(edited by felivear.1536)
Let's discuss the Twitch Livestream
Didn’t say much actually. Like no details at all. But it was even worse for the WvW guys. He didn’t say anything ‘bout that, he said rewards three times and guesting one time. That’s it, lol.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
So, my opinion on this is simple: We’ve all heard 100000 times what your PvP plans are. The only thing the community wants to know at this point is this:
1) In what way will these things be implemented? “changes in rewards”, what in the love of all that is holy does that mean?
2) When.
You know, I was really cool with the whole tight-lipped, when it’s ready approach during development. I was super excited because that meant when the game launched I was going to be playing a fully fleshed out PvP experience. My patience was well worth it because I was going to be playing something that was done.
Well, now that we all waited for a complete PvP experience, we know that the patience of that time was in vain, because it wasn’t shipped ready for PvP. So, now many of us that hear this “when it’s ready” stuff are just tired of it.
Edit, I’m surprised the word timeline or estimation doesn’t get turned into “kitten” when typing on the forums, cause clearly it’s a naughty word.
(edited by felivear.1536)
PvP should be a top priority of the game for now on, PvE is just fine, problems there could be solved after “solving” PvP’s.
Q: Are you not in the least concerned with the impact of Time Warp but also quickness in general?
Specifically Time Warp almost certainly decides group fights in favor of the side using it. Quickness, however, seems to be a problem in general as reaction times are virtually a constant, while abilities under quickness are sped up by 100%.
I’ll give an example in order to explain what I am trying to say with above statement:
Assume you are getting targeted by 3 devastating attacks with an animation time of .5 seconds under the influence of quickness. For clarity I will also assume reaction for the targeted player (he might be busy handling a situation) to be .8 seconds. Under normal circumstances, this player would get hit by the first attack and be able to evade attack #2 and #3. Due to quickness, however, he would get hit by all 3 of these attacks, which amount to .75 seconds of execution time, since his reaction time remains constant at .8 seconds.
Analyzing the situation, the targeted player just took 3 times the burst, just because of quickness, which increases execution time by a factor of 2. I think we can agree on the fact that many, if not any, classes out there, will be dishing out devastating, lethal in fact, amounts of damage, if they are able to apply 3x times their regular burst for whatever reason.
Q: Assuming you follow the current meta in the EU, you may have noticed that when both sides utilize a heavy burst thief (regardless of whether players deem this to be balanced or not), there’s a high chance that the thief coming out of stealth and actively participating in the match, is going to put his team at a disadvantage, as he’s most certainly being taken out instantly by the opposing thief.
As a result these two thieves usually play their own 1v1 match within the match itself. I honestly believe that this is not the way matches should be played or decided (4v5 on the map for 20+ seconds usually means you lose the team fights or small skirmishes on a node).
On the other hand, many thieves seem to be of the opinion, that they need to be as glassy as they are (and thus being easy preys for the opposing thieves), simply because there’s no other way to neutralize certain bunker builds on the enemy team. These bunker builds, being as strong as they are, will undoubtedly cost you the match, if they manage to stall your team on a node.
Are there any plans for reducing burst damage and survivability and bring both ends of the spectrum down a little, in order to avoid the inherent issues? If so, what specifically are your goals in this regard?
You may be aware that while burst is simply based on chaining devastating attacks in the least amount of time possible, survivability comes in different flavors. While usually survivability equals high sustain through healing, there are professions/builds that become as survivable as they are by means of excessive damage evasion and/or damage negation, so that any changes would have to be targeting all of these capabilities.
By the way, I set my alarm for this stream because I was excited to hear stuff about PvP. Should have stayed in bed…
you need to post your questions in this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Developer-Livestream-Questions/first#post1228900
not in here, if you want them to be answered…. so stop posting your questions here…
I mean febr/march aren’t that far away. They can atleast spill some details, no?
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Q: Can we expect anything in the near future (6 Months) to be done about build variety apart from balance changes? More skills? More trait options? Weapon types?
Q: Will we get more sPvP maps with interesting secondary mechanics? So far so good but they have used up most of the easy ones already.
Q: Spectating ETA? I know you don’t want to give a timeline and I understand but are you aiming for sometime in our “EXPANSIONS WORTH OF CONTENT FOR FREE” we were told about coming Q1 2013 or are we looking at “Hopefully sometime 2013”?