Leavers in PvP

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kakugane.9750


Hi im new at the forums and just want to make a post about this.

Today i joined several PvP games, and today was the first time i played 3-4 matches that when whe have a minor setback suddenly we have 3 players left in the team….
Isn’ kitten possible to implent a system that when people leave a PvP match early that there would be a debuff (or something like it) that people wont be able to join a PvP match in the oncoming like 10-15 minutes so atleast they wont leave instantly when there is a setback.

Im not saying people that leave for reasons that make sense i dont mind them.
But the people that leave because the match wont be won in they’re eyes… (1-5 minutes in game) i have a problem.

I just wanted this to be posted and if people agree with me please leave a message on this post.

And i accept people that don’t agree either, atleast leave a constructive comment.

Greetings. Kakugane

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ynna.8769


It’s annoying, yeah. I hate ending up 2v5 when things aren’t going so well.
Maybe a better way would be encouraging people to stay, rather than discouraging to leave?

It’s mostly in issue in 5v5. In 8v8 I don’t really mind. I approach that like I approach my TF2 games. Casual fun regardless of which team I’m on.

“Come on, hit me!”

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


no. it is casual pvp and the game is designed to auto-balance. It does a good job of it IMO. No need for leaving penalty. It is a non-issue in all the games I have played, I do not understand why people make an issue of it TBH.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


They must implicate some “quit match” option after wined/loosed game, where is 30s before auto-map start next map

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mac.1936


The point of hot join is basically PvP when you don’t have time to commit to tournaments or just want to do some mindless zerging. There should be no penalty for leaving hot join since thats the nature of it. Penalty for tournaments however should be implemented in some form since noone else can fill that spot. You are left 4v5 indefinitely.

(edited by Mac.1936)

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rise.9702


Well they could do what they do in LoL and implement a leaver level system.

You sir are a Scholar and Gentlekitten.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


i agree with op

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: ReisXDan.9703


I don’t agree there should be a penalty , heck that’s one of my favorite things to do when I’m playing with my necromancer and I’m lying on the ground surrounded by only thieves and warriors (srcm). There should be, however, a restructure in the way the whole thing works. When they introduced this server browser thingy it sounded good at first, they said they wanted to capture the feeling of fps games, but the truth is, this is not working at all in my opinion.
First, nameless rooms with numbers don’t make a very good system.
Second, there is a point in having servers list in fps which is to having the ability to change how the game is played (how long a game lasts, the number of players, respawn times etc) and , again, those servers have a name so you can favorite and play later on those servers again with people you starting to get to know.
Third, your issue is understandable but what happens when is the other way around?, when you get in a game just to find out that your team is losing and there is no chance in hell you are going to win but you endure nonetheless just to get rolled upon by a team full of moral?, are those players getting extra stuff by just joining a game? This is a problem that is more serious than the one your having in my point of view.
Fourth, they have to come up with some class balance system, where classes are split evenly on either sides, I’ve played games where there was practically melee on one side ranged on the other, not to even talk about the actual classes that are imbalanced at the moment. Most times I’m the only necro in the bg, some will say that is because nobody plays necro but I know that’s not true (I hope not), so what is it about going against a team of five Mesmer?

You can’t implement a penalty like lol because it’s a complete different system, the game starts with you and finishes with you, if you are not there then the penalty in that case makes sense.
If you are going to make structure pvp work like pc fps then give us the tools, then the players would be the ones penalizing the leavers, which some will argue that it will make it worst.
What I think is leave it as it is for now, when they implement leaderboards, if they ever will, they can penalize people by showing next to flags captured or K/D the number of times they left in the middle of a game and that my friends is the ultimate punishment.
But here have a cookie and know that one day all this will be fixed.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


no leaver system is needed in hot join pvp, its supposed to be “for fun” mode… if you want more serious matches, play tournaments (you know you can join them even solo do you?)

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


i leave the game if the game is too unbalanced. and i join new game. and it is always 100 vs 100 or 0 vs 0. i had no any problem. or i go to play tournament.
i really hate debuff system. it is seriously not funny at all. it is for only noobs not everyone. everyone will hate this system. and even if they add this system in game, you will see same thing in spvp. there is always the team that is losing. and if you get debuff because you left game, and you join other game, and you do bad, everyone will leave and blame you and everyone will get debuff. and everyone in spvp will get debuff.
this is not good at all.

this game is just for fun and everyone. you can leave the game as your mind.
if you don’t like random spvp, you must play tournament. i never complained spvp until 15 rank (for about 2 weeks. almost without sleep.). and i never seen people complain in spvp about the people who leave the game during match. because if you join new game, problem is solved.
please don’t change anything. i like current spvp. we need more freedom. i am playing it everydays almost without sleep. if you want to get debuff system, please go play cheap poor graphics games that have debuff system.

and when i play call of duty mw3 or crysis 2 or bf3 multiplayer, there was no debuff system. because it ruins the game!!! and do you want to see a Administrator like BF3 server? there is the server owner in BF3. and he can kick and ban everyone. don’t make other people bad and weaker than you because they left the game! debuff system is too selfish system. you just want to make everyone bad and weak.
this is what will happen if you add debuff system in game.
debuff system is for only noobs not everyone.

the team that has no debuff will always win. this will be more unfair.

(edited by forice.3165)

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


No reward for winning the map

Therefore sPvP is just counter strike, go glass cannon build and go frag them baddies … Like everyone else. so you can gain more “glory”. Feels bad writing “glory” when all it takes is zerging :p

Ok, so you see sPvP is just for glory farming and fun / casual pvp. So with this mindset, you enter a game, its heavily imbalanced cause other team is OP or your team is full noob.
Then what do you do ? Play 15 mins for not much glory points and frustrating 1 or 2 vs 6 fights ? (dont get me wrong it can be fun on pvp point of view, but not with farming glory mindset)
Or, leave that bad server and try your luck for a more balanced one.

To be honest I leave the map also when I join the over dominating team, nothing to kill nothing to farm there either. Just boring when outnumbered/outnumbering, imho.

It would be a lot better with anti-leaver system though, people skills would probably improve faster too if they really had to try to win the maps.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: forice.3165


most people are random in spvp. therefore most teams are way too weaker than tournament team. once if you play tournament, you will uninstall the game if you really think the teams in spvp are imbalanced. but every teams are random. i think you are just trolling. those teams are totally random. they are very weaker than tournament. and if the opponent team is imbalanced, you can leave the game. and join a new game. as i said, most new games you join are almost the end or almost 0 vs 0.

and if the game is over, teams are reset. and people go to random team. it is fair enough. this game’s system is perfect than any other game. there is even tournament.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


I just tried to explain why people leave bad server in spvp and why everyone should do the same for glory farming … It seems u missunderstood or failed to read :p

The key idea is that the problem with GW2 pvp is there is no reward (30 glory lol) for winning a map, so u dont care about objectives (1st major failure).. add to that issue that there is no penalty for leaving a map.

Then people are bunny hoping until they find a server where they can farm / have fun … nothing more complicated, just common sense.

So, teams are reset yea but once on a server u stay with same 16 people. When teams are imbalanced, people are gonna leave and u end in a dead server with one team almost full and one team almost empty, so yea eventually newcomers gonna join, but if they’re not stupid they gonna leave right away… why do u want to waste time ? but its ur choice :p

See ya in the zerg

ps: I play both spvp and tourneys, but i prefer spvp : no waiting time, constant map cycling, constant fighting and in the end better glory farming.
Maybe if they remove the 4 mins x 3 waiting time each tourney round then it would be more appealing to me, maybe also if there was real rewards for winning those tourneys