Legacy of foefire lag.
I have heard lots of players have this issue and fix it using an VPN. Not that it is a good solution but it is a solution.
Yes, it’ s starting again after being perfectly fine for the longest time, expect it to get much worse when the patch comes.
Yes yes yes yes! I thought i was the only one….always lag on that map in tournies, none of my teammates did but EVERYTIME on that map lag lag lag. When we go out into the mists no lag, this coupled with the map stuck being back…..they fix one thing rebreak everything else.
I have heard lots of players have this issue and fix it using an VPN. Not that it is a good solution but it is a solution.
Possible to elaborate?
The issue is insane, every single tournament, free or paid, we did last night had everyone freezing for up to 5-8 seconds, both us and opponents. It made the game nigh-unplayable.
I am not getting network lag, but my framerate on this map always kittens the bed.
I have heard lots of players have this issue and fix it using an VPN. Not that it is a good solution but it is a solution.
Possible to elaborate?
The issue is insane, every single tournament, free or paid, we did last night had everyone freezing for up to 5-8 seconds, both us and opponents. It made the game nigh-unplayable.
A VPN is a virtual private network so you basically connect to the internet through another internet connection. It sounds like it would slow your internet connection down and in theory it does. But from what I heard this lag is specific to certain internet providers which is why some people will get it a lot even though they have a good internet connection and others will never see it at all.
That info is based on what I have heard.. I am lucky enough to never experience lag on Foefire with basic high speed internet.
Here is a good article that explains i a lot better if you are really interested.