Leaderboard Improvements- Your Suggestions

Leaderboard Improvements- Your Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I have seen a lot of posts about how to improve the leaderboard, but they tend to be scattered across a lot of different threads or thrown into threads complaining about the leaderboard. The purpose here is to write down your ideas for improvements after this season so Devs can find them easily. This is about giving ideas, not flaming the current system.

One idea I have is that during a season you don’t get on the boards until you’ve played a minimum number of games. This would take into account the reset that happens during a season so people don’t have inflated scores because they got down paired early.

What ideas do others have?

Leaderboard Improvements- Your Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


This isn’t for leaderboards but more for matchmaking. I like how the leaderboards are now with the new point systems. I still feel it could be improved a bit for higher tiers. The complaints that Ive been focused on are matchmaking solo/premade. I feel if their was a way to filter team comps it would make for a better experience in solo play and the matches would be more competitive. Thought it related to the OP but sorry if it was off topic.

Necromancer Main

Leaderboard Improvements- Your Suggestions

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


- Give more weight to ladder position.
- Max 1 point or even max 0 points on a loss. This will make winning a bit more rewarding relative to those who lose. I think it’s still worth it to do your best if you know you could lose no points or gain 1 point. I don’t know how many times it happens that players get +2 when they lose, might be interesting data for Justin.
- Activate dishonor and implement grace period. This will make the LB’s a bit fairer too for everyone.
- Implement a character change grace period. Allows people to change comps, avoid class stacking, etc. Lots of people still change, so I assume they get -3 every time.
- More data for us (directly from Anet or through API). Class leaderboards, kills, deaths, downs, match stats, etc.
- Ingame leaderboards? Ingame notificiation of the odds of winning? Ingame notification of LB points reward? etc.

Aside from this. We know that leagues are coming, and I genuinely wonder how these leaderboards will fit in. Especially since we have no (visual) solo/teamq difference.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!