Legendary Meaningless Now?
Probably beat a bunch of exploiters, stronghold farmers (optimal strategy is solved so it’s easy to cheese vs pugs) or people with bad MMR to begin with. Matchmaking took both league and MMR into account so if you had low MMR you’d face others in a lower pool, just it’d be lower pool plus division.
But why wouldn’t they keep farming stronghold then?
And what is the point of legendary when you can get it while playing like most ambers?
Because they already reached legendary and therefore have no more incentive.
And what is the point of legendary when you can get it while playing like most ambers?
Probably beat a bunch of exploiters, stronghold farmers (optimal strategy is solved so it’s easy to cheese vs pugs) or people with bad MMR to begin with. Matchmaking took both league and MMR into account so if you had low MMR you’d face others in a lower pool, just it’d be lower pool plus division.
This ^^. Better to just look forward to season 2. Hopefully legendary will mean something then.
You get better wings. You can imagine people wanting to be like you, when they see them and stroke your frail ego.
Why should you get more than 1 pip in the first place?
Why should you get more than 1 pip in the first place?
Because they were utterly destroyed and in the same division which means they don’t belong there?
Unless it is a full premade against pugs, legendary games should never be this bad and as you can see from the screenshot it is all pugs except the losing team even had a duo queue.
(edited by Gewd.8125)
I grouped up with legendary thief that died to Svanir and Mesmer who doesn’t has port lol..
Both of them showed up TODAY post patch.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
This league system is just a grind anyway. There are amber/emerald players who don’t do matchmaking much, but still have better map sense and mechanical knowledge than legendary players. Basing someone’s pvp ability on their league is like judging them on their AP nowadays
It was meaningless before too!
Don’t dream, legendary means nothing in this game. There are to much exploit allowing to grind to legendary without skill or basic understanding of the conquest mode.
This league fails in one important thing, put in order players in relation to their skill cap, which is the purpose of a league. Furthermore everyone is starting in amber league, forcing people to play a bunch of awfull game before enjoying some good games. And finally this meta and this class imbalance…
Season 1 was the beta test. So there were too many issues and exploits that allow players to move up to legendary quite easily. So yes, in a way, it’s meaningless for this season. Next season should be better but still won’t affect players doing the stronghold route.
This thread is stupid. There where esl matches even before the bunker meta that had bigger discrepancies in points. Being high level doesn’t remove the possibility of blowouts. Heck real life sports tourneys often have a number of blowouts.
But whatever, I’m honestly convinced that people will complain about their pips regardless of the match. All I ever see on these board is people whining about pips 24/7.
(edited by Crinn.7864)
This thread is stupid. There where esl matches even before the bunker meta that had bigger discrepancies in points. Being high level doesn’t remove the possibility of blowouts. Heck real life sports tourneys often have a number of blowouts.
But whatever, I’m honestly convinced that people will complain about their pips regardless of the match. All I ever see on these board is people whining about pips 24/7.
You can see on our team we had 2 necros and 1 engineer, hardly a full bunker team. They didn’t have one either even though my screenshot was too late to catch it.
You can see on our team we had 2 necros and 1 engineer, hardly a full bunker team. They didn’t have one either even though my screenshot was too late to catch it.
My point had nothing to do with the presence or absence of bunkers on your team or theirs.
If this happens in ESL then it means that one team clearly outclasses the other.
If matchmaking was working it would never create such an imbalanced matchups, especially in a game where almost everyone was a pug and in the same division. Unless divisions are meaningless…
It doesn’t matter how much you beat them by. It matters how much you score. If you are expected to win or have a decent chance to win, you’ll only get one pip for a win. That’s 5 legendaries vs 5 legendaries. MMR could have a large difference, but I see no reason to think that you should get more than one pip from the screenshot. If anything, judging by the score, your MMR might have given you an advantage in win chance. I see nothing wrong here.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
It doesn’t matter how much you beat them by. It matters how much you score. If you are expected to win or have a decent chance to win, you’ll only get one pip for a win. That’s 5 legendaries vs 5 legendaries. MMR could have a large difference, but I see no reason to think that you should get more than one pip from the screenshot. If anything, judging by the score, your MMR might have given you an advantage in win chance. I see nothing wrong here.
What I’m saying is this.
Because I only got 1 pip for this win, the theory that the other team had super low MMR is plausible, sure.
But so what if they might have had super low MMR? Why are these people even allowed to be in legendary when they play as bad as emeralds, to the point where we only get 1 pip for utterly destroying them?
Since the matches still take into account MMR, then why couldn’t the matchmaker split the teams fairly when almost all of us were solo queued?
First of all, as I said, it doesn’t matter how bad you beat them by. It matters how many points you score. You get the same number of pips for winning 500-500 as you would for winning 649-0. Second, there is going to be a broad range of skill levels at all divisions. I don’t mean to be a kitteny kitten or a kitten, but you would probably get pooped on by a lot of people too. Lastly, I’m not sure why it wasn’t a more fair match up with solo queuers, but often it comes down to comp. It’s possible it was predicted to be a 50/50 winrate, but they had a poor comp or just incompatible players. There are many factors that are hard to predict.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Not sure I understand OP at all….
Because you get 1 pip it is meaningless?
This is how it should have always have been.
Do people really want legendary status and tiers to be achieved easily?
Leagues was supposed to be about skill. But since so many players abused the system most players don’t even take leagues or what teir your in seriously. Anet and community both can share the blame for that.
The only thing meaningless was this season of leagues which is to bad because it takes away credit from those who did truly earn it without manipulation.
First of all, as I said, it doesn’t matter how bad you beat them by. It matters how many points you score. You get the same number of pips for winning 500-500 as you would for winning 649-0.
Actually pip gain is based on score ratio. Why would you even think that pip gain should be equivalent for a 500-499 game vs 500-0 game?
And before you point out that the configuration says you only get 1 pip if you are favored to win no matter what the ratio is, this is the kind of poor design decision I am arguing against.
Lastly, I’m not sure why it wasn’t a more fair match up with solo queuers, but often it comes down to comp. It’s possible it was predicted to be a 50/50 winrate, but they had a poor comp or just incompatible players. There are many factors that are hard to predict.
People are free to switch classes. And if they are inflexible it will result in an appropriately lower MMR and division. There was nothing wrong with their comp that I could see, they did not have all warriors or thieves. I have not seen complete stomps like this unless there is a group of 3 or more.
I don’t mean to be a kitteny kitten or a kitten, but you would probably get pooped on by a lot of people too.
Even when solo queue was still around, I never lost that badly when the other team had ESL players. And for some reason Anet is not able to balance matches now that they claim more people are doing ranked than ever?
(edited by Gewd.8125)
I had plenty of matches that were worse stomps than this in solo queue. The game tends to snowball, people get demoralized, and shut outs happen. The pip gain I was talking about was actually from the first season, and was not immediately updated when leagues started, so sorry about that. Regardless, this post is stupid and pointless.
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief
Well I don’t think it is stupid and you’ve done nothing to refute this than to say that people have different skill levels.
And what I am saying is that blowouts like this shouldn’t ever happen in the legendary division especially when there was nothing wrong with the comp or no groups of 4+, and no disconnects.
And if they absolutely must happen due to an extreme shortage of players, then we should be gaining 2 pips and the losing team should be losing 2 pips. Or given the fact that nearly all of us were solo queued, the matchmaker really couldn’t balance the teams any better???
But even then, these people don’t belong in legendary and I hate the idea that they might end on my team in future games.
Either way you argue about this, it shows how deficient the matchmaking system is.
(edited by Gewd.8125)
…Yeah, you figured it out. That, or they had a really bad composition. They already achieved legendary, so are probably doing their profession challenges. Don’t go thinking you are a hot kitten . You probably beat a bunch of people doing their profession achievement. In the third tier, you need to win 5 games with 3 different classes. How many people can do that well? 2 maybe. 3, not really.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
making the division matters more in match making only makes the “not as skilled high division dudes” come out more, but the value did not decrease, it was pretty pointless before, with all the smurfs and low MMR wins