I make PvP & WvW videos
Leaderboard Idea
I propose that starting the season there be no limit. But when the midpoint of the season comes anyone who hasn’t played X number of games will keep their rating but not be placed on the leaderboards until they reach the minimum number of games. I suggest 40 since anyone wanting a slot should be able to reach that easy but still be dropped to their true rating.
Why would you not want the minimum to be imposed right from the jump?
I make PvP & WvW videos
To keep things interesting and accurate. 40 games would take most people 2-3 days of playing, others 2 weeks. If you have people constantly popping in to new placing your actual placing would mean nothing. The leaderboards flipping around all the time would be no fun to watch if you’re playing for one of the top slots. But by mid season three things occur, they reach the game limit and place, they decay out of their place, or they know they placed unfairly and would struggle to hold their place if they continued playing.
That’s what’s currently happening though. People get through their placement matches and end up as rank #30. Setting a minimum amount of games played right from the start would stop that from happening. Imposing a minimum amount of games played mid-way through the season wouldn’t.
The leaderboard wouldn’t be as volatile as it is now if the people had to play 30ish games before appearing on the leaderboard. By that amount of games a player’s MMR should settle.
I make PvP & WvW videos