Lagging in sPvP lately?

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: BicE.2984


So, basically the last three’ish days I’ve noticed heavy amounts of lag in sPvP.
Getting spikes up to 5 seconds long, this doesnt just happen rarely but all the time, I even get disconnected several times during single tournament games.

I’ve checked my connection but with a fiber optic cable website tests still get me above 90mbs both up and down during the laggy in-game times.

The lag goes on for several hours, I’ve tried asking others in the same tourney game but nobody seems to lag except for me.
Until I saw this streamer saying he’s leveling up his character due to sPvP lagging.

So I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same issue and if it’s possibly a known issue. If so, is there’s a fix to it?


Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: Tarisuca.3142


We call this “random lag”. During prime people get lags for no reason. Sometimes I can play a full evening without any delays and the next day i have terrible lags, which force me to log off. That is why it is not fun to play tournaments because there is always somebody on your team who can not play lagfree.

GW1: Tarisuka The Monk, GW2: Warmonk Tarisuca
Get Ready Save Glory Boost [GrDy] RiP

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: BicE.2984


“We call this”, makes me wonder who we is, is this some sort of known issue that Anet is working on because it makes it, like you said, impossible to play tournaments properly, and on my realm even though it’s high pop, you can only find premade groups during prime hours. 3:

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


i hope before they implement tournament fee they fix this lag. it is unplayable whenever it lags. an e-sport can’t allow this kind of problem.

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: Androira.4391


The game is still lagging from time to time like hell.
sPvP unplayable today, 3s lag spikes, asked the oposing team and they were lagging too, guild mates were lagging…
Any explanation Anet?

(edited by Androira.4391)

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: kyokara.1867


I get the same lag spikes and ONLY in sPvP. This has only been happening the past few days. I have been doing a large amount of WvW and sPvP and these 3-5 second lag spikes are completely absent in WvW, but prevalent in several sPvP matches.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

Lagging in sPvP lately?

in PvP

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


I get random lag spikes from time to time, it isn’t my connection because I am still talking to my guild on mumble. If I lag, I simply log off and wait a few hours before trying again.