(edited by Vieux P.1238)
League Rank War of the cheese builds
This is exactly why a balance patch was needed.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I got to admit this time.. they really kitten it up!
Leagues are basically just gobs of mesmers spamming their invulns, evades, cleanses, and cc’s all powered by alacrity and revs that end up being very tanky due to a million dodges (about equal to the old s/d thief) plus blocks while doing insane damage.
Really glad they balanced the game before starting leagues
Leagues are basically just gobs of mesmers spamming their invulns, evades, cleanses, and cc’s all powered by alacrity and revs that end up being very tanky due to a million dodges (about equal to the old s/d thief) plus blocks while doing insane damage.
Really glad they balanced the game before starting leagues
Seriously? Mesmers are your issue? I’ve had a crappier time dealing with the 20 stack poison/chill reaper spam, and the Tempest ele that spams lightning storms and heals and never being able to die. I hardly have an issue dealing with Chronotards.
We all think that different classes are everywhere in Que? Which is the truth? Are there more Revs, DragonHunters, Tempest, Chrono, Druid, or Reaper. Everyone thinks all are spammed in Que, well except Reaper I guess, in my experience I could say my mmr is decently high I mostly get Druids and revenants. Chrono and Druid a close second. Bout it. I’m usually the only Dragonhunter on both teams. I wish we knew the actual truth about the most popular class
bunker guard will live again, well, someday
Response from Colin on Redddit about balance:
“I do want to reinforce – we absolutely plan to do a major quarterly balance updates every 3 months (with a short period after each update to make small tweaks before the next PvP league season begins). The next one is due to arrive after this current PvP season ends.
There are loads of reasons why HoT was considered for us the first big balance update (and the month that followed it) for this PvP League and we couldn’t do any more balance updates before this one, but the reality is none of them really matter since they are just words. What you all care about is action.
As we’ve said before: in 2016 we’ll do one major balance update every 3 months; shortly the balance team will start discussing with you the next big balance update for early 2016 with everyone to gather feedback; and hopefully in the future action will reinforce expectations.
I realize it’s not the immediate answer everyone wants to hear this second, but it’s the realistic one of where we are today – and where we will be when 2016 starts. I’m not entirely sure why this wasn’t clear before now, and I’ll try and get to the bottom of why that messaging wasn’t provided, but that’s exactly where we stand today.
Balance is super important in a world where WvW, Raids, Fractals, PvP, etc. are key components to Gw2’s success. And ensuring we have a new major balance update you can count on every 3 months is one of our keys to accomplishing that goal."
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
The DH & the Rev witch compose most of the team in League comps has become a joke. That’s the first problem i see. Both are brokenly op vs other classes. not to say the others don’t need to be look at. but every one knows how stupid both classes have become.
I like how everyone keeps acting like DH are OP, so many of you walk at a DH standing still and wonder why you get blown up. Tempest and Rev are OP, honestly a lot of classes are strong only two not making waves seem to be Thief and Warrior. Also let’s look at the all the Dragon Hunters tearing it up in the ESL.
I like how everyone keeps acting like DH are OP, so many of you walk at a DH standing still and wonder why you get blown up. Tempest and Rev are OP, honestly a lot of classes are strong only two not making waves seem to be Thief and Warrior. Also let’s look at the all the Dragon Hunters tearing it up in the ESL.
It’s not that there OP.. It’s more that they got the best 1 trick pony that blows everything in 1 swoop. no matter how tanky you are with a lot of the time unable to evade it. Now that’s unbalance. I mean same thing can be said about the warrior with his fun gun hitting 20k dps every time he pops it. It’s just stupid. there’s no actual skill if you one shot ppl.
fun gun hitting 20k dps every time he pops it.
Wait, rifle does twenty thousand damage per second?
I like how everyone keeps acting like DH are OP, so many of you walk at a DH standing still and wonder why you get blown up. Tempest and Rev are OP, honestly a lot of classes are strong only two not making waves seem to be Thief and Warrior. Also let’s look at the all the Dragon Hunters tearing it up in the ESL.
It’s not that there OP.. It’s more that they got the best 1 trick pony that blows everything in 1 swoop. no matter how tanky you are with a lot of the time unable to evade it. Now that’s unbalance. I mean same thing can be said about the warrior with his fun gun hitting 20k dps every time he pops it. It’s just stupid. there’s no actual skill if you one shot ppl.
I bet you warriors wished they had received traps, just so they could abuse trapper rune stealth —> 1-shot.
The thing with “cheese builds” is that they become predictable eventually. Take some time to study these builds and make a counter to them. The reason why cheese builds succeed is because they counter the meta builds people copy paste. So if you frequently see DH or rev in battle, then become a DH killer or rev killer.
The thing with “cheese builds” is that they become predictable eventually. Take some time to study these builds and make a counter to them. The reason why cheese builds succeed is because they counter the meta builds people copy paste. So if you frequently see DH or rev in battle, then become a DH killer or rev killer.
“Just l2dodge fear” ©
25 charracters
The thing with “cheese builds” is that they become predictable eventually. Take some time to study these builds and make a counter to them. The reason why cheese builds succeed is because they counter the meta builds people copy paste. So if you frequently see DH or rev in battle, then become a DH killer or rev killer.
“Just l2dodge fear” ©
Yes you can learn dodje & fear. & we do. But point still remains. It’s a cheezy build that compose most of the team cuz they win 4 out of 5 games. & you expect to have a fair MMR rating? Top mmr will be DH & Rev players.