Legacy weapon skins reward track.
A physical disability hasn’t stopped me from being a Polite, Helpful, & Badkitten player.
I’ve seen Primitive Pillar in the wardrobe preview and always wondered where to get one much to my dismay I found it’s not even obtainable.
While were on it we should make legendarys, blacklion skins and all limited pve skins more obtainable for PvP players.
Earning gold, and items you can sell on the TP to turn into gold, then buying them … not sufficient?
While were on it we should make legendarys, blacklion skins and all limited pve skins more obtainable for PvP players.
Umm, the skins I am talking about were pvp only and are currently unobtainable except to players who got them before the wardrobe update.
And most pvp players I know just save up gold and use the trading post to get bl skins and legendaries.
A physical disability hasn’t stopped me from being a Polite, Helpful, & Badkitten player.