Legendary, only Marauder Staff Ele, AMA
How do you deal with Protection/Regeneration/Retaliation?
Are you fire/air/tempest, air/arcane/tempest, or air/water/tempest?
Do you do triple arcane?
Good for now. If I run into anything else I’ll say.
Favorite caffeinated beverage?
How do you deal with Protection/Regeneration/Retaliation?
Are you fire/air/tempest, air/arcane/tempest, or air/water/tempest?
Do you do triple arcane?
Good for now.
If I run into anything else I’ll say.
I use Air Water Tempest, and the air grandmaster buffs will directly affect my build.
Utilities are Wash the Pain, Feel the Burn, Conjure Earth Shield and Arcane shield. Elite; FGS.
There is not too much retaliation, and for protection, let the revenants or necro remove them.
Favorite caffeinated beverage?
Tea. I don’t drink coffee, but I don’t drink much tea either.
How will you survive if a Rev targets you? Or do you rely on teammates for that?
Do you hold point, or just go roam +1? If roam, how do you survive against CC?
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Only for fun in Sapphire and less, then junk meta was set on that map. It was just solo queue, and duo with occasionnal friends in conquest.
How will you survive if a Rev targets you? Or do you rely on teammates for that?
Do you hold point, or just go roam +1? If roam, how do you survive against CC?
As for Revenant, it depends on the type of Revenant and the quality of the Revenant player. For them, I check for their stability buff and use damage fields more defensively. If it’s hammer Revenant, you can hunt them, just hope you don’t get double-hit by coalescence of ruin. Retribution Revenant with non-stop stability is ridiculous. Earth Shield equipped will negate relentless assault. But really, it’s about the Revenant player’s ability, and you can play very dirty with Earth Shield since it is so hard to predict, especially the one left on the floor that is picked quicker than it is casted. When it’s heated, I use FGS against them: a 6.5k fiery rush can happen.
I roam +1, defend points in +1. For Crowd Control, burning retreat can be used between 2nd and 3rd tick of Gravity Well, otherwise, you have Arcane Shield, and overload prepared soon hopefully, thanks to conjured weapons + preemptive overload rotations.
(edited by Alekt.5803)
Well you have all my respect because although I’ve soloq on a marauder staff air/water/tempest almost to ruby I eventually got discouraged of all that came along with being a lot more fragile than the auramancer and the toxic teammate reactions. Now I’m one of the immortal cheese on steroid that let my build carry me a lot more than my skill. Well played.
(edited by Sirbeaumerdier.3740)
Yep, respect. I played glass staff up until Ruby but after that Power Rev just eats me for breakfast with their 5s teleport.
For your +1 play style, you need to have reliable teammates to cover the capture point. Do you think without teammates, it is possible?
Any nerf/buff for Glass Staff Ele?
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Yep, respect. I played glass staff up until Ruby but after that Power Rev just eats me for breakfast with their 5s teleport.
For your +1 play style, you need to have reliable teammates to cover the capture point. Do you think without teammates, it is possible?
Any nerf/buff for Glass Staff Ele?
Well, I posted a load of QoL changes for elementalist. Traits and utility reworks.
Such as:
-Lava Font : First instance of the damage occurs immediately after the cast. (Instant First tick).
-Lighning Surge : Reduce cooldown to 5 seconds from 10 to better match cooldown with Fresh Air.
-Shockwave : Improve power ratio to 1.0 from 0.5. Increase bleeding stacks to 3 from 1, reduce duration to 8 from 20. Reduce cooldown to 20 from 30.
-Healing Rain: Reduce cast time to 1 seconds from 1 1/2 seconds.
-Weak Spot: Increase the Vulnerability Stacks on critical strike to 2 from 1.
-Lightning Strike : Increase range to 1200 from 900.
-Conjurer : Combine One with Fire and Conjurer together as a single trait.
-New trait to replace One with Fire: Element of Purification : Applying Fire Aura cleanse 1 damaging condition and increases damage dealt by condition by 5% and damage by 5 % for the duration of the Aura.
-Pyromancer’s Puissance : Bonus (Minor and Major traits) from Fire Attunement now lingers for 5 seconds after swapping from Fire Attunement.
Conjure Ice Bow:
-Auto Attack : Completely rework the auto-attack. Fire a shard of ice that shatters on impact, Bleeding and dealing extra damage to enemies behind the impact. 1 stack of bleed for 3 seconds, 320 (0,6) damage ; 2 stacks of bleeding for 5 seconds, 384 (0.72) damage to target behind. 900 range.
-Frost Fan : Increase chill duration to 2 seconds from 1 seconds (to compensate the chill stack limit). Struck enemies and allies now leave a regenerative mist on impact that pulse heal every seconds for 204 (0,2) over 3 seconds.
-Ice Storm : Do an evasive leap away from target area while shooting a volatile shard of ice. Detonate midair for multiple explosions of ice. Detonates into 5 shards that cripple and bleeds.
For Nerfs, we’ll see what’s up with the planned Air GM buffs.
-“Wash the Pain Away!” Reduce the heal amount to allies by 50%. As compensation, increase the area of effect to the first and second pulse to 240 radius and 360 radius respectively, up from 180 and 240 radius.
-Frost Aura Applies the chill only if the target is within 600 range.
-Overload Earth Protection applied to allies is now the same as the one applied to yourself. 1 second of protection pulsing while channeling and up to 3 seconds upon completing the overload.
-Shocking Aura cooldown to 30 seconds, up from 25.
Yw for helping you get there on your last game. No but really, gz
Yw for helping you get there on your last game
. No but really, gz
I know he didn’t get there soloq but with the help of a team. What I was wondering is how to survive if your team isn’t all godlike. There are too many counter like Rev and Thief you need a good teammate around to insta-rez you.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Can we stop these hidden self back patting posts about hitting legendary this sooper hard way or that (hello eleeto). Most people don’t care. Can’t say all because there is always some idiot that will claim they do.
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Theres no way to prove it, he could have hit legen with cele staff and then screenshot whatever, you just have to trust him
Yw for helping you get there on your last game
. No but really, gz
I know he didn’t get there soloq but with the help of a team. What I was wondering is how to survive if your team isn’t all godlike. There are too many counter like Rev and Thief you need a good teammate around to insta-rez you.
It was 90% solo Q, 9% duo, 1% 3+. I don’t rely that much on teamates, instead, I try to support them when in need. For instance, that low hp thief could like that geyser + wash the pain a way on passage. Or this Dragonhunter would like it if you pulled three people back into the dragonmaw with earth shield.
Where are you from?
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Theres no way to prove it, he could have hit legen with cele staff and then screenshot whatever, you just have to trust him
I’ve been queued with and against OP quite a few times — he was playing marauder staff each time. And yes, the build has all the weaknesses you guys are pointing out — it’s highly reliant on teammates who can hold point (since he mostly stays back and bombs), and it also has a hard matchup vs. a lot of the meta specs 1v1. So in some matchups it just doesn’t work at all, and in other matchups it can wipe teamfights pretty quickly. But he makes the build work for him, just like the people who’ve hit legendary with warrior.
Most of the burst damage seemed to come from chain-dazing with lightning rod and from using air overload, but I’m sure OP can give more specific feedback.
What does the Tempest line offer that you find is of particular importance to a glass staff build?
What does the Tempest line offer that you find is of particular importance to a glass staff build?
I got that one!…. overloads!
What does the Tempest line offer that you find is of particular importance to a glass staff build?
Staff has the highest base damage on weapon. Overloads offer a reliable source of damage unlike garbage Eruption, Ice Spike, and Lava Font. Rest of staff are mostly quickly casted, or lingering source of CC and support, so it synergize with a conjured weapon and overloads.
Tempest also allows to have condition clear without the need of cantrips, and also gives a reasonable amount of sustain thanks to Wash the Pain Away and Elemental Bastion. This is the most important thing.
(edited by Alekt.5803)
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Theres no way to prove it, he could have hit legen with cele staff and then screenshot whatever, you just have to trust him
I’ve been queued with and against OP quite a few times — he was playing marauder staff each time. And yes, the build has all the weaknesses you guys are pointing out — it’s highly reliant on teammates who can hold point (since he mostly stays back and bombs), and it also has a hard matchup vs. a lot of the meta specs 1v1. So in some matchups it just doesn’t work at all, and in other matchups it can wipe teamfights pretty quickly. But he makes the build work for him, just like the people who’ve hit legendary with warrior.
Most of the burst damage seemed to come from chain-dazing with lightning rod and from using air overload, but I’m sure OP can give more specific feedback.
Pretty much it. For burst damage, there is some comboes you can do. But hopefully, it’s getting buffed with the Air Grandmaster supports announced.
Where are you from?
Canada, Montréal.
What does the Tempest line offer that you find is of particular importance to a glass staff build?
Staff has the highest base damage on weapon. Overloads offer a reliable source of damage unlike garbage Eruption, Ice Spike, and Lava Font. Rest of staff are mostly quickly casted, or lingering source of CC and support, so it synergize with a conjured weapon and overloads.
Tempest also allows to have condition clear without the need of cantrips, and also gives a reasonable amount of sustain thanks to Wash the Pain Away and Elemental Bastion. This is the most important thing.
Sounds reasonable. How do you safely get in/out of range to use your overloads though (assuming you stay at long-range as is typical of normal glass staff eles)?
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Theres no way to prove it, he could have hit legen with cele staff and then screenshot whatever, you just have to trust him
There is.
you can hit legends without playing other classe ( without hitting the second tier achievement, cause if you only play 1 class you can’t go further ).
we can’t see the spec, but if some1 play only 1 class this season, yes we can.
Can we stop these hidden self back patting posts about hitting legendary this sooper hard way or that (hello eleeto). Most people don’t care. Can’t say all because there is always some idiot that will claim they do.
Yea! Stop clogging the forums with this stuff! Make room for the QQ about pip loss and blaming of matchmaking!
/end sarcasm
@ OP: Why runes of Scrapper over Durability? Is there a big difference for you?
I’m about to get legendary in less than 250 matches (that’s roughly 4-5 matches per day) with a non meta profession on a non meta build, without ever tanking MMR, and solo. I can tell you how already: it’s all about picking the right time of the day (the morning) and most importantly: getting lucky.
What does the Tempest line offer that you find is of particular importance to a glass staff build?
Staff has the highest base damage on weapon. Overloads offer a reliable source of damage unlike garbage Eruption, Ice Spike, and Lava Font. Rest of staff are mostly quickly casted, or lingering source of CC and support, so it synergize with a conjured weapon and overloads.
Tempest also allows to have condition clear without the need of cantrips, and also gives a reasonable amount of sustain thanks to Wash the Pain Away and Elemental Bastion. This is the most important thing.
Sounds reasonable. How do you safely get in/out of range to use your overloads though (assuming you stay at long-range as is typical of normal glass staff eles)?
I try to avoid doing fire overload, but one trick would be to wait until it is nearly done before heading to the point. Try to hit at the very end of the AoE, go back and forth in an attempt to hit the tick then leave to come back after 1 second for the next tick.
Can we stop these hidden self back patting posts about hitting legendary this sooper hard way or that (hello eleeto). Most people don’t care. Can’t say all because there is always some idiot that will claim they do.
Yea! Stop clogging the forums with this stuff! Make room for the QQ about pip loss and blaming of matchmaking!
/end sarcasm
@ OP: Why runes of Scrapper over Durability? Is there a big difference for you?
You can even go scholar. Scrapper over Durability because scrapper gives 175 power and offers a proper source of defensive: Durability’s active grants boon that you already have ( Regen and Protection). To be honest, sometimes, survivability comes from counter-pressure.