Isle of Janthir
Leaderboards Issue
I know that leaderboards won’t be totally operational until the 16th so I honestly don’t care, but I was wondering in case something like this happens in the future. I’ve been constantly playing games, but my total number of points seem to have decreased. When I check at one point, I was at 7 points and then a few matches later I was at 5. I was under the impression that you cannot lose points? Is this a bug?
No, you can lose points.
There’s a graph on this page that will show you when you will gain or lose points.
There are more details here:
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
So I’m guessing the probabilities for winning are decided before the match itself begins? In that case, I have lost a few 4v5 matches. If our original probability of winning was high, it’d make sense that I lost so many points.
Isle of Janthir
So I’m guessing the probabilities for winning are decided before the match itself begins? In that case, I have lost a few 4v5 matches. If our original probability of winning was high, it’d make sense that I lost so many points.
Yes. It is determined by starting values to prevent exploits.
Isle of Janthir: Flux, Latch, Aegir
Last night I won 1 game and lost 2 points, and I never disconnected. Does character swapping before the match starts award maximum point loss or was this a bug?
Yes. It is determined by starting values to prevent exploits.
But allow for screwing over people whose teammates disconnect? Also that doesn’t prevent exploits at all, it invites them.
Last night I won 1 game and lost 2 points, and I never disconnected. Does character swapping before the match starts award maximum point loss or was this a bug?
I believe this might be the case. I only started losing points when I started swapping characters at the beginning of a match….
Isle of Janthir
Last night I won 1 game and lost 2 points, and I never disconnected. Does character swapping before the match starts award maximum point loss or was this a bug?
I believe this might be the case. I only started losing points when I started swapping characters at the beginning of a match….
Ready-check button fixed the 4v5 problem that solo queue had. so they remove solo queue and add dishonor. You like switching character depending on matchups and maps? You like that extra layer of complexity to a somewhat stale conquest only pvp game mode? You like to switch out of characters that the entire enemy team sometimes just happens to counter? Well anet says kitten you.
Last night I won 1 game and lost 2 points, and I never disconnected. Does character swapping before the match starts award maximum point loss or was this a bug?
I believe this might be the case. I only started losing points when I started swapping characters at the beginning of a match….
Ready-check button fixed the 4v5 problem that solo queue had. so they remove solo queue and add dishonor. You like switching character depending on matchups and maps? You like that extra layer of complexity to a somewhat stale conquest only pvp game mode? You like to switch out of characters that the entire enemy team sometimes just happens to counter? Well anet says kitten you.
GW1 if I recall, did not allow you to ‘swap characters’ during a match.
If you went IWAY and they had something that countered IWAY…. Tough luck.
this isnt GW1, different engine completely. no comparison.
this isnt GW1, different engine completely. no comparison.
LoL doesn’t allow it, pretty sure WoW doesn’t allow it.
Everyone likes to talk about how great GW1 was and how it was more esports than GW2, yet it didn’t allow character swapping.
WTS didn’t have people character swapping.
Allowing character swaps is really terrible for competitive play. People are supposed to build balanced comps and adapt to other comps by changing their strategies, not try to counter each other by constantly swapping comps.
This really alienates part of the population which multiclasses.
Why can’t my skillcap encompass switching to bunker guard when my team is 4 thieves?
Devs have not thought out Dishonor very well, and it shows.
They arrogantly think that their matchmaking is good enough to make sure the professions are spread evenly between teams when in reality it does no such thing and people end up having to swap.
It’s not bad for competitive play….
What’s bad for competetive play are hard counters.
Because it’s bad for competitive play, as I explained in my last post. Classes are obviously supposed to play a role, but the game is never supposed to focus on countercomps.
Conquest is bad for competitive play.
Would it be possible to have a MMR column added to the leaderboards (i.e. how it used to sort by), even if doesn’t show the value and only shows your “Top 1000/Percentile Rank”. I’m sure there are many folks who would be more interested in that than the current sort by ladder points, which from what I see seems to favor those with the most play time almost regardless of skill. That way players can see where they match up against others skill-wise and not just time-wise.
On another note, would it also be possible to cap the number of points players can gain per ladder season. Again, at the moment it seems that simply playing a lot of games (and having a lot of time) gets you high on the leaderboards; putting in a high per-season-average cap would make it less of a grind to achieve a high rank, but still require lots of participation.
For example, with a per-season-average cap of 8 points per day:
5 days into the season, you cannot surpass 40 points.
8 days into the season, you cannot surpass 64 points.
You can get more than 8 points per day (like 30 on a single Saturday) so weekend warriors would be fine, but you cannot surpass the [“per-season average” x “days season has been active”] value. Tiebreakers are determined by MMR, and if you have a lower MMR than someone with a matching number of points then you must play and win additional matches to pass them, since that is the only way to improve your MMR. MMR would also need to include odds of victory in its calculation; otherwise players in organized teams (which are less likely to lose) would always have a higher MMR than people who queue solo.
It’s not bad for competitive play….
What’s bad for competetive play are hard counters.
Every single tournament administrator and high-level player agrees that being able to change classes mid-game is bad for competitive play. You should consider why that’s the case for them but not you.
For starters, there’s no such thing as “hard counters” as long as you run a balanced comp, which is exactly what not being able to swap classes mid-game encourages.
Every team knows the comp of his team before the game starts. This is NOT the case in ranked.