League format

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Zackie.8923


Why anet why? why do you have to input an anti-fun system in your league format. you have a format that takes away players’ points when they lose. this type of reward system is both negative in nature and discouraging.

Instead, you should put in a ‘rise slower’ system when people lose so that they still get something out of their playing of pvp, like the system you have now. At least with the current system, i can still grind out rank points while losing.

and to compile problems, the legendary backpack which looks times better than the fractal legendary one, is only obtainable when we reach the legendary tier? wut?!

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Batelle.1680


Yeah, the idea of regression upon losing is troublesome, if only because matchmaking is so spectacularly terrible at the moment. Unless they split queues for solo and teams, and better consider team comp when grouping pugs, everyone will have to team up* at a certain point in order to stay competitive and progress.

Also, if matchmaking is still balanced towards keeping players as close to a 50/50 win-lose ration as possible, wouldn’t that make advancement a painful slog? At the very least, I hope it’s balanced so that winning progresses you further forward than losing will set you back.

*I know that there’s a contingent of “it’s team PvP so QQ more, newb” who will no doubt be all over complaints of this nature, but as it stands not everyone has the same access to the time and tools necessary to team up and be competitive against, say, those who are in pvp guilds that are able to focus a lot of time, energy, and resources into coordinating their teams.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: ellesee.8297


“I want the backpack that only good players can get and I don’t want to get good to get it!”

That’s what I read!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


OP: hai, i like to turn on my bot for night and let it farm ranked untill i get rewards.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Zackie.8923


“I want the backpack that only good players can get and I don’t want to get good to get it!”

That’s what I read!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

you need to improve your reading comprehension

League format

in PvP

Posted by: MAN.9046


Batelle puts forward a more comprehensive argument, however OP probably spends his time in rank farms or something, given the manner of his complaint(OMG I have to play alot and rise in ranks and win alot). It’s a legendary backpiece, of course you’re gonna have to work your kitten off or rersort to teaming up to have a chance to get it


League format

in PvP

Posted by: phokus.8934


They really need to bring back solo queue for leagues.

But I’m starting to get out of breath saying this because ANet is clueless on a positive direction for PvP.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Great feature.
Can’t wait to see more people leave PvP mode and eventually leave Gw2.

Good job~

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

Solo queue needs a comeback for this! I don’t want to be farmed in team queue.

R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena

League format

in PvP

Posted by: eXeD.9738


I’m not sure if you’re serious or just trolling.

If you just keep progressing 100% of the time, even if you lose every single game, what sense does it make? It’ll only make it more boring for the actual high tier people who don’t play as often but actually win when they do.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


I’m happy for the league system.

If it actually works and we have enough (read: more) PvP Players after HoT first month, it may actually be huge carrot for me. I care less for the backpiece, because I believe it will be some shiny, white wings looking good on human model only, but titles? I’m up.

Time to get equivalent of Wrathful Gladiator in another game.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


The league format doesnt punish you that hard by losing, I mean you are not even going to lose your tier until high divisions, and even if you lose you will not lose your division…


League format

in PvP

Posted by: Necromonger.4970


I think the system is well balanced. If you are only going to pvp for the backpack, you’re doing it wrong.

However, if they don’t separate the queue into solo/duo and team queue, all of the efforts will be in vain. Higher divisions will be reserved for teams or players that are boosted.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


Im really worried about the toxicity level and rage can create this pvp league IF full premades with soloers can’t be solved.

On paper, this system is realy good, give pvp rewards, progression, basically everything people asked for a good pvp structure.

But if your chance of winning are super low at the beginning of the match for poor matchmaking performance + the fact you will lose tiers and peeps on higher leaghe, I’m really sure this can create super huge rage.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Father Busho.2796

Father Busho.2796

The idea itself of losing tiers is OK and fitting, as there has to be a reward for top level tier play.
However, awful matchmaking and solo vs premade issues need to be addressed first for leagues to work properly.

Band Of Royal Daggers [BORD]
Aurora Glade

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Firebird.8324


Why anet why? why do you have to input an anti-fun system in your league format. you have a format that takes away players’ points when they lose. this type of reward system is both negative in nature and discouraging.

Instead, you should put in a ‘rise slower’ system when people lose so that they still get something out of their playing of pvp, like the system you have now. At least with the current system, i can still grind out rank points while losing.

and to compile problems, the legendary backpack which looks times better than the fractal legendary one, is only obtainable when we reach the legendary tier? wut?!

What is “Discouraging” is when a turret engie (insert current rank farm class here) just yolos queue over and over and gets the pvp gear with a 30% win/loss ratio. I like the system Anet has come up with and hope it caters to the teams that win near 100% of their games like it should.

Over Powered Necro [dk] (Bird of Fire)
One spam to rule them all!
Mains Power Necro for team Radioactive[dk]

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Why anet why? why do you have to input an anti-fun system in your league format. you have a format that takes away players’ points when they lose. this type of reward system is both negative in nature and discouraging.

Instead, you should put in a ‘rise slower’ system when people lose so that they still get something out of their playing of pvp, like the system you have now. At least with the current system, i can still grind out rank points while losing.

and to compile problems, the legendary backpack which looks times better than the fractal legendary one, is only obtainable when we reach the legendary tier? wut?!

What is “Discouraging” is when a turret engie (insert current rank farm class here) just yolos queue over and over and gets the pvp gear with a 30% win/loss ratio. I like the system Anet has come up with and hope it caters to the teams that win near 100% of their games like it should.



League format

in PvP

Posted by: Anti.9156


the new system sounds pretty kitten good. i am only afraid that it doesnt punish bad players enough and everyone ends up being in the top divisions.

To the soloq problem. i dont think there are enough players anymore to split it into soloq and teamq + divisions while also having ranked and unranked . i guess in lower divisions you can still soloq. But if you get higher you eventually have to play with a premade team. I kinda like it because it promotes forming teams or atleast pugging with friends but i understand that some solo players are a bit worried

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Nythrilyn.2146


Maybe I missed where it mentions that you get dishonor for losing a match? But this is what I read about it :
In order to help keep league play fun for all players and reduce the number of people who quit, go AFK, or get up to other shenanigans, we’ll be updating and reinstating the dishonor system. The dishonor system gives a timeout to players who disrupt others from having a great match.

Maybe I just haven’t been reading in the correct places? -_-

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Lucius.2140


Why anet why? why do you have to input an anti-fun system in your league format. you have a format that takes away players’ points when they lose. this type of reward system is both negative in nature and discouraging.

Instead, you should put in a ‘rise slower’ system when people lose so that they still get something out of their playing of pvp, like the system you have now. At least with the current system, i can still grind out rank points while losing.

and to compile problems, the legendary backpack which looks times better than the fractal legendary one, is only obtainable when we reach the legendary tier? wut?!

Its PVP, its competitive, only natural that your winning rate against similar level of players matter. Plus this will encourage premade teams.

Im more worried about the Lost ranks/ Win Ranks ratio, i think it need to be bigger than one, probably losing 2 and winning 1?

Edit: That and balance, any competitive game needs balance as a base.

(edited by Lucius.2140)

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


Im more worried about the Lost ranks/ Win Ranks ratio, i think it need to be bigger than one, probably losing 2 and winning 1?

It will work, with some modification, like the old matrix odds/final score.

You’ll gain/lose pips like the old score when you had 0/1/2+/3 or 0/-1/-2/-3

Of course only when you will be in a division you can lose pips.

win ratio doesn’t count.

(edited by Phil.8901)

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


What’s even the point of ranked and unranked? I tried doing some in both, the games and rewards are the same, from what I could tell the only difference is that unranked has more maps

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Phil.8901


What’s even the point of ranked and unranked? I tried doing some in both, the games and rewards are the same, from what I could tell the only difference is that unranked has more maps

For now yes, but with PvP Leagues you can climb tiers and divisions only in ranked.

Same for team leaderboard

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


What’s even the point of ranked and unranked? I tried doing some in both, the games and rewards are the same, from what I could tell the only difference is that unranked has more maps

For now yes, but with PvP Leagues you can climb tiers and divisions only in ranked.

Same for team leaderboard

Why would I not want to climb divisions though? That’s extra rewards with no downside.

League format

in PvP

Posted by: tenklo.6104


this is the pvp forums.. we are post to be competitive.. and really if ur doing ranked u want a team or at least 3 out 5 to make the most out of it….and it just the later leagues where losing to much will hit u hard… like first 3 league is just a climb system

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Ulf.4937


When i read the post about the leagues i was very much disappointed that u couldn´t loose ranks or even leagues starting at the very lowest league. After all the league system is supposed to be a help in finding matchups for your own strength, how would it help the matchmaking process if everyone ended up in the highest league eventually and the weaker players would have to fight top teams again.

Additionally in my opinion PvP players and teams who put a lot of effort into getting good deserve a reward that is hard to get, what would be special for them, if every PvE player were to run around with the legendary league title, because he queued alot.

I agree however that the legendary equipment should be attainable for all, so it would make sense to make this part of a regular rewardtrack.
I say this despite the fact that PvP players are generally the poor guys who receive way less gold and loot for their time spend in the game, than people doing dungeons fractals or even WvW

As it has been stated before I will not adress the soloq/teamq and balancing questions here

(edited by Ulf.4937)

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


When i read the post about the leagues i was very much disappointed that u couldn´t loose ranks or even leagues starting at the very lowest league. After all the league system is supposed to be a help in finding matchups for your own strength, how would it help the matchmaking process if everyone ended up in the highest league eventually and the weaker players would have to fight top teams again.

Additionally in my opinion PvP players and teams who put a lot of effort into getting good deserve a reward that is hard to get, what would be special for them, if every PvE player were to run around with the legendary league title, because he queued alot.

I agree however that the legendary equipment should be attainable for all, so it would make sense to make this part of a regular rewardtrack.
I say this despite the fact that PvP players are generally the poor guys who receive way less gold and loot for their time spend in the game, than people doing dungeons fractals or even WvW

As it has been stated before I will not adress the soloq/teamq and balancing questions here

I agree that you should be able to lose ranks or divisions even at the lowest division in order to match players properly. Otherwise players will just slowly keep climbing until they are stuck in a division that they consistently can’t handle. But then again, I guess that is good as they may get better if they constantly face better players.

Additionally, for those complaining about lack of solo queue, this is a team game! Those who take the time to form teams and practice together deserve to have that advantage. If you’re looking to prove your worth as a solo player then 5v5 match-ups are not the way to do it. It is unfortunate that until Anet implements some sort of 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 arena modes and leader boards that you may feel left out, but point still stands solo queue is really just a glorified hotjoin.

As for Legendary back piece being attainable for all, I hate this mentality. I hate the idea of catering to people that have no desire to put in the effort. Having that Legendary back piece will be a way for a player to show off that they were able to put in the effort to obtain it. Rewards based on skill and not just how much time you spent farming are nice and in the end it feels more rewarding.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
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League format

in PvP

Posted by: Necromonger.4970


Additionally, for those complaining about lack of solo queue, this is a team game! Those who take the time to form teams and practice together deserve to have that advantage..

No, they don’t deserve an advantage. Dota 2, Lol and a lot of other games are also team based, but they have proper solo queues. It’s either team(WoW) or solo(LoL, DotA), you don’t mix them.

I played enough 3s in wow and i know how hard it’s to coordinate with 2 other people, let alone 3 or 4 people – everyone has their own schedule. That’s why i started playing gw2, because i wanted to play at my own pace and queue whenever i want. If i am “forced” to find people to play with, i’ll just quit and i bet i won’t be the only one.

Yesterday, i was destroyed in a game with 5 solo players vs 4+1. While this happens rarely, one or two of those games per day are enough to ruin the fun for me and it’ll be way worse when the leagues are implemented, because losing will actually mater.

(edited by Necromonger.4970)

League format

in PvP

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

Additionally, for those complaining about lack of solo queue, this is a team game! Those who take the time to form teams and practice together deserve to have that advantage..

No, they don’t deserve an advantage. Dota 2, Lol and a lot of other games are also team based, but they have proper solo queues. It’s either team(WoW) or solo(LoL, DotA), you don’t mix them.

I played enough 3s in wow and i know how hard it’s to coordinate with 2 other people, let alone 3 or 4 people – everyone has their own schedule. That’s why i started playing gw2, because i wanted to play at my own pace and queue whenever i want. If i am “forced” to find people to play with, i’ll just quit and i bet i won’t be the only one.

Yesterday, i was destroyed in a game with 5 solo players vs 4+1. While this happens rarely, one or two of those games per day are enough to ruin the fun for me and it’ll be way worse when the leagues are implemented, because losing will actually mater.

Amen +1

I’ll just quit again if they don’t give us solo Q for the leagues…. Some of us actually have lives here, some of us are studying for a better future, and some of us have families with kids to take care of.

R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena