Legendaries in SPvP?

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Forbiddenlove.1784


Hey guys, I was wondering if you would also like to see legendary skins in SPvP. If we worked so hard in PvE to get them, why can’t we show them off in other areas besides PvE and WvW?
I was thinking that if you get a legendary, you get a “PvP (Legendary Name)” sent to you in the mail. Of course, it would be generic stats and such. I would love to do SPvP more, but it makes my weapons worthless.
TL;DR: ANet should allow Legendary skins in SPvP.
Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Maybe ANet will implement this with enough support!


Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Maylojager.1307


IMO legendary skins in pvp should be only available through the mAT (if those are going to be implemented) if not – then whatever they have in plans: seasonal/annual tourneys.

I would love to do SPvP more, but it makes my weapons worthless.

I seize to understand the above quoted statement. Care to explain ?

P.S. Imo there should be no shiny, particle effect spamming, skins be available in the tpvp, as for spvp – I dont care.

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Forbiddenlove.1784


Well I mean that I worked so hard to get the legendaries, and I can’t use it in an aspect of the game that I enjoy.

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Follidus.8027


Yeah I think this would be a good idea.

Cause I ain’t perfect, I never said I was.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz
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Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I think they should be allowed for the players that earned them. Or make a way for PvPers to earn them through PvP. Otherwise, the whole “Legendary” feel of it is meaningless and its just a shiny weapon.

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Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Kid Taylor.5479

Kid Taylor.5479

Well, I have a flame legion set in PvE, should I be able to transfer it into PvP then? I don’t think so, considering how difficult it is to obtain flame legion weapons and armor in PvP and how easy it is to run CoF 1,2 repeatedly. I would be alright with obtaining skins through transfer only if they completely revamp the system of how PvP skins are obtained,

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Nobody is rank 120 yet.. maybe they are already in sPvP.

Snow Crows [SC]

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Well I mean that I worked so hard to get the legendaries, and I can’t use it in an aspect of the game that I enjoy.

I work so hard in tPvP but i cant play WvWvW since i cant earn money in sPvP and i cant go to Way Point when i got killed (lack of money).

I work so hard in tPvP but i cant use my armor skins in town or in WvWvW.

I dont care about pve players who just wana brag . But Anet favorize PVE players (i guess they buy more gems).

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Well I mean that I worked so hard to get the legendaries, and I can’t use it in an aspect of the game that I enjoy.

I work so hard in tPvP but i cant play WvWvW since i cant earn money in sPvP and i cant go to Way Point when i got killed (lack of money).

I work so hard in tPvP but i cant use my armor skins in town or in WvWvW.

I dont care about pve players who just wana brag . But Anet favorize PVE players (i guess they buy more gems).

So basically you’re asking for a way to show PvP armor in town?

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Jonny.9370


Ya, I want full flame legion set in PvE too, since I have it on every character in PvP. Do it vice versa, or dont do it at all.

I’m sorry but did you just compare a generic set of armor to a Legendary which takes months to aquire? I don’t have one but with the sheer amount of time and resources it takes to produce one(of 2 possible on each character in pve) I think they should definitely be allowed to carry over the skin.

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Ya, I want full flame legion set in PvE too, since I have it on every character in PvP. Do it vice versa, or dont do it at all.

I’m sorry but did you just compare a generic set of armor to a Legendary which takes months to aquire? I don’t have one but with the sheer amount of time and resources it takes to produce one(of 2 possible on each character in pve) I think they should definitely be allowed to carry over the skin.

If you are going to do it one way, you have to do it both. I have Forge and arcing weapons from TPVP, I should have forge weapons in PVE.

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Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Virgil Kemp.7056

Virgil Kemp.7056

And you can’t show off your spvp skins in pve/wvw either.

Yer playin’ a pve game, mate!

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Amityel.5324


There should be legendaries in pvp also………..hard to achieve and pure cosmetic models

Legendaries in SPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pasman.8740


Than i would like to see my PvP Skins in PVE…. i work so hard for them , why not?
Yeah there some skins u can get in PVE Karma Vendor or Dungeons….but i have to play PVE than…