Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Photinous.4628


So without solo q and without any matchmaking in place that can correctly match up premades against equal skilled premades, are leagues just going to be one huge joke where pugs will be farmed 24/7?

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834




… I still want tengu.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


Unfortunately, I do think this will be the case, yes. If you want to queue up alone, you are likely facing team after team of pre-made (Guilds). So chances are you will get steamrolled and have little to no chance of fun with progressing the League system properly, and/or working on that Legendary back piece. Solo Queue needs to be reinstated at this point, and at what better time than now when the game has gone F2P, and there is a large influx of new players. If pre-made teams gets issues finding queue pops, that is their problem, is it not? (—I am so tired of “… isn’kitten” being censored, ArenaNet!)

Why should the game cater to the few who group and steamroll the PuG randoms, rather than the masses who wish to queue alone against other players who queue on their own? That said, not all pre-made groups are good. There are terrible groups that PuG players can steamroll as well. But nonetheless, I believe that solo should fight solo, grouped should fight grouped.

At the very least add options like with the Stronghold/Conquest preference, and if “I wish to face other players who queue Solo” (in not so many words) isn’t ticked, the system can work at matching you with others as it does currently and/or fall back on it, if it doesn’t find enough solo players after x amount of time. Obviously it should be questioning the player if they want to continue searching solo, or if they want to accept the suggested broadening of the matchmaking scope to include pre-made groups as well.

Is that too much to ask for?

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


those concerns were expressed months ago…. Anet: 0 kittens given about solo players (which are majority)

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


those concerns were expressed months ago…. Anet: 0 kittens given about solo players (which are majority)

Thats why GW2 won’t be Esportz, because majority of players isn’t enough supported by dev team.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Collero.7963


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

This is EXACTLY how it’ll be.

Top 10 TeamQ // Rank 1 & 2 SoloQ // 12,000+ sPvP Games
…and what a waste of time it all was.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

1. good soloq’ers will get farmed by premades
2. those games you named actually have separated soloq and teamq unlike GW2, how can you even compare…

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

1. good soloq’ers will get farmed by premades
2. those games you named actually have separated soloq and teamq unlike GW2, how can you even compare…

lol no, do you even play them? Soloq’ers can match up against premades, some win and some don’t. Why do you think I mentioned them? Cus I’ve played them and I can compare. The question is; have you? It is always like that in any game anyways, good soloq’ers will climb. They don’t have to get roflstomped by premades either, imagine the rage on teamspeak/w.e voice communication they use or what kind of stress they are under pressure, while you’re netflix n chillin with hot girlfriend and yet winning?

And forgot to mention that we’ll NEVER have big enough playerbase to have seperate q’s, it’s never going to happen and never will, unless they make sPvP best thing to do in GW2, but given the current situation – I don’t see any future for sPvP.

(edited by Shemie.4286)

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

1. good soloq’ers will get farmed by premades
2. those games you named actually have separated soloq and teamq unlike GW2, how can you even compare…

lol no, do you even play them? Soloq’ers can match up against premades, some win and some don’t. Why do you think I mentioned them? Cus I’ve played them and I can compare. The question is; have you? It is always like that in any game anyways, good soloq’ers will climb. They don’t have to get roflstomped by premades either, imagine the rage on teamspeak/w.e voice communication they use or what kind of stress they are under pressure, while you’re netflix n chillin with hot girlfriend and yet winning?

I did play some of those games, they DO have separate soloq and teamq.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

1. good soloq’ers will get farmed by premades
2. those games you named actually have separated soloq and teamq unlike GW2, how can you even compare…

lol no, do you even play them? Soloq’ers can match up against premades, some win and some don’t. Why do you think I mentioned them? Cus I’ve played them and I can compare. The question is; have you? It is always like that in any game anyways, good soloq’ers will climb. They don’t have to get roflstomped by premades either, imagine the rage on teamspeak/w.e voice communication they use or what kind of stress they are under pressure, while you’re netflix n chillin with hot girlfriend and yet winning?

I did play some of those games, they DO have separate soloq and teamq.

In CSGO, soloq’ers can match up with premades(same with SMITE, Hereos Of The Storm) , same with LoL (duoq – counts as team, you have communication advantage) Not sure about Dota, heard Valve removed soloq, but they had. Even SC2. I’m quite sure you haven’t played any of the games.

Stop talkin nonsense, go play the actual game before coming up with false facts. And IN FACT, even if we were to get seperated q’s, it would take an hour to find a match. And also, I don’t want to meet the same players all the time in soloq (due to low playerbase) as I already do 3-5 times within a day.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Won vs plenty of teams as soloq er. But they need to be way below you and your soloq teammates in skilllevel to compensate for the fact they are an organized team. Being able to set up and balance your teammsetup + having TS to coordinate rotations and kills is a huge plus.

even if we were to get seperated q’s, it would take an hour to find a match. And also, I don’t want to meet the same players all the time in soloq (due to low playerbase) as I already do 3-5 times within a day.

The pvp community has grown according to anet statements. Before the infamous dec 2014 patch we had seperated qs and we where fine back then. Qs wherent longer.

The only reason they combined team and soloq is to shove teamq down our throats. Force everyone to teamq…or gtfo.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Won vs plenty of teams as soloq er. But they need to be way below you and your soloq teammates in skilllevel to compensate for the fact they are an organized team. Being able to set up and balance your teammsetup + having TS to coordinate rotations and kills is a huge plus.

I agree with you, that’s the kind of system they have in CSGO and LoL. But as it already takes 2min and 40 seconds for unranked, I doubt it will be any faster with all those requirements for Anet to add. We simply have way to few players, cause they don’t care about pvp at all.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Won vs plenty of teams as soloq er. But they need to be way below you and your soloq teammates in skilllevel to compensate for the fact they are an organized team. Being able to set up and balance your teammsetup + having TS to coordinate rotations and kills is a huge plus.

I agree with you, that’s the kind of system they have in CSGO and LoL. But as it already takes 2min and 40 seconds for unranked, I doubt it will be any faster with all those requirements for Anet to add. We simply have way to few players, cause they don’t care about pvp at all.

As i said before……we had seperated qs in 2014 and it was fine. No long queues. The only reason they combined them is to force feed us teamq.

Did u play back in those days?

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Stop talkin nonsense, go play the actual game before coming up with false facts. And IN FACT, even if we were to get seperated q’s, it would take an hour to find a match. And also, I don’t want to meet the same players all the time in soloq (due to low playerbase) as I already do 3-5 times within a day.

Huh? M-A-J-O-R-I-T-Y of players are SoloQ/Duo players, nothing would change for them waiting time wise if premades would be removed from regular que. I would dare to guess such majority is ~90%.

There is no reason to punish 90% of player base just to make 10% happy. Even if that 10% would quit GW2 completly, then more people of remaining 90% PvP population would be happier with more fair MM and actualy GW2 PvP population would probably grow.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

1. good soloq’ers will get farmed by premades
2. those games you named actually have separated soloq and teamq unlike GW2, how can you even compare…

lol no, do you even play them? Soloq’ers can match up against premades, some win and some don’t. Why do you think I mentioned them? Cus I’ve played them and I can compare. The question is; have you? It is always like that in any game anyways, good soloq’ers will climb. They don’t have to get roflstomped by premades either, imagine the rage on teamspeak/w.e voice communication they use or what kind of stress they are under pressure, while you’re netflix n chillin with hot girlfriend and yet winning?

I did play some of those games, they DO have separate soloq and teamq.

In CSGO, soloq’ers can match up with premades(same with SMITE, Hereos Of The Storm) , same with LoL (duoq – counts as team, you have communication advantage) Not sure about Dota, heard Valve removed soloq, but they had. Even SC2. I’m quite sure you haven’t played any of the games.

Stop talkin nonsense, go play the actual game before coming up with false facts. And IN FACT, even if we were to get seperated q’s, it would take an hour to find a match. And also, I don’t want to meet the same players all the time in soloq (due to low playerbase) as I already do 3-5 times within a day.

MOBA SoloQ Ranked is absolute soloQ, you’ll not play against a premade. About LoL DuoQ, you’ll have one in each team AND the players setted in the match will have better MMR than the both DUOs. Nooooothing to do with GW2 MM system.

In LoL if you soloQ, you can meet other premades (duoQ) not sure if they changed it, but I doubt. The GW2 MM system is not even “implemented” yet. Cause we get leagues/divisions @ 1st Dec. As they have told us, we’ll meet people similar to our skill league, and if you meet a bunch of people who are higher (you’ll gain more points if you win, and you might not even lose pips if you lose the game, you CAN actually earn pips by losing too – by achieving a set x amount of points)

They haven’t introduced to us about seperate q’s, which is the topic of this thread. I was simply telling the other guy that didn’t believe soloQ works as intended.

How else are you going to compare? Then you can say you can’t even compare gw2 to any other “matchmaking” system. You have to compare for a reason, even if they don’t have the same system – and that is to improve.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Shemie.4286


Won vs plenty of teams as soloq er. But they need to be way below you and your soloq teammates in skilllevel to compensate for the fact they are an organized team. Being able to set up and balance your teammsetup + having TS to coordinate rotations and kills is a huge plus.

I agree with you, that’s the kind of system they have in CSGO and LoL. But as it already takes 2min and 40 seconds for unranked, I doubt it will be any faster with all those requirements for Anet to add. We simply have way to few players, cause they don’t care about pvp at all.

As i said before……we had seperated qs in 2014 and it was fine. No long queues. The only reason they combined them is to force feed us teamq.

Did u play back in those days?

Now tell me, when did sPvP become more and more rubbish ever since release? Pretty sure the numbers decreased because of bad pvp management > forced q’s together.

If Pvp is growing so much as they imply it is, why are they still handling pvp so badly? It’s just a marketing technique to say, and then put bigger money prize into the pool to try and attract people to go pro, to make it e-sport.

The q’s are becoming longer and longer for me, everyday. I remember it used to take 49 seconds, 1min’ish, 1min 20’sh, now what? 2min and 40? hell.

(edited by Shemie.4286)

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


If you are a solo queue and score 400 points (as a team) against a premade 5 queue then odds are you, as the solo player, will still gain a pip with the new system. So it might work out ok?

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Sarevok.2638


Solo quers are going to be crops for these teams indeed, hell, it’s happening in the CURRENT system!

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Israel.7056


Yes but I hope that after a few weeks most of the teams will have climbed the ladder far enough that solo queue players won’t have to face them very often. Perhaps I’m being too optimistic though.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Dota 2 does not have solo queue. Solo players can, and often will, be matched against premade groups.

Anet make Rev great again.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Dota 2 does not have solo queue. Solo players can, and often will, be matched against premade groups.

So, let’s repeat history? Since we can’t, or rather don’t want to, learn from it.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Solo quers are going to be crops for these teams indeed, hell, it’s happening in the CURRENT system!

This. Pug farming already does happen. Leagues is just going to promote it; Make it the only experience pugs have. Oh, but they tried their best so free pips for everyone. Yay!

… I still want tengu.

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Yes, the better teams will be ontop in legendary league figthing against a few great teams, while good teams below or in legendary will have to make their way through the soloqfodder. Sometimes good soloquers will be banded together, but theyll always be at a disadvantage.

Sorry to tell you this, but that’s how it’s supposed to be. The good soloq’ers will climb the ladder, while the bad ones will stay in lower divison/league and complain about bad teammates while suffering from dunner kruger effect.

Simple as it can get, if you’re good – you’ll climb no matter what, no need to complain. It’s all on you. And if you’re bad, you’ll stay where you are or fall lower to where you really belong. It has and will always be like this in every game with competitive ladder (CSGO, Dota, SMITE, LoL, SC2, HS, Hereos Of The Storm)

What rubbish…I win 90% of pugs vs pugs games..where I lose the 90% of pugs vs premade , if you’re good you win games yes..but you can’t win alone vs coordinated players

Leagues = Premades farming pugs?

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


If that happens, that’s unfortunate. I hope not.

If a league is made without a separation of individuals and teams, then nothing will change.