Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: salt and pepper.4738

salt and pepper.4738

Well asking this for obv. reason i guess. So anyone knows it?

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Ixl Super Ixl.7258

Ixl Super Ixl.7258

No, Simply because there would be less than 100 players on the new leaderboard

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Dhunis.9072


There is no point of resetting them before they get fixed.

Ranked Arenas a.k.a. the New Hotjoin

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Blackjack.5621


There is no point of resetting them before they get fixed.


I Zapdos I
WTS Boston winner
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Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Chromosome.7498


For me, this leaderboard have to be completly redone !

I don’t know if other players are like me, but I don’t understand why we have an Internet leaderboard ?

People prefer the facility, and leaderboard on game could make some new challenge. If work is done, a leaderboard with clarity could be done !
Imagine : You up to 3 places on leaderboard, you have a little up (similar to a lvl up in pve), with a little chest, or little punishment (if down on leaderboard).

Well, the problem is that, our actually leaderboard, is just useless, bugged etc… And if ppl don’t think like me and prefer an internet leaderboard, I’m ok. But please ! Make something good, and upgrade it !

- Include a search bar
- Include a full stat to me, and my enemies (all)
- Include a compare option
- Etc… etc…

I know, I criticize a lot ! But a leaderboard can be done quickly ! It’s a really short project

(edited by Chromosome.7498)

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Is there still someone who cares bout leaderboards (Both solo and team)? -__-

Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


You won’t need to reset anything just make decay faster and permanent. Right now it just resets however little decay you have accrued after just 1 game.

Some that hasn’t played for weeks or even months shouldnt even be on the LB.

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Leaderboards - Will they ever reset?

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


no thx then i’d lose my pro af’ked rank 1
