Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: steppres.9046


The PvP population is at an all time high and thanks to leagues is growing every day. Most matches are enjoyable because of that with a nice blend of classes on each team. There’s a noticeable difference between unranked and ranked matches, it’s nice knowing your ranked teammates will have a good handle on their class and know the maps as well as communicate with their team. Unranked matches due to their nature can match you with players who have only a rudimentary knowledge of competitive play so Leagues it’s a refreshing experience to say the least.

Queue times are almost non existent now mostly due to the high PvP population, so I generally never wait more than a minute and usually end up with a balanced team and opponents that are matched perfectly to my skill level. Rarely does a match end with anything more than a 50 point difference, and most matches have nail biting conclusions within a 10 point range. It makes PvP all the more enjoyable, and I can see why droves of new and veteran players are returning to compete in ranked leagues.

I have to congratulate the ArenaNet team for an outstanding job on Season 2. There were some minor issues in Season 1 but they seem to have been ironed out completely in this current season. If you enjoy PvP and have been holding off playing ranked matches I urge you to try them out. You’ll encounter a growing community of helpful skilled players who will help you hone your skills and perfect your build, and the recently tweaked matchmaking system will pit you against foes you’ll find challenging but not overwhelming to battle against. Ranked play has made me fall in love with PvP again.

All in all this season has been a joy to fans of competitive play, and has really put GW2 on the map in the eSports community. I dare say ArenaNet will have an influx of new users itching to try out the game for the competitive play alone.

Really looking forward to Season 3, I’m not sure if there’s anything the developers can improve on but I’m sure they have plans in store to make Seasin 3 even more exciting and enjoyable.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Helvius.5682


This guy hasn’t played a game in ranked.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Read his post history from oldest to newest. You can see him going a little insane after each post until he finally breaks.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Keyce.8137


I think you both just got trolled. Hard.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: steppres.9046


Read his post history from oldest to newest. You can see him going a little insane after each post until he finally breaks.

No I’m peaceful now. It’s blissful really, this little place with just a sliver of light shining through the crack and when I peer through I can see a beautiful green glade filled with daisies and deer and bunny rabbits hoppy to and fro. So calm and peaceful and warm. The nurses are all so nice to me even though sometimes I get upset and break things so they come along with their needles and hold me down and then they out the heavenly liquid into me and I’m calm again.

When it floods through me I go into a deep sleep but just before I drift off I can hear them say “What’s a bunker Ele?”. Then off I go into the sleepy land where dreams and light and only nice soft things exist.

When I wake up I’m happy again and they let me use the computer to email my friends and the doctor but what they don’t know is I installed GW2 on it so i take the tablets and then I go and play some ranked PvP. It’s so much nicer now because everything is perfect and every match perfect and I don’t look at the score and I have the sound turned off but I’m sure I’m winning every match and will be competing in the Pro League once they let me out of here. But I can hear them coming so I have to go now.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: NorthernRedStar.3054


Some people have trouble understanding a satire.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Keyce.8137


Some people have trouble understanding a satire.


Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Dextroz.4019


It’s not that bad until you reach certain point where game decides that you are too good player and that you should face party of 3 pro league players, while your team consists of 4 no name solo queue-r’s that you’ve never seen in your entire life.

Leagues: Season 2 impressions and appraisals.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I think you both just got trolled. Hard.

I was being facetious.. :p

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld