Legend Speedrun
The only fook that had balls to do 100% soloq to legend in season one and 100% soloq on F2P account in season two, thinks is so good at rekin peepz he decided to go from amber to legend in one stream, if its possible in 24-36 hrs it will be done.
No rats.- |TCG| Leeto
Yeah! At least you can show that you don’t bring your friends in your party to leech their high MMR for you!
Have fun grinding the next 180 games to proof that the system help all HIGH MMR players to have easy games.
True, seems good players get less unfavoured matchups. However these same people can get to legend without HoT, team queue, and with starting at the basic MMR to begin the climb, no “high MMR carry” there.
Because of this, I can’t really see tanked, low MMR being an impossible barrier to overcome if you learn your class and rotations adequately.
Just a general tip to those still dissatisfied with their rank: Try all the meta carry-lord builds, learn what fights/matchups your build thrives in, actively seek them out in games, rotate efficiently, and watch the Pips roll in.
Look for BOLD. Please… think about it before writting it.
New account got an above average MMR from start. For an experience player, it’s easy to carry with above average team versus random.
And… And… Please… Chaith… All TOP players play with TOP players… namely, simply playing a night with your TOP players friends will inflate the new account MMR to high END.
But I agree with you for the rest of your affirmations.
I find it sad, that many TOP MMR player are bragging like kitten bag (arrogant) about being Legendary fast with the MOST easiest RIDE they have since 2012 to get TOP RANKED. (namely they forget to say it’s the easiest RIDE they have, they just be arrogant without saying it)
This is disgusting and ANET did make it happen.
Please, bring back meaningful matches where SKILL matter for BOTH team to have a competitive SKILLFUL match-making RANKED system.
edit: clarifications on arrogance from doing easy stuff and making look good.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
(edited by Jourdelune.7456)
Please, bring back meaningful matches where SKILL matter for BOTH team to have a competitive SKILLFUL match-making RANKED system.
Unrank is supposed to accomplish this, Ranked is about showing your skill, and so working as intended (with flaws, but duh)
New accounts get above average MMR? Why so many seem to think this? I’ve played fresh MMR and witnessed people dying to bosses and quad capping in Amber. I’m certainly not playing with top players on the first night of a new account, that’s for sure.
You disagree so confidently and claim starter MMR is ‘above average’, when you see all sorts of wonky builds and rotations, not to mention it’s a fricken invisible number.
If skill didn’t matter, everybody could get a fresh account, granting them above average MMR, and ride to legend, according to you. Those that believe this, and think your final placement is limited by your MMR at the start, I think the salt has seeped into their brains.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Just to clarify, I’ll post the MMR range again, and also new account get average MMR b3cause Anet said so.
<Ratings period="3d" max-periods="20"> <Rating default="1500" min="100" max="5000" max-change="300" profession-ratio="0.25"/><Deviation default="350" min="30" max="350" /> <Volatility default="0.06" min="0.04" max="0.08" system-constant="0.5" /> </Ratings>
<Ratings type="Ranked" reset="2013-11-26T08:00:00-08:00" partial-reset="2015-01-27T16:30:00-08:00"/> <Ratings type="Unranked" reset="2013-11-26T08:00:00-08:00" partial-reset="2015-01-27T16:30:00-08:00"/>
……I did Legend completely solo….
You know, it would be a lot more interesting to see you achieve this on a fresh warrior or any non HoT non meta spec/build in first place, just saying…
This dude this…
Please, bring back meaningful matches where SKILL matter for BOTH team to have a competitive SKILLFUL match-making RANKED system.
Unrank is supposed to accomplish this, Ranked is about showing your skill, and so working as intended (with flaws, but duh)
Ah, then why the change of algorithm; I mean they have been using the same formula with minor tweak since the first season. And if what’s you are saying is true, why is chaith saying his game are INSANELy casual( as in players are underestimating their oponents skills and rather solo then teamed like they did last season) or why is Anet working on a different algorithm for season 3?
Fixed the insanely casual reference.
(edited by Fivedawgs.4267)
Only saying games are insanely casual in the context of people are not forming teams and organizing, rather opting to come at PvP for the single player content.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
New accounts get above average MMR? Why so many seem to think this? I’ve played fresh MMR and witnessed people dying to bosses and quad capping in Amber. I’m certainly not playing with top players on the first night of a new account, that’s for sure.
You disagree so confidently and claim starter MMR is ‘above average’, when you see all sorts of wonky builds and rotations, not to mention it’s a fricken invisible number.
If skill didn’t matter, everybody could get a fresh account, granting them above average MMR, and ride to legend, according to you. Those that believe this, and think your final placement is limited by your MMR at the start, I think the salt has seeped into their brains.
I am not salty. I prefer to soloq myself because it’s easier.
I think that Letoo or all TOP players that prefer to grind easy games to Legendary showing how they are good are bad post.
Good player show would be :" hey look I got 10 games in Legendary division yesterday night and I win them all." Even that hardest match in my life versus the complete The Abjured team!!!!
If those Speed run through League means something more than winning versus the PRO… why doing it?
Because, obviously, Letoo prefer to wins versus BAD than be match versus GOOD.
So, before starting to accuse me of Salt… please take the time to “PROTECT” the right one. The good players playing in Legendary? Or the bad that continue to FARMED bad players and SHOW HOW GOOD they are?
Enough said. Good are good… people that need to SHOW OFF have esteem problems.
And those don’t need GOOD to protect them. Unless you do that to have more twitch users? Greedy bad with esteem problems.
Why bad? Why going versus bad all dayz when you can play versus good ?
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Only saying games are insanely casual in the context of people are not forming teams and organizing, rather opting to come at PvP for the single player content.
Totally AGREE.
The match making system is better for SOLOq than TEAM Q.
Not your fault Chaith, I am still Loving you.
But for the Helseth, Java or Letoo who need money farming BAD players… CHOOOOO!!!
This is ESPORTS!
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
You know, it would be a lot more interesting to see you achieve this on a fresh warrior or any non HoT non meta spec/build in first place, just saying…
Already done, he hit legen with a f2p acc
……I did Legend completely solo….
Would you with a complete MMR reset before starting the season?
My soloq are easier than my team q. I don’t mind, I prefer to team queue and train with a team, than doing soloq because I did farm MMR for 4 years.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
New accounts get above average MMR? Why so many seem to think this? I’ve played fresh MMR and witnessed people dying to bosses and quad capping in Amber. I’m certainly not playing with top players on the first night of a new account, that’s for sure.
You disagree so confidently and claim starter MMR is ‘above average’, when you see all sorts of wonky builds and rotations, not to mention it’s a fricken invisible number.
If skill didn’t matter, everybody could get a fresh account, granting them above average MMR, and ride to legend, according to you. Those that believe this, and think your final placement is limited by your MMR at the start, I think the salt has seeped into their brains.
I am not salty. I prefer to soloq myself because it’s easier.
I think that Letoo or all TOP players that prefer to grind easy games to Legendary showing how they are good are bad post.
Good player show would be :" hey look I got 10 games in Legendary division yesterday night and I win them all." Even that hardest match in my life versus the complete The Abjured team!!!!
If those Speed run through League means something more than winning versus the PRO… why doing it?
Because, obviously, Letoo prefer to wins versus BAD than be match versus GOOD.
So, before starting to accuse me of Salt… please take the time to “PROTECT” the right one. The good players playing in Legendary? Or the bad that continue to FARMED bad players and SHOW HOW GOOD they are?
Enough said. Good are good… people that need to SHOW OFF have esteem problems.
And those don’t need GOOD to protect them. Unless you do that to have more twitch users? Greedy bad with esteem problems.
Why bad? Why going versus bad all dayz when you can play versus good ?
Dal has good points here.
New accounts start with an MMR of 1 and it is adjust up or down accordingly. Since most players are stuck in MMR hell it is fair to say that an average MMR would be less than 1, therefore new players start with an above average MMR.
If you get on a winning streak it is easy to stay on a winning streak, if you get on a losing streak it is easy to stay on a losing streak.
As a top player, it does not surprise me that they are able to consistently do this. The top players should be able to get to legend..
I like Dals point about top players creating new accounts to dominate players in low tiers. It definitely agree, not that the top players skill in general isn’t impressive, but i would be much more impressed seeing some winning through legendary to prestige 2,3 etc.
And let the system stay volatile until season end !
But lets be honest here… if you had done this last season, Id have been impressed… this season? Its just… yawn… boring.
Have fun ! Im gonna go watch buffy reruns… more interesting.
The only fook that had balls to do 100% soloq to legend in season one and 100% soloq on F2P account in season two, thinks is so good at rekin peepz he decided to go from amber to legend in one stream, if its possible in 24-36 hrs it will be done.
No rats.- |TCG| Leeto
Yeah! At least you can show that you don’t bring your friends in your party to leech their high MMR for you!
Have fun grinding the next 180 games to proof that the system help all HIGH MMR players to have easy games.
True, seems good players get less unfavoured matchups. However these same people can get to legend without HoT, team queue, and with starting at the basic MMR to begin the climb, no “high MMR carry” there.
Because of this, I can’t really see tanked, low MMR being an impossible barrier to overcome if you learn your class and rotations adequately.
Just a general tip to those still dissatisfied with their rank: Try all the meta carry-lord builds, learn what fights/matchups your build thrives in, actively seek them out in games, rotate efficiently, and watch the Pips roll in.
Ok here :
1. If you start as skilled player with average MMR, the thing which will happen, the system will find you possible best players within pip range since if there are still people who struggling through amber ( i doubt it ). In amber 1 player is enough to carry game. So you go on winning streak, your MMR increases, then it happens again and again and again. Basically u rush through devisions with best possible team mates in certain pip range because of how your fresh MMR acts. And still 1 person of ESL level can decide the outcome.
2. Tanked account is a bit different but still possible.
3. The main issues with those accounts and how they act will feel somewhere around Legendary, where the skill difference is NOT AS huge. As team composition, communication, quality of team mates will decide the outcome.
4. This system. Is a FREE ride for players who knows how to play and have already good MMR which further increases their chances. The way how it works on opposite side is the same as Pro players faced in season 1 when solo Q for them wasn’t even an option.
New accounts get above average MMR? Why so many seem to think this? I’ve played fresh MMR and witnessed people dying to bosses and quad capping in Amber. I’m certainly not playing with top players on the first night of a new account, that’s for sure.
You disagree so confidently and claim starter MMR is ‘above average’, when you see all sorts of wonky builds and rotations, not to mention it’s a fricken invisible number.
If skill didn’t matter, everybody could get a fresh account, granting them above average MMR, and ride to legend, according to you. Those that believe this, and think your final placement is limited by your MMR at the start, I think the salt has seeped into their brains.
Have to agree with Chaith as an exception. I am not exactly best player out there but i have seen really bad stuff done by my teams in lower divisions, on the other hand i was also able to win 1v2 fights on vanilla thief vs players using meta classes/builds in lower divisions – that just says the quality of players there in generally.
I personally think there couple issues that cause major grief:
- up to ruby player doesn’t lose divisions, meaning if by some chance trolls/bad players/afkers etc. managed to get to mid/higher divisions they stay there instead of getting moved to low divisions. So ruby is flooded with all kind of players.
- the matchmaking always creates 1 winning team and 1 losing team, it actually doesn’t try to create even matches (even in legend/diamond matches are often way too lopsided). I think they should have just based entire matchmaking on division/pip range with maybe minimal MMR weighting.
- we all start in same division, meaning first weeks less experienced players gets farmed non stop. Placement matches would fix it imo.
- a lot of QQ comes from players being spoiled by season 1. In season 1 matchmaking was based pretty much purely on MMR, meaning a guy with low MMR could get all the way to legend having easy fights (the matchmaking tried to force everyone into 50% winrate) while players with high MMR had to win matches vs pro players just to get out of emerald.
This turned leagues in nothing else but glorified reward track. It gave average Joe illusion that he deserves to be in diamond/legend and have wings. Reality is, take any high competitive game (sup LoL) and majority of players actually camp low divisions whole season and never move higher- that is normal, not the welfare, anyone-can-be-legend system like gw2 leagues.
- i would really appreciate if Anet added no-pip-lost feature for close matches. Current system motivates players to afk if first minute of the match didn’t go well.
[Teef] guild :>
New accounts get above average MMR? Why so many seem to think this? I’ve played fresh MMR and witnessed people dying to bosses and quad capping in Amber. I’m certainly not playing with top players on the first night of a new account, that’s for sure.
You disagree so confidently and claim starter MMR is ‘above average’, when you see all sorts of wonky builds and rotations, not to mention it’s a fricken invisible number.
If skill didn’t matter, everybody could get a fresh account, granting them above average MMR, and ride to legend, according to you. Those that believe this, and think your final placement is limited by your MMR at the start, I think the salt has seeped into their brains.
Have to agree with Chaith as an exception.
… snip …
Well… whatever.
You didn’t read what I had written.
I will put the most simplest thing to say my thoughts:
“Saying you are good because you farm the League of gw2 with a new account, is not REAL. It’s BS to bring more twitch users, to get more money.”
GOOD players continue to play their game in the LEGENDARY division with other GOOD players.
All the other, that stop doing Legendary VS Legendary games are little kit_ten that don’t want to have competitive match and prefer to play EASY mode NECRO through EASY Mode (soloq) gw2 bad League system.
Thank you,
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Oh please, spare me… the new amulets and bm rework make pretty much every necro build atm very powerful.
Even my old retal build makes players cry.
nice i like this
heard u already
got diamond halfway through ?
10 wins in a row ?
lets see how this turns OUT !!!
impressive that is
Lots of games get entertainment value out of speed clears, and hard-mode handicaps. Streaming Legend queues is just one way of showcasing skill, not the only one, or true one.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
- a lot of QQ comes from players being spoiled by season 1. In season 1 matchmaking was based pretty much purely on MMR, meaning a guy with low MMR could get all the way to legend having easy fights (the matchmaking tried to force everyone into 50% winrate) while players with high MMR had to win matches vs pro players just to get out of emerald.
So now you’re making up reasons why S2 matchmaking is better. Low mmr players got to legend via smurfing mainly. The S1 matchmaking could have been used quite easily with this season anti smurfing mechanism. Average and low mmr players did not have easy fights in S1 unless they were carried by high ranked groups.
Gratz to reach legendary (again)!
Didn’t thought you would make it before falling asleep
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend
Leet0 got 3rd Legend in 22 hours
That was a splendid run! gz Leeto \o/
- a lot of QQ comes from players being spoiled by season 1. In season 1 matchmaking was based pretty much purely on MMR, meaning a guy with low MMR could get all the way to legend having easy fights (the matchmaking tried to force everyone into 50% winrate) while players with high MMR had to win matches vs pro players just to get out of emerald.
So now you’re making up reasons why S2 matchmaking is better. Low mmr players got to legend via smurfing mainly. The S1 matchmaking could have been used quite easily with this season anti smurfing mechanism. Average and low mmr players did not have easy fights in S1 unless they were carried by high ranked groups.
you should have seen things i saw in diamond/legend last season….
[Teef] guild :>
Even when you take their account and get legend in a day with it, MMR conspiracy theorists will continue to blame their losses on the system, it’s quite hilarious at this point.
Dont worry we all just having drunk funzies here, anet doing it obvisously for past 3 years. its all good.
Leet0 got 3rd Legend in 22 hours
Now this season is truly a joke… Noone on lol or Dota can/could climb from the lowest division to the highest one in 22 hours. I am only getting one thing out of this : Insanely casual.
Leet0 got 3rd Legend in 22 hours
Now this season is truly a joke… Noone on lol or Dota can/could climb from the lowest division to the highest one in 22 hours. I am only getting one thing out of this : Insanely casual.
None of them has the same ranking system. HS does, and you can actually climb with ~hours as Leeto did
Leet0 got 3rd Legend in 22 hours
Now this season is truly a joke… Noone on lol or Dota can/could climb from the lowest division to the highest one in 22 hours. I am only getting one thing out of this : Insanely casual.
None of them has the same ranking system. HS does, and you can actually climb with ~hours as Leeto did
Hence why it’s a joke, since the matchups are all over the place. It’s a dice game:
1 vs 10 or 10 vs 1 or 5 vs 5.
Way too many variables for a competitive game.
None of them has the same ranking system. HS does, and you can actually climb with ~hours as Leeto did
None of them has guy like leet0 hehe
anyway gratz mate, I was watching for some time
Leeto is the Horace of Guild Wars 2. We are all going to die, but this achievement will live forever. Leeto earned 19 March 2016 a permanent spot in future chronicles and history books, and the full 22-hour recording of this event will be sent into space as the new Arecibo message to show all extraterrestrial life forms the incredible character, strength and perseverance of the human race.
Exegi monumentum aere perennius…
Leeto, 2016
(edited by leman.7682)
Please stop levelling alt accounts – so us mere mortals can have a chance in our diamond games.
This goes for Leeto/Java/Team PZ (Yes I’ve fought you in diamond and had some close losses).
I know you’re all bored up in legend as the que times are too kitten long – there has to be a better system than rofl stomping on everyone else whilst the others are trying to play.