|Rank 50+Mesmer|Team DTC|
Legendary Weapons in Spvp
|Rank 50+Mesmer|Team DTC|
Glory for a legendary weapon is actually a good idea.
You also have to take it into account that in PVE you can get a legendary in approximately 6 months when people have been playing this game since Release and are only ranks 54,58 on the high ends. You can’t make it rank 100 or whatever because that’s unrealistic and it’s so much easier to get it in PVE,when you’re trying to make a balance between PVE and PVP they need to be equal.
|Rank 50+Mesmer|Team DTC|
6 months? the game hasnt been out for 6 months lmao. And i know plenty of people who got 2 legendaries before it took me to get to rank 40
“Best Guardian NA”
I agree with legendary weapons. Why do we not get legendary weapons in pvp?
“Best Guardian NA”
Apparently the weapon effects from PvE affect you in PvP. Saw a thief with incinerator and he had a fiery arm. I asked Chaplan and he said it was legit.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Not sure that glory should be how you get a legendary. Maybe if they changed up the way they award glory to actually reward players for contributing to their team, instead of rewarding them for trying to kill everything in sight with no regards for the objectives or teamplay.
Part-time Kittenposter
Glory should be an ingredient to get more to try PvP.
Am I good?… I’m good.
should be able to use it to buy like some sorta gift
Maybe 1 mill glory for one gift. Then you need other gifts from pvp
“Best Guardian NA”
I’d love me some legendaries in tpvp
legendaries in spvp will probably be for max rank, there’s an 80 vendor but they are two more so rank 100 is where they will probably implement legendaries
The first player will hit rank 80 by 2017. Rank 100 will be reached at the turn of the century.
Not sure that glory should be how you get a legendary. Maybe if they changed up the way they award glory to actually reward players for contributing to their team, instead of rewarding them for trying to kill everything in sight with no regards for the objectives or teamplay.
/sarcasm I know right. It requires so much skill to grind legendary weapons in PvE, why should those PvP’ers get anything for free? /end sarcasm
Is this a joke? I mean basically the only requirement to getting a PvE legendary is an extraordinary grind. Why should it be anything different for PvP? As a matter of fact, it would take much less time to get a legendary in PvE than it would to get 750,000 to 1,000,000 glory. If anything the cost is too high. As for the person that said rank 100 is where they will likely implement legendary weapons for PvP. Do you realize how long it would take to get to a rank 100 in this game? You could have made 5 PvE legendary weapons in that time.. if not more. Just to get to rank 29 it took over 900 games and the higher rank you go the worse it gets. Let’s just average those 900 games at 10 minutes a piece for a total of 9000 minutes, or 150 hours of nothing but sPvP. I have heard estimates of it taking something like 3000 hours of sPvP just to reach the current max rank. Let’s be conservative and say it took only half of that at 1500 hours. It would take you a full year of playing 4 hours of sPvP every single day. If we went with the 3000 hour estimate you are looking at 8 hours every single day for a year.
How long do you think it takes to get a PvE legendary? I can tell you this, it isn’t anything close to 1500 hours. If it was it means the only people that have legendary weapons are people who have spent 10 hours a day playing (approx.), every day, since release. Sorry but that just isn’t the case. It definitely isn’t 3000 hours or we are looking at 20 hours a day, every day, since release. The grind to get a PvP legendary weapon should be no more of a grind than the PvE versions, end of story.
Not sure that glory should be how you get a legendary. Maybe if they changed up the way they award glory to actually reward players for contributing to their team, instead of rewarding them for trying to kill everything in sight with no regards for the objectives or teamplay.
/sarcasm I know right. It requires so much skill to grind legendary weapons in PvE, why should those PvP’ers get anything for free? /end sarcasm
Is this a joke? I mean basically the only requirement to getting a PvE legendary is an extraordinary grind. Why should it be anything different for PvP? As a matter of fact, it would take much less time to get a legendary in PvE than it would to get 750,000 to 1,000,000 glory. If anything the cost is too high. As for the person that said rank 100 is where they will likely implement legendary weapons for PvP. Do you realize how long it would take to get to a rank 100 in this game? You could have made 5 PvE legendary weapons in that time.. if not more. Just to get to rank 29 it took over 900 games and the higher rank you go the worse it gets. Let’s just average those 900 games at 10 minutes a piece for a total of 9000 minutes, or 150 hours of nothing but sPvP. I have heard estimates of it taking something like 3000 hours of sPvP just to reach the current max rank. Let’s be conservative and say it took only half of that at 1500 hours. It would take you a full year of playing 4 hours of sPvP every single day. If we went with the 3000 hour estimate you are looking at 8 hours every single day for a year.
How long do you think it takes to get a PvE legendary? I can tell you this, it isn’t anything close to 1500 hours. If it was it means the only people that have legendary weapons are people who have spent 10 hours a day playing (approx.), every day, since release. Sorry but that just isn’t the case. It definitely isn’t 3000 hours or we are looking at 20 hours a day, every day, since release. The grind to get a PvP legendary weapon should be no more of a grind than the PvE versions, end of story.
I say that because it’ll just promote people to zerg/glory farm instead of actually trying to play properly. And I know sPvP’s already a mess as it is, that doesn’t mean one should make it worse.
It’d be cool if the winning team got a big glory bonus or something, that’d be a happy medium imo.
Part-time Kittenposter
Believe it or not, 1,000,000 glory is not a lot. >.>
Believe it or not, 1,000,000 glory is not a lot. >.>
Your definition of a lot is not the same as the rest of the world. If you were getting 400 glory EVERY game. Which most people are NOT. It would still take 2,500 games for you to get 1,000,000 glory.
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
I really like the idea of Legendary Weapons earned Tpvp. Gaining glory is nice, but isn’t very meaningful as a glory farmer walking with a Legendary would reduce its’ value. Maybe after ranking(rating) single/duo que is added gaining certain achievements in ranked tournament play could add to the progress of gaining a Legendary Weapon in pvp.
yeah as a rare chance drop from paid gold chests. not craftable!
By legendary, you mean a fancy skin, right? S/TPvP = Everyone is equal. Fancy legendary skin? HelI yeah, go for it.
^^ THIS.
We don’t need some BS extra stat weapon nonsense
Of course is for the skin! In fact, I think it would be a great factor to attract more people to pvp, even those who are not playing the game. Like wise, if someone upload a pvp video, wearing some sick gears + legendary, one could wonder “wow this game’s combat looks epic!”.
Oh and please, aside from legendaries, also include other skins like Essence of Foefire, the elementalist wind hammer (dun remember it’s pve name), Immobulus, Fire Staff…(include ALL the possible skins avaible, to pvp :P )
Of course is for the skin! In fact, I think it would be a great factor to attract more people to pvp, even those who are not playing the game. Like wise, if someone upload a pvp video, wearing some sick gears + legendary, one could wonder “wow this game’s combat looks epic!”.
Oh and please, aside from legendaries, also include other skins like Essence of Foefire, the elementalist wind hammer (dun remember it’s pve name), Immobulus, Fire Staff…(include ALL the possible skins avaible, to pvp :P )
Mjolnir! It’s the same name as Thor’s 1h hammer!
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
So….where did this idea go? I believe it would be quite acceptable.
Do not want. I do not want PvE people playing in PvP only to get PvE items.
please DONT add anything to this reward system, make new one as soon as possible and add it to it, because actual one is CRAP…
Around 450k glory…and nothing to do with it…oh yeah those new crap backsomething flags pinned on your back…i mean…why not kittening guild capes like gw1? Too easy?
Rewards should be based on elo.
For example, id give legendaries to the top 3 players only. If they lose the top 3 position they also lose the weapon.
Elo rewards should be unique to pvp.
I suggest something like:
- A cape with a trim determined by your elo
- An aura with a colour determined by your elo
- A title determined by your elo
If you lose the elo you lose the reward.
I love the suggestion of 1million glory = legendary weapon.
Come to think of it 500k-750k glory per weapon sounds better.
This player already had 4 Legendaries within January 20th, 2013.
The game was released August 28th, 2012. That means it took the player 5 months to grind 4 Legendaries. In other words, it took him/her 1 month and 1 week per Legendary. I’m also pretty sure that he/she didn’t only grind for the Legendaries, but rather did other things to explore the game, at least the first months..
Now, the player who’s currently highest rank in the game, is I D L CLiK, who’s rank 68 (as of 08.05.2013). I’ve been talking to him, and he’s estimating that it’ll take him around 2-4 months till he’s reaching Phoenix (rank 70). Now, rank 70-80 is probably going to take more than just one year, as it’s 750K rank points per level.
Are people even talking about Rank 100? They removed that..
I don’t think they have anything special in mind for Rank 80, except for Tier 3 Cultural Armor, but before someone reaches that, they should start thinking about a way to farm Legendaries, for everyone. It should take around the same amount of time as it does in PvE, but I don’t think Glory is the way to go. Think about it like this, some of the highest ranked players may have spent all their glory on crafting Unidentified Dyes etc.. How would this effect them then? Would they have to farm all over again.. Probably not
I’d like to hear new suggestions though.
they should start thinking about a way to farm Legendaries, for everyone.
this is what is totally wrong in your post…
1) there shouldnt be any farm, its pvp, it should be about skill and beating someone, not about farm…
2) for everyone? in PvE? maybe… in PvP? hell no, it should be only for the best players, maybe TOP5 (so 1 whole teamcould get it) or as a reward for monthly/yearly tournament winners, not for everyone
they need to create a whole new reward system not based on glory and farm, but on rating and skill… and they said its on the TODO list in SOTG, at least it was written in report on forum, so lets hope they will do it soon
PS: i dont agree with removing rewards if someone lose his position, that sounds weird, its like removing a medal from the retired soldier…
I do not know what you’re even thinking. Only like 5 players getting Legendaries?
I agree on the new Reward System, but I’m not saying that we should farm GLORY to get Legendaries. Perhaps we need to have X amount of wins in Paid tournaments (not the current tournaments) in order to get like a token or something. Kinda like how you need to do certain things in PvE to start crafting it..
However, only 5 players getting it? Why do you even bother thinking about Legendaries then? You will never get it..
Rewards should be based on elo.
For example, id give legendaries to the top 3 players only. If they lose the top 3 position they also lose the weapon.
I like the idea about legendary weapons based on Elo but NOT with this ladder, where people don’t play for weeks and don’t lose points and stay easily in top100, premade And soloqueue in the same ladder etc.
Before anet needs to fix the ladder.
they’ve already said they want to change the reward system,
i think it’s likely we’ll have a form of shop system where we buy skins for glory