Latency - Server Browser

Latency - Server Browser

in PvP

Posted by: Sky.3519


Is it just me or are the servers for pvp extremely laggy? I see players teleporting everywhere, attacks on a target are delayed and missing completely because they take up to 5 seconds to fire when there is sufficient combat happening.

It’s extremely frustrating to do a ranged attack on someone who appears in front of you only for the game to jump them around a corner behind a wall when the attack finally goes off.

I play on a gtx 670 (60+ fps constant on a core i7 CPU) running from an SSD.

My internet connection is a 50 meg down / 50 meg up unlimited data Fiber optic connection.

No other games exhibit this behaviour, and it only occurs in these public available servers. They seriously need to be restarted or something.

Latency - Server Browser

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.6392


It’s just you.

About the server browser though, either the refresh button is broken, or 15/16 servers are a lie.

The worst part is that when a server is full, it doesn’t tell me right away that it is, instead, it waits for 20-30 seconds until a room opens until it finally says it’s full. And in those 20-30 seconds I can’t even choose a different server…

Not sure if anyone else gets this?

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

Latency - Server Browser

in PvP

Posted by: Virgil Kemp.7056

Virgil Kemp.7056

Everyone does. Since the betas. Still waiting.