentive for 2 hardcore teams to keep queuing against each other when 1 could just stop and give the other a better chance of getting matched against soloers or a mixed solo-premade team and farm rating in uneven matches.
Yeah, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to just show it I think. Will also enable us to provide you with more feedback whether or not the system is working.
I’m really wondering, why devs don’t answer the questions about ranking system. Without a working ranking system and ladder, how gw2 can be a competitive game?
They’re probably tweaking the ranking formula and the matchmaking algorithm right now. And because ArenaNet doesn’t like to talk before “it’s done”, we’re likely to stay without any answer.
Even after full completion I don’t expect them to disclose all the bits and pieces of the ranking and matchmaking system as it would encourage exploits and people working their way around the maths behind the algorithm.
Some general guidelines on how it works and pairs you wouldn’t hurt though.