Last season ever in ranked

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Poelala.2830


The entire ranked system is poorly designed. The largest contributing factor to where you’ll be placed in rating ISN’T EVEN in your wins and losses, it’s on your first 10 games. If you do well in them, good for you, here’s a legendary title. If you don’t, well good luck surpassing platinum t1. Everyone is playing cancerous broken builds with terrible design. No one knows what they’re doing. It is nearly impossible to surpass your current league. Playing is the furthest thing from fun I’ve experienced.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Crowley.8761


Luck in first 10 matches = ArenaNet lets you have fun
No luck in first 10 matches = No fun for you

I’m playing with people that let a Mesmer self-ress because they get fooled by illusions It’s so inspiring to play with these challenged, brave individuals.

Maybe next season I will have better luck in placement and Anet lets me have fun too

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

The entire ranked system is poorly designed. The largest contributing factor to where you’ll be placed in rating ISN’T EVEN in your wins and losses, it’s on your first 10 games. If you do well in them, good for you, here’s a legendary title. If you don’t, well good luck surpassing platinum t1. Everyone is playing cancerous broken builds with terrible design. No one knows what they’re doing. It is nearly impossible to surpass your current league. Playing is the furthest thing from fun I’ve experienced.

Well I agree. However GW2’s PvP is very competitive. So expect these broken builds to be meta quicky.

Far as the first 10 games goes yeah they pretty much set your fate in motion with too much volatility with the way it set up teams. I’m my eyes it seems more of a old fully auto AK-47 then the refinement of a laser guilded Hellfire missile.

However there are the dedicated PvP games out there. If this just gets to be more then you can bare.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Ario.8964


I must be an oddball then cause I had good luck my placements (7-3) and I was playing super well. Got placed 2 points away from plat and fought to get into it. Then I got lousy matches after and can no longer be allowed to have fun because I can’t carry 4 people who don’t wanna leave home outside of grabbing beasts.

[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

(edited by Ario.8964)

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Pecar.1236


For me last season too 13 lose in row because almost every game got AFK/Leaver/peoples what dont know what is cap/uncap or got team with premades with broken DH/Scrapper/Ele.


(edited by Pecar.1236)

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfs Shadow.7234

Wolfs Shadow.7234

For me last season too 13 lose in row because almost every game got AFK/Leaver/peoples what dont know what is cap/uncap or got team with premades with broken DH/Scrapper/Ele.

I have a lot of respect for you, more so than most people in GW2. A lot of players would of given up, raged and quit after 10. The fact you trudged on is quite remarkable.

The lopsided scores alone is enough to cause fist of rage.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: albostan.6719


pecar pls xD

The fact that you lose so many games in a row with one profession should tell you something x)
When I lose more then 2 games in a row with same profession I cleary have either no idea of the game or just picked the wrong profession for the right team comp. By far are you so sure playing mesmer worked on every team that you had???
Anyway you seem to have no idea of the game so don’t get me wrong when I say you deserved to lose.

I’m just tired and don’t know what to do so I thought I teach you flamers something.
10 games are all luck based for all the players (who got reset) so either you are a lucky guy who gets more than 5 wins or you are someone who “just” had bad luck and lose more games right?

Sure… the fact that so many pro gamers have / had like atleast 7 wins for sure or more is so there you can watch it on the ranking. Based on your “stupid” luck theory how much luck can you have on 10 games in a row having 50 good players out of a total 100? Yes this includes you too or if you want to have a better nr 90 players.

Out of those 10 you can have atleast 2 pretty bad games but the other 8 should be good matched. Why? First of all the first game can be luck based and maybe the second. But after that you start fighting better opponents so hence if you lose to better players you get less higher ranked as you wish.

I got with 2 accounts plat one 9/10 won the other 8/10 won. But i’m like sure it was your luck theory that anet like me so much and I got with (that’s the only reason) luck high plat and won so many games with again more luck than you!

Play first 100 games and then talk about the system. Or why the hell you don’t hear any pro gamer complain about this mmr ranking ?

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


I’m playing with people that let a Mesmer self-ress because they get fooled by illusions It’s so inspiring to play with these challenged, brave individuals.

As a mesmer I can affirm this statement. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve bandaged myself back into a fight. It just shouldn’t happen. (Not that I’m complaining lol)

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

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Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I said earlier that removing the option to play in an organized group made everything their eSport community worked toward meaningless.

You get a class balance that is completely terrible in 1v1 and are told that it’s intended that way because pvp is a team game… Yet we can’t even team up and work on team synergy!

Clearly I’m in the minority of complainers here, so I apologize about complaining again.
I guess that’s what a free to play game comes down to: pleasing the majority by making them believe they are legendary material, even if they can’t play in an organized team.

I’m not going to argue about the validity of that if it brings Anet the fund to improve create a GvG mode for the next expansion. It would have been worth it.

But what is the message sent to your eSport community? Are your past tournament participants happy not to be able to play together as a group? I can’t believe so.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Starbreaker.6507


I said earlier that removing the option to play in an organized group made everything their eSport community worked toward meaningless.

You get a class balance that is completely terrible in 1v1 and are told that it’s intended that way because pvp is a team game… Yet we can’t even team up and work on team synergy!

Clearly I’m in the minority of complainers here, so I apologize about complaining again.
I guess that’s what a free to play game comes down to: pleasing the majority by making them believe they are legendary material, even if they can’t play in an organized team.

I’m not going to argue about the validity of that if it brings Anet the fund to improve create a GvG mode for the next expansion. It would have been worth it.

But what is the message sent to your eSport community? Are your past tournament participants happy not to be able to play together as a group? I can’t believe so.

Anet reaps what it sows.

They listened to the whiners that thought 5-man teams were the boogeyman that was keeping them from reaching lofty heights in ranked PvP.

I say this as someone who never had a group of 5 for playing and was 99% of the time soloq. I very rarely ran into 5 man groups on the other side, and even if I did it didn’t stop me from at least trying.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I said earlier that removing the option to play in an organized group made everything their eSport community worked toward meaningless.

You get a class balance that is completely terrible in 1v1 and are told that it’s intended that way because pvp is a team game… Yet we can’t even team up and work on team synergy!

Clearly I’m in the minority of complainers here, so I apologize about complaining again.
I guess that’s what a free to play game comes down to: pleasing the majority by making them believe they are legendary material, even if they can’t play in an organized team.

I’m not going to argue about the validity of that if it brings Anet the fund to improve create a GvG mode for the next expansion. It would have been worth it.

But what is the message sent to your eSport community? Are your past tournament participants happy not to be able to play together as a group? I can’t believe so.

Anet reaps what it sows.

They listened to the whiners that thought 5-man teams were the boogeyman that was keeping them from reaching lofty heights in ranked PvP.

I say this as someone who never had a group of 5 for playing and was 99% of the time soloq. I very rarely ran into 5 man groups on the other side, and even if I did it didn’t stop me from at least trying.

You miss the point. The problem with 5 man teams is it makes any in game ladder or competition pointless. With solo queue there is in game competition. People care now. Before, nobody cared because it meant nothing

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I said earlier that removing the option to play in an organized group made everything their eSport community worked toward meaningless.

You get a class balance that is completely terrible in 1v1 and are told that it’s intended that way because pvp is a team game… Yet we can’t even team up and work on team synergy!

Clearly I’m in the minority of complainers here, so I apologize about complaining again.
I guess that’s what a free to play game comes down to: pleasing the majority by making them believe they are legendary material, even if they can’t play in an organized team.

I’m not going to argue about the validity of that if it brings Anet the fund to improve create a GvG mode for the next expansion. It would have been worth it.

But what is the message sent to your eSport community? Are your past tournament participants happy not to be able to play together as a group? I can’t believe so.

Anet reaps what it sows.

They listened to the whiners that thought 5-man teams were the boogeyman that was keeping them from reaching lofty heights in ranked PvP.

I say this as someone who never had a group of 5 for playing and was 99% of the time soloq. I very rarely ran into 5 man groups on the other side, and even if I did it didn’t stop me from at least trying.

You miss the point. The problem with 5 man teams is it makes any in game ladder or competition pointless. With solo queue there is in game competition. People care now. Before, nobody cared because it meant nothing

But it’s how it’s supposed to be. You can’t remove organized teams from a competitive game wanting to be an eSport and keep calling it competitive.

Imagine if the Rocket League developers would prevent organized teams from playing! Nobody is complaining about facing organized teams there, if they want to go up the ladder they team up to get better. It’s the same with Overwatch, and pretty much every other competitive games.

What Anet has done with this new season is lower the skill floor across the board to make everyone feel better than they are.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Wildfang.3271


Really? If that is the case, we wouldn’t have so many people making complaint threads about 50/50 win rates or how this MMR system is the worst because they aren’t winning often. So where are all these so called “everyone” that feel better about this system now? Because based on page 1 of the pvp forums, I can say that quite a lot of people aren’t feeling better at all and instead are being bitter/angry.

Last season ever in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: ibkillin.9610


If they were going to do this solo / duo queue thing they should have separated them even if it meant higher queue times. When everyone except a handful are left in this season because they just quit in disgust, the faster queue times won’t mean squat. Should have just been solo and 5 man that’s it. Solo for more casual type of players and then the elitists and more hardcore would be 5 man. Instead we get this Frankenstein monster of a pvp ladder.

They also should bump up the non elite specs which they wont’ of course because they want people to buy HOT to access them. The grind in this system is pathetic, I"m not living in front of the computer for the next 8 weeks or so.