Let's Talk About Stomps!

Let's Talk About Stomps!

in PvP

Posted by: Ipsen.7486


Are you cool with them?

Frankly, I’m having some issues with them, balance wise.

In no specific order, stealth, blur, elixir S, and stability boon will pretty much guarantee a stomp goes through. That’s 3 professions (mesmer, thief, engineer) that can stomp without reprise through their respective skillsets/mechanics. Stability is accessible for most if not all professions, but most notably Warriors are the most free to use it (just balanced stance), with Guardian right behind them (short duration). It should also be mentioned that stealth and blur, while having recharges, are often (if not easily) shortened to achieve the major goal of stomping; I can blur myself for a stomp every 50 seconds average per build as a mesmer. It’s almost not worth mentioning how easy it is to stealth stomp, either (blinding powder).

All of this I wouldn’t have so much of a problem with (even despite the fact that 3 of the highest damaging professions have the easiest time stomping), if there hasn’t been effort to curtail this trend. Mist Form and Life Shroud used to be able to do the same, which made nearly all the professions on equal footing (sorry rangers, save your RaO!). Now that they do not, I hardly find fighting in downed state worth the effort, or saving someone downed for that matter either.

This really just boils down to complaints, but I’m finding it defeating one of the more interesting mechanics that GW2, and its PvP was intending to offer. Feel free to add/subtract/multiply/divide.

Let's Talk About Stomps!

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I like the stomp mechanic its the last bastion of real teamplay left in the game, stomps and resing.

Let's Talk About Stomps!

in PvP

Posted by: Ipsen.7486


Resing I can see teamplay in, but stomps? Do explain. I mean, I can stomp pretty well on my own, depending on the profession. And that is despite the downed, or even the active opponents.

Let's Talk About Stomps!

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Stealth prevents stomps. Carry a mez, thief or engi and you can stomp deny everything.

The great forum duppy.

Let's Talk About Stomps!

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Thieves putting down smoke fields to allow tankier things to stomp, Guardians giving Stab, calling that I don’t have distortion up or I do and to cleave, knockbacks/rupts on resing people, knowing when to stomp and when to res. These moments are when you’re at your most vulnerable and when you need your team working well.