I’m Mikali, a gw2 player like you. I would like to share some concerns with you, and some things I would like to see be changed.
What I want is, to be this less “x is OP” and more “x should be changed in this way” or “I don’t really understand x” way to deal with problems in PvP.
Let’s start with base:
- sPvP
1. 8vs8
- In the begging I didn’t like this massive number of players on those small maps. It makes it zerg play, and very untactical.
Now, after more then 300 games won, I realised it’s kinda nice to have some mess fights! When you are in mess, you should be more aware of things if you are kinda competetive and you want die less, and get more points.
It also is kinda casual, you can play w/e you want and noone will say anything about it.
It’s a base PvP where people are trying out their builds.
- What I do want to be changed is more reward for winning. Atm the bonus win is about one player kill. Problem with this is people don’t care about holding points, which is crucial part of tPvP.
Some rewarding points should be changed.
Autobalance is another thing that players don’t like. Well, maybe that is why bonus points for win are so low, you don’t lose a lot of points if you lose match.
Tho, I would like if there can be made some balance, for example:
15 bonus win for every 50 points you got, 10 if you didn’t win.
Also, there should be more points for defending the point, for example:
Every 20 seconds you stay defending you get 2 points, every 10 seconds there is a fight on defending point you get 3 points.
2. Raid on the Capricorn
Sharks are big problem. There is too many of them, and they do too much damage.
There are some classes that can evade their attacks and go for an easy cap (thief), or for much easier cap then other professions (Engi, Guardian with Hammer of Wisdom)
How to fix this problem?
1. reduce number of sharks
2. reduce their dmg OR make them unable to crit. That way you can always know how much dmg can they do to you.
3. random 5vs5 and elo
Another big thing players want is random 5vs5, where they can learn for tournaments in more casual way then it is there.
Anet said something about them making it possible, so for this we should wait for their blog post in incoming days.
3. Minions, AI, pets and downstate
This is the biggest part in this game I am all for not existing in the 1st place!
Minions/AI/pets attacking players in the downstate.
Lot of time I could healed myself and even maybe survived enough long in downstate while my partner deals with our enemy. But! It didn’t happen because AI doesn’t let you…
If there is downstate, then players, and only players should be ones that will finish you off.
Same thing is with Stealth.
If you, as a player lose target when it went to Stealth mode, and need to target it again once your enemy is out of it, then should AI too.
It’s just broken for AI to continue attacking Stealthed enemy once they are out of it. They should attack only when their Master attacks or commands them again.
(edited by Mikali.9651)